
Showing posts from June, 2023

Microscopy techniques combine to create more powerful imaging device "bond-selective fluorescence-detected infrared-excited spectro-microscopy, or BonFIRE combines 2 microscopy techniques into 1... visualize single molecules with vibrational contrast... fluorescence microscopy images molecules tagging them fluorescent chemical markers, causing glow... IR bombardment causes molecular bonds vibrate, type identified... tag biomolecules 10's of color differentiate from each other... frequency bonds vibrate changes with increased or decreased atom mass" Related: How splitting sound might lead to a new kind of quantum computer New tool helps improve quantum computing circuit component Physicists work to prevent information loss in quantum computing Open-source platform makes it easier to create ...

Micro-transfer printing for heterogeneous Si photonic integrated circuits "micro-transfer printing combines advantages die-to-wafer bonding integration with those of flip-chip integration (pre-fabrication and pre-testing of the nonnative components, high alignment accuracy integration, no disruption of silicon photonics (SiPh) process flow... heat and bumps form solder balls conduct electricity... waveguides connecting photonic chips either fabricated at same time rest of devices... 1 μm lateral alignment tolerance. Scaling up the technology to 200 mm and 300 mm wafers underway"

Scientists edge toward scalable quantum simulations on a photonic chip "controlling frequency or color quantum entangled photons as time elapses... reduces physical footprint and resource requirements... quantum-correlated synthetic crystal, extends dimensions synthetic space enabling  simulations several quantum-scale phenomena such as random walks quantum entangled photons... scaling up to more complex simulations and computation tasks, something we are very excited to investigate in the future" Related: Finding the flux of quantum technology Photonic time crystals could open the door to a new branch of optics

BBCube 3D: Implementing CPU/GPU and memory in a hybrid 3D approach "better integration between PUs and DRAM... compact architecture, no solder microbumps, and the use of TSVs in place of longer wires, together contribute to low parasitic capacitance and low resistance... 4-phase shielded input/outputs... noise resistant... adjacent IO lines timing always out of phase reduces crosstalk... 1.6 TB p/s bandwidth 30X higher... low thermal resistance and impedance, thermal management and power supply issues relieved... bit access energy bandwidth 1/20th and 1/5th DDR5 and HBM2E" Related: Intel reports high-rendering graphics with low-power GPUs 3D DRAM Is Coming. Here’s a Possible Way to Build It

Researchers develop a nano-antenna that forms a near field of circularly polarized light "biomolecules, chemical substances, pharmaceuticals, new liquid controlling light polarization... dielectric nanoparticles, highly refractive... silicon nanoparticles average diameters 114 to 179 nm... helicity conservation incident circularly polarized light is possible in wavelengths of 550 to 750 nm... enhance interaction between light and chiral molecules... improves circular dichroism chiral molecules, enabling highly sensitive detection and analysis and increasing efficiency of asymmetric photochemical reactions"

NEO Semiconductor Unveils 3D X-DRAM With 8x The Density Of Rival DRAM Solutions "high density, 1 mask only, self aligned, high yield, low cost... vertical bit, source and word line layer... 128Gb density 8X greater... 3D enhanced density and memory capacity... uses  3D NAND-like DRAM cell array structure. It is reportedly cheap to make and easy to produce, yet features substantially greater memory capacity compared to today’s DRAM designs... simulation and machine learning... 4TB to 8TB DIMMs with 3D X-DRAM... densities increasing from 128Gb to 1Tb"

Broadband and continuous wave pumped second-harmonic generation from microfiber coated with layered GaSe crystal "integrating long-range ordered layered gallium selenide crystals into microfibers... flame brushing illimeter-level uniform tapered region sufficiently long nonlinear interaction length... nonlinear susceptibility  gallium selenide >170 pm/V... controlling diameter microfiber, modulating waveguide dispersion, phase matching between pump and second-harmonic modes... pumping 1,550 nm picosecond laser, nw 2nd harmonic achieved... superluminescent light-emitting diode 79.3 nm, broad second-harmonic bandwidth 28.3 nm" Related: Physicists discover a new optical property that measures the twist in tiny helices Nonlinear optical metasurface achieves electrically tunable third-harmonic generation

Squid-inspired soft material is a switchable shield for light, heat, microwaves "soft film regulate its transparency across large range wavelengths simultaneously.... 2 layer film spraying coating of silver nanowires onto stretched elastomer. Stretching and contracting produced cracks and bumpy wrinkles... contracted -30% strain, blocked light, trapped infrared heat and shielded >=99.9% microwaves... expansion related to increased optical transparency and heat and microwaves transmitted... transmit or block wireless electrocardiography signals, blanket to trap body heat or allow escape, tracking movements" Related: Scientists develop self-healing elastomer for flexible electronics

Building robust optical structures made of darkness "metasurfaces... dark regions electromagnetic fields (optical singularities)... metasurfaces of titanium dioxide nanopillars... optical traps capture atoms, simplify optical architecture atomic physics labs... compact, lightweight...trapping atoms, precise imaging reference positions... withstand wide range perturbations... shining light through metasurface and focusing lens produce unwavering polarization singularity surrounded by light points... remote sensing and precision measurement" Related: Reviewing recent advances in metasurface design with intelligent optimization methods Scientists trap light inside a magnet

Researchers make a quantum computing leap with a magnetic twist "single layer molybdenum ditelluride flakes small, mutual twist angles honeycomb lattice, few degrees above absolute zero, intrinsic magnetism arose...laser. probes... anyons quasiparticles different from  electrons used as topological qubits. Wrapping non-Abelian anyons around each other generate entangled quantum state, resistant to local disturbances... charges within their experimental system interact strongly enough to stabilize the FQAH state... fractional quantum anomalous Hall effect" Related: Researchers control the anomalous Hall effect and Berry curvature to create flexible quantum magnets Electrons become fractions of themselves in graphene, study finds Physicists move one step closer to topological quantum computing

Rendering three-dimensional images from eye reflections with NeRF "AI neural network continuous based on few dozen 2D images generate 3D representation with enough depth and detail to be indistinguishable from video... texture decomposition training 2D texture map... Area lights placed by the person's sides (out of frame) were used to illuminate the object of interest in front of them. The imaged person was asked to move about within the camera's field of view as multiple images were captured" Related: Neural networks hold the key to simpler sampling for snapshot compressive imaging Convolutional optical neural networks herald a new era for AI imaging

The digital future may rely on ultrafast optical electronics and computers "ultrafast laser pulses equipped with optical transistors in free space and optical fiber. The laser light travels through optical fiber no loss low noise level... 2 laser beams transmitted from 2 sources passing through same glass. 1 constant, transmission controlled 2nd beam. By using 2nd to shift properties transparent to reflective start and stop transmission of constant beam, switching signal on to off and back again quickly... 1st sep transmitting data 1 million times faster, few hundred attoseconds... speed up transfer rate billionfold"

Novel method for producing thin metasurfaces with a diameter of almost 30 centimeters "electron beam lithography character writing strategy projection... pattern divided smaller units. An electron beam create each of these small patterns on surface, fabrication of complex structures with high precision and efficiency... character projection high resolution of electron beam lithography and large element area without exposure time exploding... micro- and nano-optical structures on large areas, small optics in smartphones, high-resolution spectroscopy or computer-generated holograms"

Advancing photonic integrated circuit packaging in Europe "signal and power distribution, optical performance, thermal effects, mechanical, electrical, and environmental protection... die bonding, polishing, active alignment, hermetic sealing... batch-level automation... fiber array self-alignment and attachment, polymer tapered micro-optics and embedding detectors, edge-emitting-lasers, vertical-cavity surface-emitting lasers, transition edge sensors and single-photon detectors... 3D printing directly onto photonic chips both chip and wafer levels"

A tailored and rapid approach for ozonation catalyst design "efficient and effective refractory organic treatment... optimized formulation Mn/γ-Al2O3 catalyst... 2 types 'feedforward neural network' models developed, achieving optimal performance ANN model... rapid and tailored solution designing ozonation catalysts based on wastewater quality combining machine learning and fluorescence spectroscopy... advancements catalyst development, performance prediction, and process simulation in complex wastewater systems" Related: Liquid metal nanodroplets formed with new technique have promising properties for catalysis Scientists develop revolutionary new approach to designing catalysts for chemical reactions Researchers explore new methods for optimizing carbon-based catalysts https://phys...

Physicists develop a novel quantum theory of light-induced matter "optical sensing, laser operation and detection, quantum metrology, biological imaging, optical communications, quantum computing, photovoltaic panels and chemical platforms... integrates quantum electrodynamics into ultrafast spectroscopy... precise room temperature control and sensing particle motion... lead to bright emission of light. The spectroscopic probes of the light-induced phase of matter in the research can help to exploit next-generation optical sensing techniques and quantum metrology" Related: Physicists uses light to build complex structures New light-induced material shows powerful potential for quantum applications

Researchers develop a new source of quantum light "emit stream of single identical photons... easy to control qubits and enter and extract data... ordinary mirrors and optical detectors would be all that was needed... The preparation of those photons is the key thing. Each photon has to precisely match the quantum characteristics of the one before, and so on. Once that perfect matching is achieved... interact photons with each other., indistinguishability is crucial... solution spun onto glass surface... optically based quantum computers, quantum teleportation communication" Related: Team boosts metropolitan quantum teleportation to hertz rate First-ever teleportation of logical qubit using fault-tolerant methods

Metasurface enables strong coupling effects between light and transition metal dichalcogenides "metasurface enables strong coupling between light and dichalcogenides based on photonic bound states in continuum in nanostructured tungsten disulfide... controlling coupling strength independent of losses... metasurface platform integrate other TMDCs or excitonic materials without difficulty... foundation for applications in controllable low-threshold semiconductor lasers, photocatalytic enhancement, and quantum computing"

The path to a quantum network: Erbium dopants stimulated to emit single photons "excited individual erbium atoms emit individual photons... doped rare earth atoms into silicon crystal lattice at specific positions gives erbium excellent optics, emit wavelength 1,536 nm... quantum information transmitted over long distances... few micrometers and contained only few dozen erbium atoms, coupled to optical fiber allowed laser enter nanophotonic resonator to excite atoms... -273°C up to 8° more... financial institutions, medical facilities government agencies... perfect data protection"

A new class of interlocking supramolecular systems: MOFaxanes "PseudoMOFaxane has no end cap on the polymer chains, while MOFaxane has end caps by definition. PolyMOFaxane and polypseudoMOFaxane have network structures in which each polymer chain threads multiple MOF microcrystals, forming a topological network. In this work, polypseudoMOFaxane, d was fabricated" Related: Research team's novel metal-organic framework could help advance semiconductors More metal-organic frameworks, fewer problems: A self-supervised transformer model for property prediction When does a conductor not conduct? Switching a 2D metal-organic framework from an insulator to a metal A new polymeric insulator blending effect in orga...

Thermionic energy conversion: A breakthrough in energy technology "scalable, versatile, efficient, environmentally friendly... metal or a semiconductor heated high temperature, electrons generate energy overcome surface barrier emitted into surrounding vacuum or gas, electrons flow, heat up, convert to electricity... efficiencies >= 60%... large-scale power plants generate electricity from waste heat, small-scale portable generators and vehicle engines... electrode material: low work function, high melting point" Related: SwRI, U-Michigan engineers create more effective burner to reduce methane emissions

Researchers solve temperature problem for source-gated transistors "Low-cost flexible displays... semiconductor indium-gallium-zinc oxide source-gated transistors... nanoscale contact, temperature stability, using low power, producing high signal amplification, and more reliable under different conditions... thin-film transistor and a metal-semiconductor contact... large-area electronics and are promising candidates to be used in various fields such as medicine, engineering and computing... sensing and signal amplification... medical devices" Related: New insights into high temperature oxidation of superfine nuclear graphite for future clean energy

New type of computer memory could greatly reduce energy use and improve performance "similar brain synapsis... hafnium oxide and tiny self-assembled barriers raised or lowered allow electrons pass... resistive switching continuous range of states... USB stick based on continuous range would be able to hold between 10 and 100 times more information... At point where bridges meet device contacts, energy barrier created, which electrons cross... control barrier height  changes electrical resistance of composite material... enables multiple states to exist... self-assemble low temperatures"

New device opens door to storing quantum information as sound waves "flexible plates that are vibrated by sound waves at extremely high frequencies. When an electric charge is placed on those plates, they become able to interact with electrical signals carrying quantum information. This allows that information to be piped into the device for storage, and be piped out for later use—not unlike the door to the room into which you were shouting earlier in this story... based on microwaves... storage 2 orders magnitude longer"

Heterostructure lets excitons carry more information for quantum applications "ultrathin 2D semiconductors strong quantum confinement and reduced dielectric effects... stable excitonic species (neutral excitons, trions, biexcitons, defect-bound excitons)... high binding energy between electron and hole exciton stability and long lifetime, increased probability radiative recombination to form photons...  WS2 emplaced sputtered ZnO film, charges migrate across junction... spectroscopic increase in trion-to-exciton ratio... permanent and stable trions" Related: A new type of quantum bit in semiconductor nanostructures Quantum avalanche explains how nonconductors turn into conductors

Chip-scale integration of multiple optical devices onto single substrate photonics "reduced size, cost, and power consumption... indium phosphide-based photonic integration and monolithic silicon photonics... excellent passive performance, temperature-insensitive modulators, and compatibility with complementary metal oxide semiconductor... light source, modulator, photodiode, waveguide and Y-branch splitter based on gallium nitride-on-silicon... negligible cross talk, isolation between light source and modulator on same waveguide through p-contact layer separation" Related: Photonics experiment resolves quantum paradox High-power optical continuous-wave waveguiding in a silica micro/nanofiber Researchers integrate thin-film pinned photodiode into superior short-wave-infrared imaging sensors

Large-scale plasma etching technology for mass production of next-generation 2D semiconductors "4-inch uniform defect-free plasma etching... molybdenum disulfide... plasma-based reactive ion etcher... stably control electron movement without tunneling... next-generation 2D semiconductor industry in the non-memory sector to find a new breakthrough in the future" Related: Researchers may have solved the 'mirror twins' defect plaguing the next generation of 2D semiconductors

Team develops a current collector for energy storage devices with high-efficiency and long cycling life "3D porous, carbon-based current collector material applied to secondary batteries and supercapacitors improve energy density and lifespan... floating catalyst chemical vapor deposition... electrodes applying coating conventionally used in secondary battery industry to facilitate mass production... improving energy/power density and enhanced cycling stability wide pores current collectors making porous structure facilitate transport lithium ions" Related: Advancing heteroatom-doped porous carbon nanomaterials for lithium-based energy storage applications Increasing the Energy Density of Hybrid Supercapacitor Electrodes Hybrid combines fast power delivery of supercapacitors with high energy capacity of solid-state batteries h...

Revealing magnetic mysteries: Breakthrough builds better single molecule magnets "2 coordinate lanthanide complex magnet-like properties... high-density hard disks, quantum computing applications, and faster and compact memory... synthetic ligand design... isolate the rare and precious two-coordinate species, but also to reveal, for the first time ever, a huge energy level separation, just as theory had predicted. This complex is a synthetic achievement that shows the incredible potential of these molecules... smaller and faster memory devices and quantum computers...low >10°K"

Researches achieve ultrafast and tunable terahertz-to-visible light conversion using graphene "switchable sub-nanosecond time scale... tunable on/off ratio >30 for emitted visible light... electrical gate voltage 1 V... grating-graphene metamaterial leads to increased THz-induced emitted visible range 2 orders magnitude... upconverting photon energies factor of 1000... high harmonics... highly doped graphene or grating-graphene metamaterial... sub-nanosecond controlled by electrostatic gating... THz-induced thermal radiation mechanism, carrier heating, visible photons... information and communication" Related: Researchers announce graphene plasmon breakthrough to advance photonic-electronic technology

Combining twistronics with spintronics could be the next giant leap in quantum electronics "van der Waals materials stacked in layers, adding quantum spin with twisted double bilayers of antiferromagnet, tunable moiré magnetism... memory and spin-logic devices... twisted double bilayer CrI3...  fabricated samples with different twisting angles. In other words, once fabricated, the twist angle of each device becomes fixed, and then MOKE measurements are performed" Related: Researchers formulate 'golden rules' for controlling alignment of supermoiré lattices Gate induced room-temperature magnetic phase transition realized in van der Waals ferromagnet nanoflakes

Neuroscientists investigate neuronal communication with ultra-thin fiber-based endo-microscope "autism, epilepsy, Alzheimer's, or Parkinson's disease, preventing, treating, or alleviating... single multimode optical fiber as the imaging probe, making it the least invasive method for visualizing sensitive brain areas... side-view fiber probe, tissue less stressed and damaged... stitch together individual frames into panorama allowing  continuous view of  entire brain depth... dendritic spines, intracellular processes, dynamic subcellular structures, intra-cellular calcium concentration changes, and blood flow speed" Related: Researchers halt progression of Parkinson's disease in mouse model

Simultaneous multi-material embedded printing for 3D heterogeneous structures "deposited different biomaterials simultaneously and precisely into the yielded region of embedding medium with multiple individually controlled nozzles... bioink deposited... print filaments in embedding medium... horizontal connection between fine threads... printing speed, rheology of embedding medium high printing speed and low viscosity embedding medium, printed filaments accuracy and aspect ratio 1,  enable manufacture micro structures... Double-layer thin-walled structure with each layer <200 μm was printed" Related: New 3D-printing method builds structures with two metals 3D laser printing with bioinks from microalgae How to Print a Car: High-performance Multi-material 3D Printing Techniques

Flow and thermal modeling of liquid metal in expanded microchannel heat sinks "convection at end of fin end cuts reserving expanded space increase flow rate coolant effective heat transfer... expanded space for coolant truncating fins or raising cover plate distribute heat inside microchannels, reducing temperature rise coolant and heat sink... maximum reduction of 36% in total thermal resistance. The above process was effective for microchannels with low channel aspect ratio, low mean velocity or long heat sink length" Related: Researchers propose mechanism for heat-transfer enhancement in convective turbulence A new design strategy for mechanoresponsive materials with high thermal tolerance Optimizing Electronic Cooling with Hybrid Nanocoolants and ANN Models

New research on self-locking light sources presents opportunities for quantum technologies "GHz-to-THz interconversion... mode locking or entrainment... GPS, synchronization human biological clock... net energy exchange vanishes... optomechanical interaction excites vibrations induces energy offset  asynchronous locking... μm-sized center array strongly interacting with confined GHz vibrations. These results pave the way for ultrafast GHz coherent mechanical control of light sources and interstate transitions relevant for quantum technologies" Related: Unveiling the quantum dance: Experiments reveal nexus of vibrational and electronic dynamics New interferometry technique could improve GPS Study uncovers the non-isotropic nature of tropospheric delay for high-precision GNSS positioning

Clean, sustainable fuels made 'from thin air' and plastic waste "syngas and plastic bottles were converted into glycolic acid, which is widely used in the cosmetics industry... Unlike earlier tests of their solar fuels technology however, the team took CO2 from real-world sources—such as industrial exhaust or the air itself. The researchers were able to capture and concentrate the CO2 and convert it into sustainable fuel... bubbling air. alkaline solution, CO2 selectively, photocathode and anode... syngas, useful chemicals... plastic breaks down to glycolic acid cosmetics" Related: Game-Changing Titanium Dioxide Electrode Transforms CO2 To Clean Fuel 3D-printed reactor core makes solar fuel production more efficient From useless plastic waste to valuable oil https://techxpl...

Novel single crystals show promising electric field control of magnetism "E-induced phase transformation and lattice distortion... multiferroic BiFeO3-based solid solutions near morphotropic phase boundary... multifunctional memory devices... room temperature, less energy, high-speed, low-power information storage, spintronics devices... multiferroic 0.58BiFeO3-0.42Bi0.5K0.5TiO3 crystals... coupling between magnetism and ferroelectricity lattice distortion and phase transformation induced by external E.. E control of magnetism and low-E switching of magnetism low-power spintronics" Related: Spontaneous quasi-crystal self-assembly observed using tiny vibrating magnetic spheres Novel approach to advanced electronics, data storage with ferroelectricity Electrical control of magnetism by electric field an...

Light and nickel found to simplify cross-coupling reactions "nickel salt, organic dye, visible light... dynamic mixture metal complexes formed, electronic state adjusted photocatalyst and absorbed light energy in way that catalytic reactions begin... photocatalyst and light energy bring metal complexes into catalytically active form... reactive without stabilization, energy-efficient, fast reactions... continuously repaired by light energy... small amounts of the catalyst metal, nickel, are needed... drug development and synthesis of naturally occurring molecules to materials science" Related: Breakthrough in β-lactam synthesis using nickel catalysts Researchers develop non-noble nickel catalysts for efficient gas-phase epoxidation of propylene Recent advances in nickel-based catalysts for electrochemical re...

Researchers develop new device that transforms vibrations into electricity for self-powered sensors "combining piezoelectric composites with carbon fiber-reinforced polymer... durabile and light... CFRP, potassium sodium niobate nanoparticles and epoxy resin... electrode and reinforcement substrate... high performance bent >100,000X.,, storing the generated electricity and powering LED lights. Additionally, it outperformed other KNN-based polymer composites in terms of energy output density... self-powered IoT sensors, aerospace and automotive industries, sports equipment, and medical equipment" Related: New Energy Tech Could Transform The Internet Of Things A new milestone for flexible magnetic sensors Piezoelectric Wind Turbines: A Breakthrough in Renewable Energy for Tech Industry

Single-atom vacancies in atomically thin insulators created in ultra-high vacuum "aberration-corrected scanning transmission electron microscopy... damage slower at low energies... Single boron and nitrogen vacancies created at intermediate electron energies, boron 2X likely ejected due to lower mass... nitrogen easier to eject, allowing preferential creation... combines ionization knock-on damage allows extrapolate higher energies defect creation... monolayer hexagonal boron nitride stable under electron irradiation, chemical etching prevented... quantum computation, information networks, and sensors" Related: Thanks to trapped electrons, a material expected to be a conducting metal remains an insulator Characterizing atomic defects in 2D materials to determine suitability as quantum emitters

RESORT: reversible saturable optical Raman transitions imaging technique "sample stained with photoswitchable Raman probes, whose Raman scattering controlled by different kinds laser... illuminate sample and build image of it... irradiated with 2-color IR laser pulses for detecting Raman scattering, UV and donut-shaped visible light, constrains Raman scattering area... final stage imaging detects probe, leads to a high spatial resolution... adding more colors to Raman probes, RESORT image many components in living samples... high power or precise control. biological samples" Related: An optical and electrically driven single-molecule Raman switch

Examining 'glitches in the matrix': Team finds ways to harness quantum power of atomic flaws "missing boron atom in boron nitride process sped up by bombarding with helium... voids naturally fill with electrons highly sensitive to surroundings... electrons also react to changes in electric fields... quantum sensors trapped in thin, stable boron nitride matrix... Other types of sensors are typically created in a vacuum environment that must be chilled to temperatures near absolute zero... room temperature... biomedical, geologic and life sciences, drug discovery"

Physicists design metamaterials with built-in frustration for mechanical memory "doesn't deform under stress... responses by structure rather than their chemistry... design frustration corresponds to non-orientable order affects response pushed or squeezed... rings of squares connected by hinges at corners, when rings squeezed, neighboring squares rotate in opposite directions... analogous to the anti-ferromagnetic ordering that occurs in certain magnetic materials... information storage, quantum computers, colloidal science, photonics, magnetism, robotics and atomic physics" Related: Proposed metamaterial could have a wide range of applications, from sensing to stealth technology Mechanical computer relies on kirigami cubes, not electronics

Researchers use ultrasound to control orientation of small particles "nanorods half platinum and half gold placed in microchannel nozzle, added hydrogen peroxide burned on platinum half forcing them to swim imitating bacteria, applied ultrasound producing acoustics that separate nanorod extrude from nozzle, control and eject particles based on shape, frequency... nanorods and spherical particles have different responses acoustic radiation and generated fluid flow... bioprinting, 3D printing and drug delivery."

Mass Megawatts announces breakthrough for lowest-cost energy production "solar tracking platform utilizes low-cost reflectors directed at Stirling engines... rotates continually optimize rays... reduction in power generation costs that are below existing fossil-fuel and alternative energy sources, including traditional, photovoltaic solar-panel systems... reduce power-generation costs 56%... $10,000 investment, cost $1/ watt... no expensive raw materials or complex engineering requirements, reduce cost >56%... off-the shelf... payback period <3 years"

Researchers invent low-temperature synthesis method for high-quality tellurium nanomesh for next-generation electronics "semiconducting tellurium nanomesh... tellurium powders vaporized... multi-scale van der Waals interactions... self-assembled and self-welding tellurium nanowires laterally vapor-grown low temperature 100°C... lower production cost... micrometer-level patterning, high-mobility transistors, and production of fast and sensitive infrared photodetectors... improved transport and photoelectric nanomesh and resolved compatibility between device substrate and nanomesh growth... scalable and cost-effective... IoT" Related: Atomic diffusion technique could lead to mass production of metal nanowires

Using liquid metals to synthesize high-entropy alloy nanoparticles "safer and cheaper... instead of mixing ingredients and heating them to high temperature, mix in liquid gallium first... allows for creating an evenly mixed HEA-NP... heated to 923K... HEA-NPs variety composed of different metals and found that they were evenly mixed. They also conducted compositional and structural analysis of the materials and found them to be on a par with those made using the conventional method... synthesize wide variety HEA-NPs and others" Related: Researchers develop a unique quantum mechanical approach to determining metal ductility Novel high entropy alloy nanoparticle catalysts for growing high-density carbon nanotubes

New technique in error-prone quantum computing makes classical computers sweat "IBM's quantum error mitigation... increased noise, gets less accurate, extrapolated backward estimate answer... zero noise extrapolation... algorithms solve calculations involving electronic interactions employ tensor network simulations of interacting qubits... simulating127 entangled qubits classical computer would require astronomical memory... quantum state represented by 2 to power of 127 separate numbers... housed inside a cryogenic container" Related: IBM makes major leap in quantum computing error-detection Machine learning contributes to better quantum error correction Self-correcting quantum computers within reach? A new way to erase quantum computer errors

Researchers achieve coherent control of two-dimensional material solid-state spin defects "coherent control ultrabright single spin hexagonal boron nitride room temperature... nitrogen-vacancy diamond center... negatively charged boron vacancy... ultrabright single-spin color centers 85% probability, which is enhanced 21X... photon emissivity 25 MHz... captured its Rabi oscillation signal and conducted Hahn echo experiments. It was the first time that a single-spin color center in hBN was manipulated at room temperature, representing a new stage in the application of quantum information" Related: Team observes third-order exceptional line in nitrogen-vacancy spin system

Spectropolarimetric imaging: A magical way to get multidimensional information "irradiance, spectrum, space, polarization, and phase.... lightweight, portable, cost-effective... compressive full-Stokes spectropolarimetric... passive polarization modulator... not altering intrinsic mechanisms... industrial inspection and machine vision, surveillance using micro UAV or ground vehicles, biomedical diagnosis: fluorescence microscopy, confocal microscopy, ophthalmoscopes, endoscopes, and laryngoscopes... free-space optical and chip-scale integration with silicon photonic circuits or metasurfaces" Related: Researchers develop ultra-sensitive photoacoustic microscopy for wide biomedical application potential Microscopy image segmentation via point and shape regularized data synthesis

Halia wafer-thin intelligent heating system warms your house in seconds "<0.1 mm thick... intelligent warming wall, Halia radiant fast warmers enabling near real-time warmth... pixelated warming materials... Radiant heat is the foundation of Halia warming. A variety of interior surface materials incorporate low voltage "pixelated" warming elements... low voltage real time... laminate firms integrate Halia warmers into surfaces, reducing impact on bending, stretching, or breathability, devoid of plastics or bonding films... laminate floors, doors, and walls, furniture and textiles"

Black phosphorus–based human–machine communication interface: A breakthrough in assistive technology "audio connects disabled with society... piezoresistive tactile... black phosphorus and polyaniline oxidative polymerization cotton fabric... low-pressure sensitivity, reasonable response time, excellent cycle stability... convert pressed text into audio, visually or speech-disabled individuals to read, type. It offers a promising solution for improving communication and accessibility for this demographic... wearable electronics... convert braille characters into audio... electronic books... layered 2D... scalable and cost-effective" Related: 3D pattern generation via chemical vapor deposition of ceramic eutectic system for novel solid-state phosphors Improving luminescence efficiency and thermal stability of NIR-emitting phosphors

Scientists achieve 1,000 km quantum key distribution "high-speed intercity quantum communication... twin-field QKD sending-or-not-sending protocol improves relation between key rate and channel transmittance from linear η to square root η... ultra-low-loss fiber based on pure silica core, maximum attenuation 0.16 dB/km... ultra-low-noise superconducting single-photon detectors... noise single-photon detectors reduced to 0.02 cps... dual-band phase estimation scheme avoid spontaneous Raman scattering noise, noise below 0.01 Hz... key rate 0.0034 bps" Related: Combating disruptive 'noise' in quantum communication

Scientists develop new magnetizable shape memory alloy with low energy loss, even at low temperatures "palladium-based (Pd) MMSMA that exhibits low energy loss. Even at low temperatures of about 100 K this energy loss was lowered to only about 1/100 when compared to existing MMSMAs... pulsed high magnetic fields liquid-helium temperature... increased energy loss as temperature dropped... better lattice compatibility for phase transformation, crystals within structures change easier, smaller energy loss, large magnetostriction low temperatures... magnetic sensors and actuators" Related: Polyurethane with shape memory change from foil to foam when heated

A scalable method to create ferroelectric FETs based on AlScN and 2D semiconductors "gate insulators ferroelectric materials switch and store electricity... AI, low power... widespread adoption of these dual-function transistors... modulates 2D conductivity into high or low resistance representing information stored... superlative ferroelectric deposited in BEOL compatible processes and 2D semiconductors... integrate Si CMOS... switch 3–4 volts, store data. easily integrated with CMOS...5 nm"

Unlocking photonic computing power with artificial 'life' "cellular automata, a type of computer model consisting of a "world" (a gridded area) containing cells used to perform computing tasks suited to photonic technologies... The paper describing the work, titled, "Photonic Elementary Cellular Automata for Simulation of Complex Phenomena," appears in the May 30 issue of the journal Light: Science & Applications... eliminate gates, switches... high-bandwidth incredibly fast... 3 orders magnitude quicker"

New hybrid material transforms light: Revolutionizing solar energy, medical imaging, and night vision technologies "low-energy light into higher energy boost solar cell efficiency capture near-IR normally pass through... reduce solar panel size 30%... bond ultra-small silicon nanoparticles and anthracene... long-wavelength photons into short-wavelength blue or UV" Related: New all-optical approach could miniaturize night vision technology Engineers develop technique that enhances thermal imaging and infrared thermography for police, medical and military use Newly developed OLED could enable compact, lightweight night vision

Leaky-wave metasurfaces link free-space optics and integrated photonics "controls optical degrees freedom: amplitude, phase, polarization ellipticity, and polarization orientation...  nanostructured polymer layer on top of silicon nitride film, 2 sets meta-atoms... single free-space wave completely and independently control amplitude, phase, polarization orientation, and polarization ellipticity... hybrid free-space optics shaping light wavefront and integrated photonics for optical data processing, quantum optics, optogenetics, sensor networks, inter-chip communications, and holographic displays" Related: Neural wavefront shaping camera overcomes light scattering problem in optical imaging How photonics is revolutionizing convolutional neural networks C...

New meta-devices could direct 6G data streams "focus beams in 2 and 3 dimensions, energy-efficient, cheap, protecting privacy... data rates 2 orders magnitude... between 300 and 3000 GHz push transmission rates 1 TB/s... metasurfaces 30mm diameter and 1mm thick, 11k cuboid-shaped antennas imparts phase change on passing THz waves changing their direction stacking... rotate metasurfaces piezoelectric lead acid titanium ceramic... probed depth Airy beam focal spots... stable  focusing... secure, flexible, directional and very concentrated communication" Related: A silicon photonic modulator supporting the 800G standard for high-speed data transmission

Heat transport in energy materials: Study clarifies fundamental microscopic mechanism "28 strong thermal insulators, 6 ultra-low thermal conductivity... mechanism allows systematic lowering thermal conductivity... temporary defect structures influence atomic motion short time, trigger lower thermal conductivities... These insights may offer new opportunities to fine-tune and design thermal insulators on a nanoscale level through defect engineering, potentially contributing to advances in energy-efficient technology... catalysis, turbines, and thermoelectric" Related: Curious compound: Tin selenide may hold the key for thermoelectric solutions Using latent heat to generate electricity while cooling primary devices An improved radioisotope thermoelectric generator could dramatically reduce the weight of interplanetary mission...

Electric water heaters are better at storing energy than a Tesla Powerwall "storing excess wind and solar as heat... 30GWh equivalent 2 million Powerwalls... smart” heat pumps and electric resistance systems in homes across Australia. During off-peak hours, these water heaters can essentially store renewable energy in the form of heat and help balance electricity supply as renewable energy availability fluctuates... widespread adoption of electric-powered water heaters would not only lower emissions, but also save customers some $4 billion (USD) in energy bills" Related: Startup's Big Battery Can Electrify Your Home and Make the Grid Greener Solar batteries: A new material makes it possible to simultaneously absorb light and store energy

Researchers discover materials exhibiting huge magnetoresistance "non-volatile, magnets not aligned, tunneling less efficient higher resistance expressed as magnetoresistive ratio efficiency tunneling magnetoresistive device: higher is better... cobalt-manganese alloys face-centered cubic or hexagonal crystal structures thermodynamically stable phases, weak magnetism... adding minimal iron to metastable body-centered cubic cobalt-manganese alloy... magnetoresistance ratio 350% room temperature, >1000% at low temperature... sputtering method, heating process"

Indian, Korean researchers develop light-powered supercapacitors "replacing the conventional lithion-ion batteries in portable and wearable devices such as smartphones, tablets, laptops and smartwatches... stainless steel electrode with a quartz transparent window in order to harvest visible light. A specially prepared ‘down-conversion’ phosphor is introduced before the quartz window to facilitate light-induced charging... charged keeping under light, powered we moving days or weeks... space, satellites by powering remote sensors, back-up power"

Novel ferroelectrics for more efficient microelectronics "integrates memory directly on top of transistor, changing microcircuit architecture, processors more efficient consume less energy... eliminate regular refreshing memory... wurtzite ferroelectrics integration power-efficient non-volatile memory, electro-optics, and energy harvesting... films' composition, structure, and architecture on the polarization switching ability at practical electric fields" Related: New material offers more durable, sustainable multi-level non-volatile phase change memory

Researchers 'split' phonons in step toward new type of quantum computer "beamsplitter induce quantum superposition state for 1 phonon, interference between 2 phonons... transmitting half and reflecting other half back to its source... lithium niobate... quantum superposition, phonon both reflected and transmitted... quantum state collapse into 1 of 2 outputs... new kinds of calculations...phonons equivalent to photons... linear mechanical quantum computer.... directly integrates phonons with qubits... hybrid quantum computer combines linear with qubit-based quantum computers Related: Calculating thermal properties from phonon behaviors

Research team develops power prototype to boost energy efficiency "micro-combined heat and power prototype piston engine energy efficiency >93%... switches between natural gas, hydrogen and biogas, combines battery storage and solar energy... 4-stroke opposed piston engine... environmentally friendly, cost-effective... heat captured and reused as small scale thermal energy for building in single process... Even without providing heat, in lean burn mode, this mCHP showed more than 35% electrical energy efficiency" Related: Researchers design a fabric that actively regulates temperature with the flip of a switch Improving EV batteries with real-world driving data FuelCell Energy and Toyota complete first “Tri-gen” production system Major diesel engine breakthrough could see driv...

Activated partial metal sites in high entropy oxides for enhanced catalytic performance "solid phase combustion, thiourea addition and alkali liquor activate metal sites and lattice oxygen species CuCoNiZnAl HEOs... display higher CO2 hydrogenation and CO oxidation activity, better electrocatalytic activity, excellent cycle stability... distorted lattice, more cationic vacancies and active lattice oxygen species... temperature 350 to 600°C, higher discharge/charge capacities 12,049/9,901 mAh/g... highly active heterogeneous thermal and electrochemical catalysts... environmentally friendly, cost-effective" Related: A scalable approach to fabricate ultrathin protonic ceramic electrochemical cells with lower operating temperatures How does voltage drive nonmetallic catalysts to perform electrocatalytic reactions? Bake, me...

Confinement effects of carbon nanotubes on polyoxometalate clusters enhance electrochemical energy storage "high conductivity, large surface area, and good stability... encapsulated polyoxometalate guest molecules within SWNTs, diameter 1.4 nm enhance electrochemical energy storage... larger electrochemically active area and higher double-layer capacitance... pseudocapacitance reversible redox improving capacitive performance... enhanced electrochemical energy storage properties, specific capacitance 328.6 F/g 10 mV/s... capacity retention rate 91.3% after 10k cycles"

Smart in-memory light sensors perform image recognition "light-sensitive memory programmed by light...embedded 2D MoS2 into semiconductor capacitor (MOSCAP) underpins charge-storing pixels of CCD sensor... resulting Al/Al2O3/MoS2/Al2O3/Si MOSCAP charge-trapping in-memory sensor sensitive to visible light, programmed optically and erased electrically... memory window voltage >2V stored up to 10 years, electrically erased by applying +/-6V signal, operated for many millions of cycles... operates as an optoelectronic memristor" Related: With trapped waves, researchers resolve longstanding debate about localizing light in three dimensions Copper could help create clearer MRI images and improve diagnosis: Study

World's first demonstration of terahertz signal transparent relay and switching "low-loss optical modulator direct conversion THz to optical and adaptive ultrafast switching wireless... signals switched to different access points switching tunable laser wavelengths... transmission capacity 32 Gb/s 4-quadrature amplitude modulation orthogonal frequency division multiplex... transparently relaying and distributing signals to different locations, high free-space and penetration losses of radio signals overcome, and communication coverage extended... energy savings and interference reduction" Related: Researchers demonstrate noise-free communication with structured light

Revolutionizing optical control with topological edge states "enable exchange light energy between topological lattice parts control TES flexible transport... manipulate TES transport optical channel switcher silicon-on-insulator chip... directional couplers, mode-locked optical switches routing networks combine or separate multiple signals in 1-way waveguide, and pseudospin propagation ring resonator arrays, adiabatic modulation, non-linear effects, and complex braiding... energy and information routing, non-linear photonics, and quantum computing" Related: Toward fast and robust quantum control through accelerating adiabatic passage

Caltech's space solar power demonstrator wirelessly transmits power in space "Microwave Array for Power-transfer Low-orbit Experiment (MAPLE)... constructive destructive interference between transmitters, power transmitter bank shift focus/ direction energy, no moving parts... timing-control elements dynamically focus power using coherent electromagnetic waves.... 2 receiver arrays foot away from transmitter receive and convert energy  DC to light up LED pair... not sealed, not subject to harsh space environment... transmission antennas clustered groups of 16... fold up into packages 1 m3" Related: We could soon be getting energy from solar power harvested in space Researchers develop arrays of tiny crystals that deliver efficient wireless energy Researchers confirm possibility of wi...

Scientists discover a new proton conductor for next-generation ceramic fuel cells "ceramics conduct protons instead of oxide anions, lower operating temperature 300 to 600°C... PCFCs stable energy, low cost... Ba2LuAlO5 hexagonal perovskite-related oxide... conductivity 10‒2 S cm‒1 at 487°C and 1.5×10‒3 S cm‒1 at 232°C... absorbs large quantity of water, forms Ba2LuAlO5*xH2O" Related: Toyota-backed marine fuel cell launches Hydrogen Fuel Cells Find Their Groove Grooved electrode structure boosts performance by half again as much New design for high-power-density fuel cells offers improved performance and durability Team seeks to enhance production efficiency of fuel cells with laser machining technology