
Glass micro-supercapacitors 3D printed, reducing complexity and time forming intricacies, improves micro energy storage "inorganic silicon-rich glass featuring self-forming nanograting hierarchical structures... ultrashort laser pulse 3D printing enables more electrode surface area, nanoscale channels facilitating rapid ion transport... induces 2 simultaneous reactions in glass-like precursor hydrogen silsesquioxane, resulting in self-organized nanoplates, and precursor converts into silicon-rich glass... optical communication, self-sustaining sensors, wearables, 5D optical data storage, energy storage, more compact/ efficient micro-supercapacitors"

Bright future for solar panels, TV screens and more "'flatter, more even (nanoplatelet) zinc sulfide nanocrystals allow more ligands to attach to them more tightly, making various optoelectronics more efficient: brighter TV screens and LED lights, more detailed medical imaging, more efficient solar panels, photodetectors that sense light and convert it into an electrical signal, such as in cameras and sensors, plus laser diodes used in fibre-optic communication that convert electrical signals into light for data transmission"

Quantum computing and photonics discovery potentially shrinks critical parts by 1,000 times "entangle photon qubits in computer chip by producing linked pairs using 1.2 μm thick material without needing additional optical gear maintaining link... paired photons vibrating in sync at room temperature... niobium oxide dichloride produces photon pairs efficiently despite its thinness... thicken stacking 2 crystal flakes together positioning grains perpendicular to each other, synchronizing maintaining link... compact, scalable. efficient, secure quantum computers instant quantum communications"

Novel visible light communication encryption technology uses chiral nanoparticles "fast, no electromagnetic interference, carries vast information via spatiotemporal polarized superposition quantum communication... chiral nanomaterials adjust polarization axis rotational tilt... twisting crystal using proteins/ DNA possessing chirality whose optical properties cannot be replicated without complete sequence information... combines quantum nanorods with nanowire providing rotational properties to the light, 3D printed 100's µm spatial resolution ns of temporal resolution... local communication, military"

Optical switch using small amount of light and no electricity enables fast, energy-efficient secure telecom "consumes 100X less energy, 1/10th to 1 femtojoules... non-linear response, enabling quantum communication... Quantum Material Press automated tool including an exfoliator, cataloger, and stacker synthesizing high-quality, optimized exfoliated quantum 2D flakes"  

Researchers develop a laser that produces the strongest ultra-short laser pulses to date "more reliable 550 W average (peak 100 MW) power, 5.5 MHz... lasts < ps, exit laser in regular sequence 5 million pulses p/sec... 100 μm thin ytterbium disk... mirrors send light inside laser through disk several times before it leaves through outcoupling mirror, amplifying light maintaining stability...Semiconductor Saturable Absorber Mirror, reflectivity depending on strength of light hitting it, coaxing into sending out short pulses (higher intensity) rather than continuous beam... machining, high harmonic frequencies, X-rays"

Powerful, efficient and portable optical frequency flat-top microcombs convert more light into a useful rainbow "ultra low-loss silicon nitride waveguides... improved efficiency through coupled micro-resonators' better energy flow, broader pumping, improved temporal overlap between pump/ soliton... even power across comb lines enables consistent signal strength across multiple channels... methods: continuous-wave laser pumping, pulsed, parametrically-pumped microcombs... spectroscopy, optical frequency synthesis, astronomical calibration, compact atomic clocks, optical communications, LiDAR, microwave photonics" See also: Interdisciplinary advances in microcombs: Bridging physics and information technology

Dragonfly wing pattern reinforces vaults and domes better than ancient Roman and tech-generated methods "patterns stiffening ribs enabling withstanding both evenly distributed (topologically optimized best)/ asymmetric (turtle shells and dragonfly wings best) loads... ribs: more rigid counteract twisting, thinner ensures overall integrity... overall best: topological optimization with tight constraint on material expenditure allocating 70% of rib material to primary ribs, followed by parametric algorithm using up remaining filling in thinner secondary ribs (Voronoi pattern)... material conserved, greater creative architectural freedom"

USTC Achieves First Loophole-Free Test of Hardy's Paradox "demonstrated Hardy’s nonlocality, closes detection efficiency loophole (optical losses), locality loophole (measurement choices could affect outcomes)... quantum mechanics prediction that where 3 Hardy events have 0 probability, non-0 probability for 4th, contradicting local realism... significance level of up to 5 standard deviations across 4.32 billion trials... deepens quantum mechanics understanding/ developing quantum technologies (quantum key distribution, quantum random number certification)"

AI and Physics-Assisted Particle Swarm Optimization algorithm unite to form Ka-band hexagonal meta-antenna "wide scanning angle, compact, high transmission gain... algorithm particles' optimization direction guided by extremum conditions derived from variational method, reducing computation time/ decreasing likelihood of suboptimal designs... 94.62806 relative strength, comparable but at significantly lower computational cost... optimal state after only 650 iterations, 1/6th computation time... 22 mm focal length, 1.524 mm thickness... complex multivariate/ multi-objective optimizations, satellite communication, radar, 5G, IoT" 

Faster, greener indoor optical wireless communication: quantum inspired phased arrays within phased arrays "overcomes limited bandwidth, signal congestion... IR delivers robust, interference-free signals... parallels quantum superposition principle in its execution... operates through arrays of smaller, complex optical antennas aligned on flat surface nested within larger arrays... collective behavior amplifies/ sharpens IR (can be adapted for other wavelengths)... dual wavelength clusters for redundancy... energy efficient selectively deactivating idle clusters... health care environments,  industrial/ office spaces"

Streamlining perovskite solar cell structure and fabrication enhances commercialization prospects "improved stability, reliability, efficiency, affordability, sustainability, lifetime... 2 innovations: (1) hole-selective materials/ perovskite layers integration, simplifying manufacture... (2) inorganic electron transport layer, tin oxide for excellent thermal stability... does not require organic transfer layer... >25% power conversion efficiency optimizing oxygen vacancy defects within tin oxide layer, retaining >95% efficiency after 2,000 hours continuous operation... future: applying to larger perovskite solar modules" "

Ordered defects enhance solution-deposited CuIn5Se8 semiconductors enabling larger high-performance displays "production at lower temperatures, ambient pressure, forming high-speed logic circuits operating in MHz (with delay down to 75 ns) and 508 pixels/ inch micro-displays... requiring fewer transistors drive bright, durable inorganic micro-LED displays and high-speed printable electronics for health care, smart packaging, IoT... processing more efficient, lower cost, better substrate compatibility... copper-indium-selenium ratio 1:5:8 yields 500X greater. mobility... future: find a more eco-friendly caalyst than hydrazine"

Photonic-measurement-based quantum computation for enhanced efficiency "faster, fault-tolerant, capable of handling complex problems, scalable, resource-efficient using high-dimensional spatial encoding generating large cluster states... encoding multiple qubits within each photon through spatial encoding... cluster states with >9 qubits at 100 Hz... substantially reduces computation time by enabling instantaneous feedforward between qubits encoded within the same photon... quantum computing through photonics"

CGEN Engineering's lightweight, stackable generator reduces cost of offshore wind, wave and tidal renewables "extend installation's lifespan... each module can be added, replaced, moved individually without long downtimes... 10 to 15% reduced cost of energy produced, 30 to 40% increased operational life, 50 to 70% reduced lifetime operating and maintenance costs"

Electrified reactor powered by renewables cuts emissions by 60%, improves efficiency and lowers costs in key industries "alternative to high-temperature... 96% efficiency converting methane into usable energy (75% conversion for traditional)... compact, modular enabling easy integration into existing infrastructure, scalable... 3D-printed monoliths and a precise catalyst coating technique, we were able to optimize surface area and performance, pushing the boundaries of what's possible in methane reforming... chemical (methanol, ammonia, synthetic fuel) manufacturing, fertilizer production, hydrogen generation"

Bulk high-temperature superconductivity in bilayer nickelate under high pressure "Tc ≈ 80K, pressures above 14GPa, in La3-xPrxNi2O7-δ... can be prepared in a relatively large quantity with better controlled quality and reproducibility via the wet-chemistry sol-gel method... ideal Ruddlesden-Popper structure, but intergrowths of 327/4310 and 327/214 phases detrimental factors... diamagnetic response with 97% superconducting shielding volume fraction"

Nanoribbon ferroelectrics with switchable polarity store digital information or signal neurons "bio- compatible/ degradable, sustainably sourced, flexible, soft, formed by peptide amphiphiles/ piezoelectric fluoride plastic drives molecular self-assembly when placed in water... tunable peptide sequence tunes ferroelectricity... low external voltage switches multiaxial polarity in multiple directions around circle... ferroelectrics: biomedical devices/ implants, ultralight smart fabrics, human-computer interface, microscopic memory chips, sensors, catalytic processes in renewable energy storage”

Control of acoustic holograms allows storage of multiple images simultaneously in single hologram "tiny cavitation bubbles create extremely high temperatures/ pressure for trillionths of second quickly harden resin into complex acoustic holograms containing cross-sectional images... robotic arm movement based on algorithm-designed pattern... improve printing speed up to 20X, using less energy... can change image during printing... printing behind opaque objects: wall, inside tube, already approved for medical applications: print complex tissues (skin grafts), localized targeted drug/ cell delivery"

Electrode surface patterning minimizing bubble-interfering contact area lowers costs, enhances performance "bubbles block parts of electrode surface reducing electrode performance 10 to 25% by area where bubble contacts surface... AI-based open-source software tool automatically recognizes/ quantifies bubbles formed on surface enable control of electrodes' morphology/ chemistry... reduces amount of platinum/ iridium wasted by reaction-blocking bubbles... hydrogen production, carbon-capture, aluminum production,  chemical production using the chlor-alkali process"

Reducing energy loss in metal nanostructures by reducing their height "called inverse square root law , shifts resonance from high-loss localized surface plasmon resonances to low-loss surface plasmon polaritons, resulting in 2-order-magnitude greater metal arrays' resonance quality... stronger nanoscale light-matter interactions... more powerful, efficient nanoscale optics: sensing, imaging, solar energy"

Researchers develop new sustainable material: chestnut tannin cellulose-MXene composites "photothermal, electrothermal, biocidal, piezoelectric... pressure sensitivity, electromagnetic interference shielding, antibacterial... zeolitic imidazolate framework-8 in-situ growth on cellulose nanofiber surface, enhancing biocidal activity/ electromagnetic interference shielding... wound dressings, solar desalination, pressure sensors monitoring human movements"

Nanoscale method boosts materials for advanced memory storage "on-demand modification of specific topological polarization structure orientation of atoms/ dipoles' internal permanent electric field... switches polarization guided by electrical stylus composed of lead, strontium, titanium, oxygen... data retention without power... devices operating at high frequencies due to intrinsic sub-THz resonances... enabled by intermediate out-of-plane state... memory storage, neuromorphic computing, low-power nanoelectronics, high-speed broadband, tunable optoelectronics"

Wattage from wine: Food waste offers huge breakthrough for lithium-ion batteries "cheap, sustainable, increased energy storage capability... fruit, winemaking compounds (malic, tartaric acid) from food waste streams replace graphite electrode... food acids produce water-soluble metal dicarboxylate electrode materials"

Self-charging energy harvester continuously generates electricity utilizing sodium ion movement in seawater "multi-walled carbon nanotubes/ graphene oxide films with different oxygen functional groups as cathode and anode respectively, seawater electrolyte... more cations in electrolyte gather closer to anode, creating potential difference as result of ion rearrangement between 2 electrodes... high energy conversion efficiency, 24.6mW/cm3 power density, 4.2X higher... initial open circuit voltage restored without external energy... ocean sensors (temperature, dissolved oxygen, inorganic nitrogen) where device retrieval challenging"

Spaceship thrusters capable of being powered by any metal that can burn, such as iron, aluminum or copper "silicate minerals like olivine and pyroxene also come in handy for spacecraft landing on a moon or comet rich in these burnable metals, where they extract what they need to refuel... ensures enough fuel for extended missions, for: (1) mining and returning to Earth with iron and nickel, precious metals like platinum, gold, silver, (2) future missions where deep-space travel isn’t restricted by the limited availability of fuel... titled: Super Magdrive system"

Selective ultrafast quantum-entangled electron pair motion manipulation in hydrogen molecules "photon emission direction relative to remaining bound electron in cleaved neutral hydrogen atom can be controlled by time interval between 2 laser flashes on scale of few hundred attoseconds... >100,000X faster entangled quantum state control, from nanoseconds to femto- or even attoseconds... electrons' emission direction with respect to protons can be modified by delaying attosecond pulses with respect to maxima and minima of laser light on time-scale of <1 femtosecond"

Ultra-cold atoms gliding along edges/ around obstacles enable super-efficient, lossless energy/ data transmission "cloud of about 1 million sodium atoms in corralled spin in laser-controlled trap at nano-kelvin temperature, crawling over microns in milliseconds, essentially forever, like marbles circling a bowl but without friction or slowing down, along edge of exotic material... flowing only in 1 direction along ring of laser light forming circular wall (edge-state)... analog for studying how 2D confined electrons under magnetic field exhibit Quantum Hall effect, but since atoms are larger, researchers were able to image"

Researchers harness liquid crystal structures to design simple, yet versatile bifocal lenses "2 foci, intensities adjustable (not limited to confined area) applying external voltage... lenses use 2 liquid crystal cell/ polymer layers... polarization imaging enhancing image contrast... edge imaging highlighting object outlines making easier to see fine details/ spot shapes...  inspired by multi-functional holographic devices... split left-handed circularly polarized light into 2 focused light beams: left-handed/ right-handed circular polarization... optical interconnections, biological imaging, AR, VR, optical computing"

Coherent optical fiber communication system with 336 Tb/s transmission uses cost-saving single light source "with optical comb generation/ frequency reference distribution, replacing 100's built-in light sources within transponder modules... 650 carrier/ local oscillator pairs generated over most of S, C, and L bands (16 THz frequency band) without need for compact S-band light sources... transmitter/ receiver same oscillation frequency so no need of independent stabilization... 39-core multicore fiber with 38 cores supporting three-mode propagation, 1 core supporting single-mode...  transmission capacity 336 Tb/s, almost 200X greater"

Quantum communication: Using microwaves to efficiently control electron spins of diamond qubits "diamonds' tin vacancies (where diamond atoms replaced by tin) have optical/ magnetic properties, can be used as qubits when precisely controlled using microwaves... extending qubit coherence time to as long as 10 ms using dynamical decoupling largely suppresses interference... diamond qubits are solid phase so easier to work with... controlled with superconducting waveguides efficiently directing microwaves to defects without generating heat (temperature near absolute zero)... transfers qubit quantum states to photons"

Introducing hexagonal magnetic defects into artificial spin ice lattice furthers energy-efficient neuromorphic computing "tailors system's behavior by causing stochastic topological excitations, controlling neural network's dynamics... collective stochastically-controlled artificial neural networks' behavior realized... controllably create topological states associated with ASI defects and demonstrate stochastic but statistically predictable behaviors within the ASI lattice... hardware realizations of low-energy future computing systems: magnetic memory devices, reconfigurable spin-waveguides/ logic"

Major breakthrough: unprecedented control of active matter "trapping 3D active nematic liquid crystals (elongated molecules aligned in the same direction) within cell-sized spherical droplets... controlling molecule orientation... spontaneous deformation/ flow without external forces... stop moving when confinement is strong... control over active chaos... mix microtubule (biopolymer) bundles crucial for cell division, along with motor proteins/ oil creating emulsion... biological cell alignment, cell division mitotic spindle organization, soft robotics, artificial cells, self-healing materials" Related: Uncrackable: Scorpions and sponges inspire sustainable design

Coupling 2 Andreev qubits coherently 6 millimeters via microwave photons generated in narrow superconducting resonator "qubits formed at metal/ superconductor interface (Andreev reflection)... electron from metal enters superconductor becoming part of Cooper pair... hole behaving like positive particle reflects back into metal,  basis states readily controlled/ incorporated into circuits... 2 modes: (1) qubit's quantum state read via resonator, (2) couple 2 qubits allowing them to communicate without losing microwave photons, sharing new quantum state... combined 3 quantum systems... suitable as compact/ scalable solid-state qubits"

Logic with light: Introducing diffraction casting, optical-based parallel computing "based light's properties, resulting in more spatially/ power -efficient, functionally flexible, cooler, massively parallel, high-speed optics... 16 X 16 pixel black-and-white source image combined with series of images representing stages in logic operations, layers placed on top which obscure, manipulate or transmit something from layer beneath... light passed through casting output top layer on sensor, becoming digital storage or presentation... so far: 16 basic logic operations, future:  quantum computing"

Caldera's Megacell modular heat storage technology converts solar power into on-demand heat, replacing gas boilers "recycled aluminum/ volcanic rock/ proprietary material preventing  radiative loss, composite stores heat up to 500°C, producing up to 210°C hot water/ steam... enclosed in vacuum-insulated (prevents heat conduction/ convection loss) chamber heated using electric elements... produces steam through small amount of water passed through coil within core, extracting stored energy... varying water volume controls power output... being modular allows storage capacity up to 100 MWh... built 4 MWh first demonstrator"

New design overcomes key barrier to all-solid-state lithium batteries "safer, more efficient... overcoming resistance where ceramic electrolyte meets electrodes making battery less efficient/ reducing how much energydelivered... creating porous ceramic membrane instead of dense plate, filling it with small amount of polymer, allows lithium ions to move freely and eliminate the interfacial resistance between the solid electrolyte and the electrodes... improves the battery's performance but also creates a stable interface for high-voltage operation, one of the industry's key goals" Related: Solid electrolyte composed of nanoparticles shows promise for all-solid-state batteries

Transfer of energy between defects could underlie efficient, ultra-high-density optical memory storage "durable, fast, energy-efficient... narrow band emitters transfer optical data from rare earth embedded within solid material using slightly different wavelengths (multiplexing), to nearby quantum defect... overcomes light diffraction limit, boosting optical storage bit density... near-field energy transfer... quantum defects become excited from ground state/ flip spin state which is hard to reverse enabling long term storage... smaller wavelengths/ tiny defects enable denser data storage... future: how to read out the data"

Highly tunable spintronics quantum platform produces magnet-free electron spin in a semiconductor "increase memory/ logic processing capability, reducing power consumption/ production costs... 2D organic metal halide hybrids... assemble into crystalline structures with different dimensionalities... powering spintronics exploiting electron's spin interaction with chirality... flipping electron spin in transit by forcing electron to go through chiral structure, becoming spin polarized flipping electron to spin in alignment with other electrons... solar cells, light-emitting diodes, photodetectors, quantum technologies"

Nanoscale glass microcapillary tips enable precise and delicate contact in manufacturing and biotechnology "evanescent light projected into 0.1 to 0.000010 mm diameter glass tube 3D printing nozzle... light transmitted to object, bright scattering light observed, disappearing when object touched.. light scattering overcomes diffraction-limited  resolution... improved stability, yield... glass microcapillary does not break, and target object is not damaged... biotechnology, manipulating cells, micro-electroplating, nano-3D printing, displays, microelectronics"

Researchers illuminate inner workings of new-age soft semiconductors "organic mixed ionic-electronic conductors are soft, flexible polymer semiconductors... Swells 300% when immersed in liquid electrolyte, yet maintain electronic functionality... soft gel-like crystal polymer structure stretches/ bends forming continuous electronic path around electrolyte bubbles forming between folded polymer ribbons... more efficient ion exchange with minimal strain on material, exhibiting impressive resilience to the physical changes and ion insertion... batteries, electronic devices"

Building better solar cells: Assembly of 2D supramolecular structures with triptycene scaffold "1,8,13-substituted tripodal triptycene assembled into 2D hexagon stacked 1D, creating 2D + 1D structure... sandwiching pentacene and anthracene chromophores in space between, organizing planar acene chromophores, forming 2 distinct 2D self-assembling structures... single high-energy photon converted into 2 lower-energy triplet excitons, enhancing solar cell efficiency by increasing charge carriers... singlet fission occur with 88% quantum yield for generating pair of triplets and 130% for producing 2 free triplets

Scientists uncover light absorbing properties of engineered achiral symmetric plasmonic metasurfaces "dichroism exists in achiral structures: absorbs light differently depending light's wavefront handedness, due to interactions between different parts of light/ material... special kind of twisted light controls/ tunes absorption up to 50%... special twisted light improves light absorption efficiency,,, achiral structures are simpler to make, which could lead to better and more functional optical devices... plasmonic-based spectroscopy and sensing via enhanced optical metrology, optical switches"

Molecular computing method uses metal ions to mimic complex mathematical functions "control chemical reactions using metal ions... sequence of complex chemical reactions a form of information processing requiring far less energy than digital computers... linear equations, parabolas, logical Boolean programmed as chemical reactions, also remembering previous events by adding substance slowing conversion... controlled autocatalytic reactions' rates enabling lingering in 2 states, temporarily storing information...artificial intelligence, smart materials, nanobiotechnology, chemical origins of life"

New cooling system works on gravity instead of electricity "extracts water from air using cheap, readily available materials... keeps solar cells/ semiconductors cool, repurposed for irrigation, washing, cooling buildings... adding lubricant coating, polymer/ silicon oil, collects more water using gravity... coating eliminates pinning, enabling passive water collection driven by water... passive radiative cooling... vertical double-sided architecture... almost double water collection rate... no mechanical parts like compressors, fans, reducing maintenance" Related: KIMM Achieves Milestone in Cryogenic Technology with New Turbo Expander

Increasing potential of silicon clathrate films for photovoltaics "Type II silicon clathrate bandgap is direct, energy about 1.8 eV, ideal for silicon tandem solar cells... excellent film quality due to thermal press annealing process enables Atomic Force Microscopy image recording on silicon clathrate films... silicon clathrates have silicon cages with removable sodium atom inside... chemical treatment with iodine.enables film with much less Na, enhancing semiconductor/ PV properties... prototype p-n heterojunction devices with metal oxides based on silicon clathrate films"

Long-range-interacting topological photonic lattices breaking channel-bandwidth limit "noise-resistant topologically protected light... trade-off relation between number of signal channels/ channel bandwidth determined by lattice bandgap, prohibits increasing total information capacity... overcome using long-range interactions enabling overlapping lattice structures within 2D plane, tailoring Chern number topological invariants while preserving original lattice band-gap/ topologically-protected edge modes... models higher-dimensional physics on 2D plane, enabling topological phenomena in complex networks"

Microwave Volumetric Additive Manufacturing broadens range of curing materials for 3D printing "unlike light-based, cures opaque/ resin/ ceramic/ composite materials... more complex, functional, larger parts... rapid prototyping... curing times as little as 6 seconds at 1 KW... print features ranging from few to 20 mm, with potential to scale up to meter-scale... fine-tune for properties of each material... antenna array/ beamforming algorithms instead of light projector... 1 KW pulsed microwave amplifier system could cost $50,000 to $100,000 but in-house design and/ or build might significantly reduce cost"

Fluorine-free binder and electrolyte designed to advance environmentally compliant, high-performance batteries "lithium perchlorate based electrolyte replaces fluorinated LP electrolytes along with non-fluorinated aromatic polyamide binder using Hansol Chemical's proprietary technology... reinforces bonding between cathode's active material and aluminum current collector, preventing electrode, significantly extending battery life... lithium chloride/ lithium oxide enrichment lowers interface energy barrier promoting ion migration, speeding lithium diffusion improving output... high-capacity retention, outstanding stability"

Using Turing patterns in designing and producing fabric-based soft pneumatic actuators "low cost, flexible, soft, deform/ move when inflating/ deflating... 2 interacting gradient-based orientation optimized surface membrane substances, 1 promotes both reaction/ diffusion, 2nd suppresses/ inhibits first, resulting in stable/ repeating patterns... finite element method orients material... generated anisotropic Turing pattern textures corresponding to the original material anisotropy... methods: heat bonding,  embeded embroidery... wearable and assistive devices, adaptive shelters, robotic grippers"

Radiant-convective heating terminals show potential for improved indoor thermal environment for intermittent heating "energy efficient switchable convective-radiant heating regulation/ terminal... initially heat up space within 20–40 min., stabilize within 18–22 ℃... better heating capacity, flexibility, thermal response... rapid/ comfortable steady-state heating in low-heating-load areas... single type of radiant-convective terminal can replace the combined use of two conventional heating terminals, reducing cost and simplifying the system. This finding can serve as a guide for low-load intermittent heating"

Organic noncovalent supramolecular crystals with high hydrogen storage performance could enhance fuel-cell vehicle efficiency "volumetric more crucial than gravimetric capacity... recyclable... point-contact catenation strategy that utilizes point-contact interactions involving hydrogen bonding to minimize surface loss during catenation. This design strategy endows these supramolecular crystals with balanced high volumetric and gravimetric surface areas, high stability, and ideal pore sizes for hydrogen storage...  onboard hydrogen storage " Related: From Cars to Kitchens: Toyota’s Hydrogen Cartridges Transform Energy Use

Scientists develop cheap, high-efficiency, easy-to-read digital encoding/ data storage system using fluorescent pixels "pixel system using microcapsules containing a mixture of fluorescent dyes and phase change paraffins, which absorb/ emitting heat in response to change in temperature or voltage, changing the color of the light they emit... three dimensions would be determined by the position (2D, like in QR codes) and colors (3D) of the pixels, while the fourth dimension is regulated by the material's response to temperature... 3D cybersecurity/ anti-counterfeiting encryption, 4D high-density data storage"

Extremely fast tiny light source switching between electrically neutral and charged luminescent particles in 2D material "cryogenic 2D molybdenum diselenide short laser pulsed generating excitons, then trions, then material THz pulsed quickly tuning trions back into excitons, and cycle repeated... bond broken within few ps, rapid switching, almost 1,000x faster... even comparatively low intensity can trigger... extremely compact: optical data processing, flexible THz cameras/ detectors featuring numerous pixels"

Semimetal-induced covalency achieves high-efficiency electrocatalysis for platinum-based Ge, Sb, Te compounds "have both metallic/ covalent bonds... 300°C high oxygen reduction avoiding ~600°C causing uneven size, morphology, composition, structure, limiting catalyst performance... in p orbitals' partial filling, d-p Ï€ feedback bond formed between platinum/ semimetal atoms as strong covalent interaction, promoting ordering arrangement... 0.794 A mg−1 at 0.9 V mass activity, 5.1% attenuation under CO toxicity, 11X that of commercial Pt/C catalysts... PEM fuel cells"

Enhancing inorganic semiconductor functionality with TeSeO materials for future electronics "holes, positively charged carriers in inorganic semiconductors... combining intrinsic p-type inorganic materials into adaptable/ reliable tellurium-selenium-oxygen... thin-film transistors and flexible photodetectors surpassing metal oxide, metal halide, organic p-type semiconductors... high-performance, cost-effective, air-stable, high-mobility, durable... 0.7 to 2.2 eV. tunable bandgaps... inorganic blending engineered band structure... high-mobility p-channel transistors, solar cells, wideband photodetectors"

Smaller, more energy-efficient magnonic computers by alternating/ redirecting currents to excite spin waves "short wavelength spin waves reduces magnonic device footprint... lateral alternating current geometry in synthetic ferrimagnetic vortex pairs achieves spin-wave emission with  several orders magnitude better efficiency...  opposite magnetization patterns in ferrimagnets enables efficient excitation of magnetization pattern using magnetic fields generated by the alternating currents... strain changes their magnetization, spin wave direction steered adjusting amount of current... micromagnetic simulation software,"

From quantum to wireless: Enhancing chip-scale communication with terahertz tech "multiple chiplets in 1 system, instead of a large chip, increases computing power without overheating... faster, more energy efficiency, scalable data transfer. going wireless THz using tiny antennas... high noise-sensitivity of THz mitigated, even during high noise, using: (1) controlling electron behavior of high-frequency exposed signals improving response to certain frequencies, 2D semiconductor quantum well enhancing signal detection ... (2) 2 receivers adjusting reference voltage based on noise levels detected"

Seven unique silicon phase transformations near ambient pressure using stress promise numerous discoveries "pressed/ sheared with large and plastic, or permanent, deformations... silicon 100 billionths of a meter, 0.3 GPa, plastic deformations: transformed silicon's Si-I crystal phase to Si-II (without stress needs >=16.2 GPa... goal isn't to change shape/ size, but nanostructured pure phases/ mixture of phases (nanocomposites) with optimal electronic, optical, mechanical properties... industrial applications"

There's two sides to gallium nitride-based semiconductors, and many simultaneous functions "combines: (1) nitrogen side: high-frequency, power (electronics). (2) gallium side: energy-efficient LED lighting (photonics), (3) potentially acoustics), enabling smaller, cheaper, more energy efficient devices... large electronic polarization along its crystal axis, so different physical/ chemical properties per surface... grow transparent GaN substrates on single crystal wafer 400 µm thick... devices do not degrade... driving a large LED, turning it on and off at kilohertz frequencies—plenty for a working LED display"

Lithium-ion battery's first charge determines how many charging/ discharging cycles it can handle before deteriorating "factory first charge at unusually high currents depletes lithium 30% but prolongs battery’s life 50%, decreases initial charging time from 10 hours to 20 minutes... lost lithium forms layer on negative electrode protecting from side reactions that would accelerate lithium loss/ degrade the battery faster over time... also creates additional headspace in both electrodes, allowing electrodes to cycle in a more efficient way further improving performance/ lifespan"

Quantum error correction technology outperforms PsiQuantum, world's leading quantum computing company "encoded-fusion-based quantum computing fault-tolerance threshold up to 14% (PsiQuantum's: only 2.7%)... much more resource-efficient with same photon consumption... Korean computers: photon-based and superconducting qubits, ion traps, neutral atoms... patents applied for"

Printing-based selective metal thin-film deposition enables facile/ fast fabrication of high-performance soft electronic devices "polymer patterns block metal vapor condensation allowing vapor deposition/ patterning at same time without need for separate shadow/ photo masks, enabling patterns with line widths ranging from μm to mm on large scale... polymer pattern's stretchability/ mechanical durability enables deposition on multi-curvature/ elastic substrates... wireless power transmission, curvilinear OLEDs, stretchable LED arrays... future: porous transparent structures in OLEDs' electrodes, camera/ face recognition sensors"

Researchers enhance efficiency of small electric drives for pumps and fans "brushless integrated drives consuming less energy, quieter, lighter,  improved magnetic flux, 50% fewer capacitors... reduced cogging torques of claw pole motor drive by skewing/ slotting claws, with no added cost, minimizing claws' momentary engagement when motor turned, reducing vibrations 70%... aimplified control reduces switching losses, simplified current flow regulation... only switch drives on/ off once per desired rectangle... 3D printed circuit board windings generating ferrite core magnetic field"

Water-free synthesis produces rust-resistant coating with additional properties for faster, more durable electronics "prevents oxidation in 2D semiconductors... evenly coat with amorphous boron nitride: high thermal stability, insulate components, prevent unwanted electrical currents, improve device performance, high dielectric strength... 2-step low-temperature atomic deposition of seed layer before heating to between 250 - 300°C... 30 to 100% improved transistor performance... electrons can go faster through the 2D material than they could if they were between other dielectric materials"

Iron chloride cathode could revolutionize lithium-ion battery market "FeCl3 costs 1%–2% of typical cathode/ stores same electricity amount... with lithium metal anode, solid-state electrolyte, battery costs 60%–70%, where battery is 50% of EV cost... no nickel/ cobalt... higher operational voltage than LFP... <5 years from commercial viability in EVs"

Researchers develop reconfigurable MIMO-based self-powered battery-less light communication system "simultaneously decodes lightwave information (photodiodes configured to track light beams)/ harvests energy... mitigates beam wandering/ misalignment... toggles between: (1) single-input single-output prioritizing efficient energy harvesting: 25.7 Mbps maximum gross data rate, (2) multiple-input multiple-output prioritizing high-speed communication: 85.2 Mbps net data rate... powering IoT devices using the energy harvested"

Antiferromagnetic diode effect in even-layered MnBi₂Te₄ centrosymmetric crystal not exhibiting directional charge separation "superconducting diode effect: single direction electrical flow in antiferromagnetic topological insulator MnBi2Te4... nonlinear intrinsic diodes... 2 different electrode configurations... (1) having longitudinal electrodes passing current/ transverse electrodes measuring Hall effect, (2) having electrodes arranged in circular pattern around central point... large 2nd-harmonic transport... in-plane field-effect transistors, microwave-energy-harvesters, antiferromagnetic logic circuits, microwave harvesters, spintronics"

Japan’s manganese-boosted EV battery hits game-changing 820 Wh/Kg, no decay "sustainable alternative to nickel/ cobalt anodes, high-energy density, cost-effective... monoclinic layered domain (type of group symmetry of solid crystal) plus high surface area activates in simple solid-state reaction, LiMnO2 structural transition to spinel-like phase (calcination process), improving electrode material’s performance... voltage output maintained over time... overcomes manganese dissolution using highly concentrated electrolyte solution/ lithium phosphate coating"

Carrier pre-intercalation increases performance of sodium, potassium, magnesium and zinc alternatives to Li-ion in batteries "chemical and electrochemical pre-intercalation methods introduce special ions into the electrode materials before the battery even starts working. This helps increase the spaces between the layers in the electrodes, making it easier for ions to move in and out. The technique also improves how well these materials conduct electricity, leading to faster charging and discharging, significantly improved stability/ lifetime, lower costs, and increased energy storage capacity"

Polymer-based electrode binder improves electrochemical performance, cyclic stability of lithium and sodium-ion battery electrodes "densely functionalized water-soluble poly(ionic liquid), poly(oxycarbonylmethylene 1-allyl-3-methyimidazolium)... graphite anode binder (LIB), hard carbon anode binder (SIB)... high capacities: 297 (LIB) 250 mAhg-1 (SIB), 80% capacity retention after 750 cycles (LIB) 96% capacity retention after 200 cycles (SIB), fast charge-discharge, improved ion diffusion coefficient, lower resistance/ activation energy... also for: biochemical, sensing, catalytic applications" Related: New PVDF alternative battery binder surpasses EU environmental regulations

Stable, powerful topological quantum computers using objects that behave like half of an electron "quantum interference between electrons in nano-scale electronic circuits enable split-electrons as topological qubits... electrons going down different nearby paths destructively interfere, blocking current flow, electrons collectively behaving as if electron split (Majorana fermion)... quantum interference explained by double-slit experiment in quantum mechanics... key ingredient for topological quantum computers"

Analysis of heterostructures for spintronics shows how two desired quantum-physical effects reinforce each other "at graphene/ heavy metal interface, strong spin-orbit coupling develops... spin canting effect stabilizes skyrmions, vortex-like spin textures, significantly mediated/ enhanced when a few ferromagnetic cobalt monolayers inserted between graphene/ heavy metal iridium, grown on insulating substrates, enhancing splitting of energy levels... spin-canting effect best with 3 monolayers... graphene-based heterostructures have great potential for the next generation of spintronic devices"

Solar roof tile/ heat pump integration generates electricity and heat while reducing energy demand as much as 20% "Paxos Solar glass roof tiles glued to rails, much lighter, half installation time... connected to heat pump... 25% increased heat pump’s performance coefficient, 20% less energy 1 year need compared to device not getting additional heat from solar tiles... back-contact/ matte surface cells enable angled light capture, 190 W in about 10 X 10' roof space, tiles can be made to any size... sun heats air under modules, rises toward roof ridge, collected in pipe... 1.8°F increase in air temperature switches pipe fan on, air pushed into heat pump"

Manipulating incoming photons' momentum turns pure silicon from indirect to direct bandgap semiconductor "confined photons to <few nm-scale, widening momentum distribution to that of electron momenta... photon, phonon, electron interacting at same place/ time changing electrons' energy/ momentum, enabling diagonal (in addition to vertical) transitions, improving light absorption/ emmission by 4 orders of magnitude... can reduce silicon layer thickness by same factor... outperform current technologies at fraction of cost... can be integrated into existing fabrication... silicon-based thin-film PV, optoelectronics"

Invar low thermal expansion iron/ nickel alloy: single step solid-state production from ores to sustainable metals "saving vast amount of energy, integrating metal extraction, alloying, thermomechanical processing... near-optimized microstructure-property combination directly converts ores or oxides to products... oxides with similar reducibility, mixability at around 700°C... hydrogen reducing agent: water only byproduct (no CO2 emission or product contamination)... avoids frequent cooling/ reheating (no reheating at all)... superior mechanical strength due to refined grain size... future: make scalable, adapt for high-entropy alloys"

Organic thermoelectric device can harvest energy at room temperature and without temperature gradient "no need for 1 side hot/ other side cool... lower cost, higher energy efficiency, no need for hazardous radioisotope thermoelectric generators... many organic compounds easily transfer energy between each other (electron charge transfer interfaces): 180 nm copper phthalocyanine layer, 180 nm copper hexadecafluoro phthalocyanine layer... also, 20 nm each of fullerenes and bathocuproine, facilitating electron transport,,, . open-circuit 384 mV, short-circuit current density 1.1 μA/cm2, maximum output 94 nW/cm2"

Uniform 2D self-layered silk protein fragments on graphene pave way for advanced microelectronics and computing "silk's elasticity, durability, strength, but sable, orderly instead of its naturally disordered state, by way of precision laboratory conditions... biocompatible: nontoxic, water-based... sensitive, tunable transistor... protein layer packed in precise parallel β-sheets... field effect: switch flips on/ off in response to signal... adding antibody to it when target protein binds causes transistor to switch states... microelectronics (wearable, implantable health sensors), computing (memristors in neural networks)"

Fingernail-sized device simplifies manipulation of 2D materials for twistronics "replaces one by one twisting by controlling electron density, twist angle... 2 hexagonal boron nitride pieces... tune the nonlinear response of the resulting device opens the door to a whole new class of devices in optics and photonics... transistors, solar cells, quantum computers, low-loss optical communication light sources" Related: New material with wavy layers of atoms exhibits unusual superconducting properties

Antiferromagnetic spintronics advance opens door to next-gen electronics "B-doping boron into magnetoelectric chromium oxide controls magnetic fields, quantum material whose magnetic states altered above-room temperature by electronic means alone... antiferromagnetism: alternating columns of atoms whose poles point in opposite directions and effectively cancel each other out, yielding virtually no magnetic field... overcomes need for room-temperatures and symmetry-breaking applied magnetic field... faster, energy efficient digital memory and processors"

Superconducting constriction junctions enable mass production of qubits "coherence linked to qubit junction quality... 2 superconducting layers separated by insulator... overcomes increased current flow, linearity... constriction junction nonlinearity tuned through superconducting transition metal silicides' junction's size, shape... tradeoff between conductivity/ nonlinearity... aligns with current electronics manufacturing capabilities"

Solving long-standing challenge in semiconductor manufacturing—a refined algorithm for detecting silicon wafer defects "automated detection, deep learning, SPD-Conv specialized convolutional neural network identifies minute irregularities... balances accuracy against detection speed...  Convolutional Block Attention Module added to model, sharpening focus on smaller defects that are often missed in manual inspection or by other algorithms... achieved a mean average precision of 92.5% and had a recall rate of 94.1%. It did this quickly, at a rate of 136 images per second, which is faster than earlier systems"

Synthetic mini-motor: Researchers convert chemical energy into rotational energy at the supramolecular level "peptide ribbons few μm long, few nm wide... with addition of fuel ribbons curl up into small tubes, causing them to begin to rotate. ... fuel amount added controls rotation speed, rotation direction influenced by ribbons' molecular building block structure... can move micrometer-sized objects... micro-walkers: several rotating ribbons brought together at central point can crawl along surfaces... future: swim through blood vessels detecting tumor cells, transporting drugs (after harmless fuel developed)"

Inspired by squids and octopi, flexible screen stores and displays encrypted images without electronics "mechanical materials use magnetic fields, not electronics, for system-level encryption, information processing, computing... clothing, stickers, ID badges, barcodes, e-book readers, wrist bands... encode using magnets with different strengths/ orientations selectively changed polarization... reveals image when near standard magnet, or private image using complex magnet encryption (no code/ electronics to be hacked)... could also be used color-changing surfaces (camouflage)... shaking screen erases until magnetized again"

Hydrogen ion proton barrier films using graphene oxide that lacks internal pores "graphene oxide known for high ionic conductivity making it challenging as ion barrier, but eliminating internal pores improved hydrogen ion barrier properties... up to 100,000X better barrier performance... protected lithium foil from water droplets, preventing any reaction between them... protective coatings, rust prevention, hydrogen infrastructure"

Energy-saving Brownian reservoir computing records and transfers hand gestures detected by skyrmion magnetic whirls "better than using energy-intensive neural networks... recorded swipe left/ right hand gestures with Range-Doppler radar employing 2 Infineon Technologies radar sensors, converted into corresponding voltages... reservoir of multilayered triangular thin film stack with contacts at each corner. 2 contacts supply voltage, causing skyrmion chiral magnetic whirls to move within triangle from which detect complex motions... read-out process uses magneto-optical Kerr-effect microscope (future: magnetic tunnel junction)"

Significant tunable nonlinear Hall and wireless rectification effects at room temperature in semiconductor tellurium "generates second-harmonic output up to 2.8 mV (at 300°K), without introducing external magnetic field, order of magnitude higher than previously... tellurium thin flakes work well, inherently breaking inversion symmetry... Hall voltage outputs modulated by external gate voltages.,, primarily driven by extrinsic scattering, with surface symmetry breaking of thin flake structure... replaced AC current with RF signals, realizing wireless RF stable rectified voltage output over a broad frequency range of 0.3 to 4.5 GHz"

Generating spin currents directly using a linearly polarized ultrashort laser pulse and a circularly polarized probe laser "generate electrons with same orientation, no longer mixed that required filtering...  20 alternating layered platinum/ cobalt target block, each layer 1 nm thick, placed in vessel, directing magnetic field at it from bottom to top, strong enough to align electron spins in both layered materials... fired short pulsed polarized laser, and circularly polarized probe laser, shifting electron spins between layers within few fs, changing magnetic ordering, altering degree of magnetism... faster, more efficient, energy saving electronic devices"

Themal/ mechanical stress-induced dynamic cracks in MOF membranes dynamically healed using nanoparticles "spatiotemporal mismatch between dynamic crack formation/ point-by-point healing accuracy causes large healing zone, increased membrane thickness, mass transfer resistance... adaptive healing by creating patiotemporal harmony between crack generation/ healing... in situ formed nanoparticles immediately fill crack gaps... retained satisfactory separation performances for azeotropic mixtures... 85% energy consumption saved... separation durability improved >2 orders of magnitude"

Fewer low-orbit satellites needed for global coverage, by enabling each to manage many instead of one user at a time "split transmissions from single antenna array into multiple beams precisely where needed, without additional hardware... huge reduction in cost, power consumption... satellite network of 75 covering US reduced to maybe 16... can put in existing satellites but better if new, simpler satellite... less space congestion, debris"

Researchers simulate novel metal-filtered oxide-confined vertical-cavity surface-emitting laser modal control "metal-dielectric film mode filter flexibly regulates transverse modes... decreased series resistances, higher output power operating in single mode... modal control performance influenced by number of P-Distributed Bragg Reflector pairs, metal-/ oxide- aperture sizes... transverse optical field strongly confined within metal aperture when low number of P-DBRs, but confinement weakened as number of P-DBRs increased... optical gain characterizes change in threshold gain of different transverse modes due to optical scattering"

Multifunctional phosphor developed for white LED lighting and optical temperature measurement "safer LEDs, without yellow phosphors, inadequate red light affecting color rendering, blue light exposure hazard... energy-efficient... Bi3+/Eu3+ co-doped Ca2Ta2O7 (CTO:Bi3+/Eu3+) phosphors with tunable color emission from green to reddish-orange... enhances white LED, optical thermometer performance... high color rendering index... near-UV pumped white LED devices, visual thermometers, high-temperature safety markings"

Researchers develop scalable approach to integrate ultrafast, non-volatile 2D flash memories "high-bandwidth memories speed up data transfer/ reduce power consumption... 98% yield integrating 1,024 flash-memory devices... various fabrication methods: lithography, e-beam evaporation, thermal atomic layer deposition, polystyrene-assisted transfer, annealing process... 2 different tunneling barrier configurations of memory stack, (HfO2/Pt/HfO2 and Al2O3/Pt/Al2O3), using transferred chemical vapor deposition-grown monolayer molybdenum disulfide... sub-10 nm channel length, up to 4 bits, >105 endurance... AI"

Researchers develop new p-type semiconductor materials for next-gen displays "p-type selenium tellurium alloy transistor based p-type semiconductor... increasing channel layer crystallization temperature, depositing amorphous thin film at room temperature, heat crystallizaion... higher on/offline current ratio... improved mobility, n-type stability without passivation layer, adjusting Te thickness... better resolution... operates stably even in processes below 300℃ enabling monolithic 3D integration process... CMOS, DRAM, ultra-low power devices with high refresh rates: OLED, XR"

Transparent solar cells can directly supply energy from glass surfaces "high efficiency (20% to 14.7% in transmittance) while remaining colorless, transparent... all-back-contact, all solar cell components on back... seamless modularization eliminates gaps between devices without using metal wires and their opaqueness... 16 cm2 transparent solar cell module... glass of buildings, cars, smartphone screens"

Harnessing the power of porosity: Advancing aqueous zinc-ion batteries and large-scale energy storage "structural orderliness enhances performance... porous structures provide numerous nucleation sites, reducing nuclear energy barriers, mitigate localized charge accumulation, suppressing dendrites, ensuring longer battery lifespan... uniform electric field distribution/ homogeneous ion flux, crucial for stable zinc deposition/ stripping... accommodates volume changes/ deposition stress... various fabrication techniques: etching, self-assembly, laser lithography, electrochemical, 3D printing" Related: Producing future low-cost, aqueous zinc-ion batteries for sustainable, large-scale energy storage Team presents VO₂@VS₂ one-step hydrothermal synthesis for stable and highly efficient Zn-ion storage

Fraunhofer Institute's laser-based drying of electrodes for cost-efficient and high-speed production of fuel cells, electrolyzers "simpler, sustainable, scalable, energy efficiency, space savings... few seconds drying time (was several minutes) particularly useful in roll-to-roll... combines spray coating with laser-beam processing for corrosion protection coatings for bipolar plates, without energy-intensive vacuum process... double-beam welding/  forming tools repair speeding production, using 2 simultaneous welding laser beams reducing cycle time almost 50%... apply high-quality wear protection coatings using extreme high-speed laser cladding"

Axon-mimicking materials show promise for more efficient computing "mimicking brain's axon spontaneously amplifying spiking signal travelling along transmission line, without signal interruption or need for its boosting... lanthanum cobalt oxide electronic phase transition enabling more conductivity as heats up when signal passes, resulting in positive feedback loop... pulses neither decay away nor thermal runaway/ break down"

An unprecedented feat: Printing 3D photonic crystals that completely block light "transparent complete photonic bandgap blocking light at all visible wavelengths/ directions... allows precise light control... high resolution 3D printed photonic crystals, high refractive index... 2-photon polymerization lithography heating shrinks crystals 6X oxidizing titanium ions within crystals, turning ions into titanium dioxide resin... 180 nm distance between layers enhancing resolution... color generation, waveguides, telecommunications, sensing, single-photon emitters, quantum information processing"

Topological order restored stabilizing magnetic fields in insulator MnBi2Te4, enabling low-energy topological electronics "intrinsic magnetic topological insulator MnBi2Te4 non-trivial topology/ intrinsic magnetism, more robust quantum anomalous Hall effect at higher temperatures (up to 25°K)... gapless edge state directly coupled to extended percolating bulk metallic regions arising from band gap fluctuations caused by magnetic surface disorder... hybridizes with bulk's extended gapless regions... band gap fluctuations greatly reduced applying a magnetic field, increasing the average exchange gap to 44 meV, close to predicted values"