
Showing posts from October, 2023

Imperfect timekeeping to eventually fundamentally limit quantum computers and any large-scale algorithms they run "with quantum computers, precise timing is more essential than with conventional computers, as they exploit bizarre behavior of tiny particles such as atoms, electrons, and photons to process information... changing quantum state in quantum computer corresponds to rotation in abstract high-dimensional space... to achieve desired state, rotation must be applied for a very specific period of time—otherwise you turn the state either too little or too far... could be mitigated by designing clever error correction protocols"

Researchers devise cleaner, more efficient production of key input for detergents "more efficient, cheaper and cleaner manufacturing process... simple alkanes as alkylating agent for alkylbenzenes synthesis... sole byproduct harmless hydrogen gas... palladium nanoparticle catalyst for direct alkylation when situated on the outer surface of H-ZSM-5 zeolites primes alkane for addition of benzene producing alkylbenzene... 95.6% selectivity for desired alkylated products... soap, toothpaste, laundry detergent and industrial cleaners" Related: Next Wave and Lummus Produce World’s First Renewable Alkylate

Scientists manipulate quantum fluids of light, bringing us closer to next-generation unconventional computing "spatial control of room-temperature, high-speed, all-optical polariton condensates... without relying on excitation profiles of polaritons, introducing additional copolymer layer (remaining nonresonant) within weakly coupled cavity... partially saturating optical absorption using 2-color beam excitation enabled ultrafast modulation of effective refractive index simultaneously with formation of polariton condensate dissipation... control over spatial profile, density, and energy... lateral design photonic chip"

Innovative battery design delivers high energy density and sustainability "quasi-solid-state water-in-salt magnesium-ion (also zinc-ion and aluminum-ion) batteries... polymer-enhanced electrolyte to control the competition between protons and metal ions... 2.4 V plateau, energy density 264 W·h kg–1... high voltage of non-aqueous systems and safety and cost-effectiveness of aqueous systems... even at –22°C they retained 90% capacity after 900 cycles... non-flammable and resistant to pressure over 40 atm" Related: HKU Engineering team unveils innovative battery design that promises high energy density and sustainability 3D-printed decoupled structural lithium-ion batteries that are stable, robust and customizable Safe and energy-efficient quasi-solid battery for electric vehicles and devices Chine...

Researchers demonstrate solution for long-term challenge, bringing benefits to spintronics and data storage technologies "magnetic materials with robust perpendicular (out-of-plane) magnetic anisotropy cost-effective for spintronics in high-density memories... anomalous Hall effect sign can be feasibly tuned in NCO films independent of their thicknesses which has never been reported for other single-phase materials.... skew-scattering in a low-conductivity material, NCO films, in quantum transport in magnetic materials... novel spintronic applications, high-density memories"

First-ever wireless device developed to make magnetism appear in non-magnetic materials "cobalt nitride layers (initially non-magnetic) in liquid with ionic conductivity and applied voltage wirelessly via 2 platinum plates causing nitrogen ions to leave CoN... runs cooler with improved efficiency... applicable also to other materials and to control other physical properties (superconductivity, memristor control, catalysis or transitions between insulator and metal, wireless electrodes for neuronal electrostimulation)... biomedical magnetic nanorobots and wireless computer information managemen"

Making high-quality crystals that resonate strongly with infrared light "flame vapor deposition synthesized MoO3 nanoribbons with high spatial and spectral resolution, detecting resonance modes beyond 10th order... smooth, parallel edges function as reflecting surfaces... fast, inexpensive, scalable, and doesn't require extra treatments that can damage and contaminate the crystals... controlled sizes and shapes of synthesized samples by varying temperature, molybdenum concentration, and time... molecular level infrared sensing, imaging, and signaling"

Iodine improves liquid lithium thionyl chloride battery discharge performance and rechargeability "superior energy density and stability, long life and low levels of energy loss during storage... but now, (1) by improving kinetics of energy charge and discharge rates with I2, improved energy release rate and (2) made Li-SOCl2 batteries rechargeable when they previously could not be recharged... wide temperature operating range... dual-function molecular catalyst saving Li-SOCl2 system from its primary deficiencies by generating new redox couples as intermediates for both discharge and charge processes" Related: Ampace C5 Transforms Commercial and Industrial Energy Storage Ampace Announces the Global Launch of the JP30 Cylindrical Lithium Battery

New parallel hybrid network achieves better performance through quantum-classical collaboration "powerful tool for quantum machine learning... avoids information bottleneck of sequential networks... high-frequency noise added... lower training loss, better predictions, and more adaptable to complex problems and new datasets... variational quantum circuit layer smooths periodical parts, while classical multi-layered perceptron fills in irregular additions of noise... both layers considered universal approximators... success rides on setting and tuning learning rate, number of layers and neurons in each layer" Related: Redefining quantum machine learning

New quantum computing architecture achieves electron charge qubit with 0.1 millisecond coherence time "extended coherence time 1.000X... qubits perform 10,000 operations over coherence time with high precision and speed... encode quantum information in the electron's motional (charge) states. Because of that, they are called charge qubits... low cost building and running large-scale quantum computers... small footprint of single electrons on solid neon (reduces disruptive signals) enables more compact qubits... 2-qubit entanglement coupled to same superconducting circuit: a critical aspect of quantum computing" Related: Diamond quantum memory with Germanium vacancy exceeds coherence time of 20 ms

Scientists demonstrate electric control of atomic spin transitions "quantum computing: electron spins used as qubits, speed critical to prevent information loss due to decoherence, and spintronics: enhancing data processing and storage... bias voltage induced electric field within tunnel junction affecting single titanium hydride molecule position, subsequently modifying g-factor... Zeeman effect: electron spin state energy levels in individual molecules split in presence of a magnetic field, enabling electron spin resonance... sensors to detect local electric fields within complex molecules" Related: Research overcomes major obstacle for quantum sensor development Unlocking the secrets of spin with high-harmonic probes Researchers achieve chemically controlled, reversible magnetic phase transition

Exploring the details of an energy-saving AI chip "2X power of comparable AI chips... simultaneous storage and processing of data within ferroelectric field effect transistors saves time and energy... millions of transistors each 28 nanometers placed on each AI chip... cannot heat up as quickly... 885 trillion operations/ second using 1 watt... generative AI, deep learning algorithms and robotics, recognize objects in space or process data from drones in flight with no time lag... but first must meet security requirements, for example, those for the automotive industry" Related: The Breakthrough AI Chip That Moves Beyond Transistors Engineers develop magnetic tunnel junction–based device to make AI more energy efficient Tiny graphene-based magnetic devices could lead to muc...

Crescendo promotes efficient, real-time and secure wireless access "filter out interference from other radio signals while sweeping underutilized spectrum frequency bands for high-traffic periods... helps distribute wireless access at affordable cost during low-traffic periods... low-complexity, advanced algorithms... secure connection, cyberattacks identified in real-time... commercial off-the-shelf parts and attached to existing radio units... monitor spectrum's activity through color-coded graphs showing hot spots of activity in red... future: reduce number of components to decrease cost"

Controlling waves in magnets with superconductors for the first time "thin layer yttrium iron garnet magnet, on top add superconducting electrode and another electrode which when cooled to -268° into superconducting state slows spins... varying temperature tunes this... reflects magnetic field back to spin wave causing spin waves to move up and down more slowly, enabling deflecting, reflecting, resonating... produce little heat or sound waves... energy-efficient spin-wave circuits, cell phones, quantum computer.s"

HERO generates steady 700°C heat in under three minutes from hydrogen and oxygen without combustion or fuel cells "water  the only output... globally patented catalyst that quickly heats up in the presence of H2 and O2 and then reverts to its original state with zero degradation... patented non-toxic catalyst, a trade secret, from relatively common elements... uses only tiny amounts of electricity to power switches, pumps and gauges... food giant Mars and packaging company TrendPac are running pilot projects... can use with green air-cooled supercritical CO2 turbines... one-tenth size of equivalent steam turbine" Simon Derricutt commented: "they're trying to make this out as something new, but the real news here is that they've got a cheap catalyst that starts working at room temperature and is OK up to 700°C (doesn't degrade too much at high temperature). Otherwise, you could do much the same th...

Design improvements boost efficiency of III-V solar cells "grew gallium arsenide heterojunction solar cell using dynamic hydride vapor phase epitaxy with 27% efficiency... makes III-V solar cells more affordable for terrestrial applications... optimizes emitter doping and bandgap to minimize impact of defects on efficiency... also applicable to heterojunctions such as silicon, cadmium telluride, or perovskites... powerful tool for solar cell design" Related: Unlocking Solar Power Excellence: Halead SUNPLUS Achieves PR Exceeding 93% Scientists propose parallel planar heterojunction strategy for efficient solar cells Shedding light on perovskite hydrides using a new deposition technique https://phys.o...

Printable circularly polarized luminescence materials enable flexible, stereoscopic displaying "Printing flexible 3D displays with 2 sets moving, deformable and free-form full-color pixel arrays based on orthogonal circularly polarized luminescence (CPL)... considerable contrast ratio and wide viewing angle... directly write customized graphics on substrates (polypropylene, cotton and polyester fabrics... meter-long luminous coatings... virtual reality, medical imaging, scientific visualization, information security, spintronics, quantum computing, biological detection, wearable devices (smartwatches)" Related: Advancements make laser-based imaging simpler and three-dimensional

Room-temperature continuous-wave topological Dirac-vortex microcavity lasers on silicon "InAs/InGaAs QD materials monolithically grown... harnessing an auxiliary orbital degree of freedom in topological insulators. By doing so, they were able to control the near-field of the Dirac-vortex cavities to obtain linearly polarized far-field emission... on-chip light source silicon-based photonic integrated circuits... non-Hermiticity, bosonic nonlinearity, and quantum electrodynamics... optoelectronics, communications, and silicon-based PICs with topological robustness"

A medium-voltage string inverter for photovoltaics "medium-voltage range (1,500 V) at 250 kVA... higher blocking voltage of silicon carbide semiconductors... cooling heat pipe cooling reduces amount of aluminum... high 1,500 VAC enables cable cross section reducttion to 35 mm², reducing copper consumption 700 kg/ km cable... fed power into medium-voltage grid successfully... large-scale PV power plants, wind turbines, charging infrastructure for large electric vehicles and vehicle fleets, and for industrial grids" Related: Wolfspeed Unveils Cutting-Edge Silicon Carbide Module Solution to Boost Clean Energy Capacity

Harnessing molecular power: Electricity generation on the nanoscale "natural motion of molecules in liquid...zinc oxide strands (nano whiskers) are piezoelectric... implantable medical devices, can scale to kW-scale generators... working to improve energy density of the device by testing different liquids, high-performing piezoelectric materials, and new device architectures and by enlarging the device" Simon Derricutt commented: "yep, this works, but the efficiency of conversion is only somewhere around 1.5e-12 when you look at the actual power available. 1.5pW per cm² or 15nW per m². Thus you'd need a pretty huge device (66.7 million m²) to get a kW, and that's quite a bit of Gold needed. The ZnO is of course pretty cheap material, but you still need to grow the nanorods so the end result isn't cheap. Sure, you can stack these devices provided you have enough heat-transfer between the layers, so you don't need 66.7 square kilometres of ...

Scientists develop highest-resolution single-photon superconducting camera "400,000 pixels, a 400X increase... near absolute 0 ultra thin electrical wire grid... no resistance until wire struck by single photon when superconductivity shuts down at particular pixel... locations and intensities of all photons makes image... measure signals from all pixels at a time rather than from each individual pixel, reducing number of readout wires... discern arrival time difference of signals as short as 50 trillionths of a second, count up to 100k photons/ second striking grid... capture very weak light signals from space brain" Related:  Scientists amplify superconducting sensor array signals near the quantum limit

New ammonia reaction could offer a sustainable source of nitrogen "simple way to produce amines from ammonia and unsaturated hydrocarbons... for the first time, not based on transition metals, but on main group elements without waste... so far, have converted activated substrates only and no unsaturated hydrocarbons, but now much closer to be major breakthrough, which would facilitate building blocks of agricultural and pharmaceutical chemicals, detergents, dyes, lubricants, coatings, catalysts in production of polyurethanes, applied in gas scrubbers at refineries and power plants"

Researchers create magnetic microrobots that work together to assemble objects in 3D environments " 1-mm  custom-made controller remotely moves individual robots to interact with each other... aims to develop an innovative set of AI-powered, microsized, untethered, stimuli-responsive swarms of robots... biomedical (operations)" Related: Honeybee behavior as a model for decision-making in a kilobot swarm

Layered lithium cobalt oxide cathode synthesized at relatively low 300°C in as little as 30 minutes "key component of lithium-ion batteries... hydroflux process adds sodium or potassium hydroxide to cobalt hydroxide and lithium hydroxide... presence of water molecules in the starting materials significantly improved crystallinity... electrochemical properties only marginally inferior to that of commercially available LiCoO2 synthesized by traditional high temperature (>800°C) and more time consuming (10 to 20 hours) method" Related: 24M’s Electrode-To-Pack Battery Doesn’t Have Individual Cells And Modules Enhancing thermo-electrochemical cell efficiency A strategy to reduce the rapid capacity deterioration of Ni-rich cathodes 24M Technologies...

Chemists, engineers craft adjustable arrays of microscopic lenses "carving aqueduct equivalents into polydimethylsiloxane, expanding or contracting lenses using fluids, modifying magnification, focal length... projecting signals onto embedded sensors...  silicone, strategic molecular groups and lithium-based compound, hydrogel, applying UV propagating chains protruding up from silicone and across, stabilizing it... control size, patterning and composition of hydrogel lenses, orientation and tension of silicone... biomaterial and biomedical culturing, micro-projection, robotic skins"

Adaptive optical neural network connects thousands of artificial neurons "artificial neurons activated by event-based photonics... waveguide-coupled phase-change... become stronger or weaker (synaptic plasticity)... synapses not hardware elements but coded as a result using optical pulses... integrate several thousand neurons on single chip and connect optically... higher bandwidth, less energy... nonvolatile, phase-change material switched between amorphous and crystalline structures with highly ordered atomic lattice enabling permanent data storage even without energy supply... AI" Related: Implementing artificial neural network hardware systems by stacking them like 'neuron-synapse-neuron' structural blocks

Photoncycle says it can store solar energy from summer to winter cheaper than batteries "for heat and electricity in winter using solid hydrogen in a 3 cubic m copper cylinder with thick Styrofoam wrapping... more efficient storage than batteries or liquid hydrogen, doesn’t lose much energy in conversion... losses are mostly heat (captured), 70% house energy heating related... non-flammable... store electricity 20X more dense than a lithium battery does... produces hydrogen and electricity in same high-temperature fuel cell... goal of selling 10k units in Denmark in 2025, and to have them installed in 2027"

Wireless, battery-free electronic 'stickers' gauge forces between touching objects "polymer compresses drawing copper strips closer increasing electric charge in millimeters thin soft polymer sheet capacitor... low power, transmitting radio signals from RFID reader via backscattering... attached under box measure weight.. withstood >1K force applications... each sticker <$2 fabricated cost.. future: smartphone readable stickers eliminating need for RFID readers... robots, VR and AR, warehouse inventory management accuracy and efficiency (miniature scales), biomedical: implant's (knee) fit, wear and tear"

Changing electron flow direction could improve future electronic devices and quantum computers " "quantum anomalous Hall (QAH) effect... no energy loss as electrons flow along materials's edges and can make immediate U-turn... 5-millisecond current pulse to QAH insulator impacts internal magnetism and causes electrons change directions... electronic faster than magnetic switch... narrowing QAH insulator devices increased applied current's density... future: pause electrons en route and QAH effect at higher temperatures (currently near absolute zero)... information transfer, storage, and retrieval"

Catalyst selectively and sequentially deconstructs multiple polymers in mixed plastics into pristine monomers "requires 94% less energy and 96% less fossil fuel... works for >30% of all plastics including composites and multilayer packaging... synthetic organocatalyst deconstructs at different temperatures: Polycarbonates at 266° F, polyurethanes at 320° F, polyethylene terephthalates at 356° F and polyamides at 410° F... works in 2 hours... other plastics, additives and associated materials such as cotton and plastic bags left intact and subsequently recovered... filtration removes impurities (pigments), then monomers, then catalyst, reused" Related: Scientists create artificial protein capable of degrading microplastics in bottles Scientists find hundreds of toxic chemicals in recycled plastics Polyethylene waste could be a thing of the past https://phys....

New technique accomplishes precise control of photonic angular momentum "symmetrical cascading 2 analogous units: TAM (total spin angular and orbital angular momentum)... separator and reverser using unwrappers and correctors... extracting up to 42 TAM modes from photon beam, spatial filter determines which TAM modes to keep and which to block, TAM reverser brings back separated beams to spatial domain... high-speed large-capacity data transmission and high-security photonic encryption systems, high-fidelity photonic computation and processing quantum radar signals"

A strategy for the spin-acoustic control of silicon vacancies in a 4H silicon carbide-based bulk acoustic resonator "characterize acoustic properties microelectromechanical systems, also enabling greater control over quantum memory devices based on spin defects use acoustic vibrations a quantum resource... common, easily measurable defect in silicon carbide mechanically sensitive and robustly controlled to make non-invasive strain sensor... future:  strain imaging in silicon carbide based devices, like MRI... use feedback between resonator and spins to control both systems simultaneously... quantum technologies, imaging"

Revolutionizing radar: Integrated THz vortex beam emitter for precise rotating target detection "cost-effective, scalable... spiraling (not just linear) electromagnetic waves with orbital angular momentum... helical twist introducing signature rotational Doppler effect when encountering spinning object... manipulating frequency generates radar measuring rotating object speed with 2% maximum margin error... access resonances in beam emitter cavity enabling vortex beams ±1 topological charges, illuminating rotating object, and resulting echo received by linearly polarized antenna... tactical military defense" Related: Researchers 3D print compact, low-cost vortex beam generators

Researchers demonstrate a high-speed electrical readout method for graphene nanodevices "faster, more sensitive electronic measurements and insights into rapid dynamics of electronic states... improvements to radio-frequency (rf) reflectometry to achieve a high-speed readout technique. Remarkably, the breakthrough involves the use of graphene itself... microscale graphite back-gate and an undoped silicon substrate... observe Coulomb diamonds through rf reflectometry... quantum computers, physical property exploration using 2D materials such as graphene"

Brighter, bolder, world-record-breaking green laser based on coherent beam combining "paradigm shift... 500 W, single-mode, continuous-wave 532 nm... eliminates risk to integrity of single crystal by combining seven lasers... copper additive manufacturing... chip-to-wafer welding, combines power and modulation capabilities... future: coupling frequency-doubled, single-mode-infrared laser modules with coherent beam combining enabling high CW power in laser machining processes for the first time"

US patented kinematic charger reduces solar panel size by half, to debut at Asia clean energy summit in Singapore "reduces electricity consumption by an 30-70%... optimizes energy flow by harnessing redundancy states within energy systems. This ensures that every watt produced serves a purpose, minimizing waste and maximizing efficiency. The technology ingeniously employs batteries as intermediaries, bridging the gap between intermittent solar energy and variable load demands... reliable and affordable"

Scientists propose super-bright light sources powered by quasiparticles "as powerful as the most advanced ones in existence today, but much smaller with tiny travel distance.... non-destructive imaging to scan for viruses, understanding biological processes like photosynthesis, manufacturing computer chips, and exploring the behavior of matter in planets and stars... each electron performing relatively simple movements, but total radiation from all electrons mimics particle moving faster than light or oscillating particle... laboratories, hospitals, and businesses" Related: Non-destructive image sensor goes beyond bulkiness

From square to cube: Hardware processing for AI goes 3D, boosting processing power "using different wavelengths to represent different sets of data... added extra parallel dimension to photonic matrix-vector multiplier chips exploiting multiple different radio frequencies encoding data... analyze 100 electrocardiogram signals simultaneously, 93.5% accuracy identifying sudden death risk... scaling of inputs × 6 outputs 100X energy efficiency and compute density enhancement... using radio frequencies to represent data... future: exploiting more degrees of freedom of light, such as polarization and mode multiplexing"

Automatically manufacturing and depositing organic semiconductor thin films with high molecular precision "rolling transferred Langmuir layer technique produces organic semiconductor molecule monolayers at air-water interfaces and transferred to solid substrate... reduced surface defects... can vary packing density via surface pressure during deposition... number of stacked molecular layers precisely adjusted... thin-film opto-electronics... organic photovoltaics generating electricity from sunlight, thin films converting sunlight into chemical energy, transistors, sensitive sensors" Related: Simulating how electrons move through biological nanowires Pressure-cooking birch leaves to produce raw material for organic semiconductors

Scientists develop thin film phototransistor for bioinspired visual adaptation "InP quantum dot/oxide thin-film phototransistor vision sensor... embed discrete InP QDs with strong visible-light absorbance, InSnZnO thin film constructing hybrid phototransistor, efficient carrier transmission between source and drain... superior electrical transport property of oxide semiconductors... excellent gate and visible light response controllability unde varying ambient light intensity... >93% handwritten pattern recognition accuracy... image processing, artificial vision, security, medical care" Related: Researchers discover new ultra strong material for microchip sensors

From a five-layer graphene sandwich, a rare electronic state emerges "high-capacity data storage... increase speed and lower energy cost hard drives... domains of multiferroic storage device could be switched by faster, much lower-power electric field... rhombohedral stacking slows down electrons... of 2 possible valleys in graphene. electrons coordinate settling in only one valley... control both ferro-valleytronics and unconventional ferro-magnet at same time using electric field... double memory of chips... magnetic and valleytronic devices"

Physicists create new form of antenna for radio waves "small glass bulb containing an atomic vapor to demonstrate a new form of antenna for radio waves. The bulb was "wired  with laser beams and could therefore be placed far from any receiver electronics... highly sensitive, broad tunability, small, no metal parts, atomic sensor accessed via laser light instead of electric cables... 30m distance using a free-space laser link adding flexibility to Rydberg-atom based sensing... robust and cost-effective quantum sensors, satellites, defense"

Morpho butterfly nanostructure inspires technology for bright, balanced lighting "cheap, water-repelling, high transmittance >93%... Morpho butterflies randomly arranged multilayer enables selective reflection blue light over ≥±40° angle from illumination direction... range of colors without dispersion, self-clean simple water rinse, shaped with standard nanofabrication tools... 2D nanopatterns transparent polydimethylsiloxane elastomer... llight diffusion controlled into anisotropic shape: 78° x- and 16° y-direction... daylight-harvesting windows, visual displays, optical diffusers"

Miniaturized free-space optical breakthrough unlocks high-speed wireless communication anywhere "pair of FSO devices. Each FSO 45 cm × 40 cm × 35 cm, 9.5 kg, 10 W, each houses optical transceiver, acquisition, pointing, and tracking device, and control... low-diffraction, efficient 4-stage closed-loop feedback control... tracking through integrating multiple sensors and algorithms, 10 minute tracking, tracking error >=3 μrad, link loss 13.7 dB over the 1-km link... bidirectional data rates 9.27 Gbps... 1 km effective distance, also tested 4 km, where average loss increased to 18 dB, but due to a foggy test environment"

Ushering in the era of light-powered 'multi-level memories' "0 and 2D semiconductor artificial junction... increased processing speed... joining quantum dots in a core-shell structure with zinc sulfide on surface of cadmium selenide and molybdenum sulfide semiconductor enabling storage and manipulation of electronic states within quantum dots measuring <=10 nm... ienables more states than 0 and 1... zinc sulfide shell prevents charge leakage between neighboring quantum dots, allowing each to function as memory... quantum dot structure perfectly mimics floating gate memory.... AI" Related: Polarized hetero-structured luminant: The 'marriage' of 2D materials and 0D quantum dots Boosting UV light absorption in 2D semiconductor with quantum dot hybrids for enhanced light emission

Research team demonstrates coherent ultrafast photoemission from carbon nanotube emitter "2 nm single-walled carbon nanotubes achieved ultrafast resonant tunneling single-electron emission... double barrier enabling 0-dimensional cap as electron resonant cavity... splitting 2 degenerate quantum states caused by static field and laser field,controls electron emission... electron emission energy spread 57meV, order magnitude lower than that of metals... close to time-energy uncertainty principle limit... electron probes with sub-angstrom spatial resolution and femtosecond time resolution... attosecond electron microscopy"

Creating a broadband diffractive graphene orbital angular momentum metalens by ultrafast laser nanoprinting "200nm... high-resolution focusing... periodically arranged 2D metasurfaces for high-quality OAM beams.... 1-step laser nanoprinting... graphene manipulates light beam's amplitude and phase  for highly flexible and accurate lens... detour phase technique and unique graphene properties independently control focusing and topological charge at same time... simple and cost-effective... optical data storage, quantum information processing, super-resolution imaging, and optical trapping and manipulation, photonic communications"

Tiny memory cell withstands extreme temperatures, enables smaller and better semiconductors for microelectronics "ferroelectric aluminum scandium nitride stores different states, suitable as nanoswitch... stable and powerful semiconductor material works with silicon, silicon carbide and gallium nitride... withstands 1,000°C... 4 to 5 nm thick, reducing from >100 to 1 volt... easily integrated into existing semiconductors... neuromorphic computers, actuators in loudspeakers, transistors, information storage/ sensors for combustion processes in engines/ turbines, steel industry, medical diagnostics" Related: Low-power vertical neurotransistors emulate dendritic computing of neurons Neuromorphic computing research: Team proposes hardware that mimics the human brain Twisted magnets make brain-inspired computing more adaptable https://tec...

An electrical switch to control chemical reactions "development of new molecules using simple external control, enabling more environmentally friendly synthesis... small box where reaction mixture circulate between 2 electrodes separated by quarter-millimeter-thick sheet containing flow channel for circulating molecules between electrodes... as molecules flow through reactor, reactants interact weakly with carbon nanotube electrodes, exposing them to electric field inducing electronic polarization activating chemical transformation... organic chemistry, drugs, plastics"

Whispering gallery microprobe opens up new opportunities for optical spectroscopy "Nano-plasmonic hotspots coupled with WGMs via phase-matched cavity-antenna coupling... 2 orders magnitude enhancement... sub-milliwatt continuous-wave pump power... Raman-based material analysis and chemical imaging... combination of WGM microresonators and nanoplasmonic SERS structures... phase-matching manifests due to WGMs' guided-wave nature... enhancing conventional SERS and 2D scanned Raman imaging using microprobe configuration... better and potentially more compact SERS test platform" Related: Unbreakable barrier broken: new superlens technique will finally allow scientists to see the infinitesimal

Chinese scientists claim record smashing quantum computing breakthrough "JiuZhang 3 is million times faster than predecessor and light years ahead of world’s fastest supercomputer... solved ultra-complicated mathematical problem within millionth of second, more than 20 billion years quicker than world’s fastest supercomputer... 1 million-fold increased calculation speed,.. uses 255 photons for calculations, each carrying a qubit... eventually requiring tens of thousands – or even millions of qubits – along with robust error correction capabilities to actualise large-scale and high-speed quantum computer"

A quantum algorithm for the segmentation of a moving target in grayscale videos "quantum mechanical processes rapidly segment moving targets in grayscale videos... segmented person or object recognized as target and monitored... exponential speedup... gray value quantum bits entangled with position information quantum bits so image or video is in superposition state... faster while retaining same accuracy... algorithm complexity exponentially decreased... quantum comparator with fewer quantum gates and qubits... highly performing quantum algorithms for advanced computer vision applications" Related: Novel quantum algorithm proposed for high-quality solutions to combinatorial optimization problems

Research unveils stretchable high-resolution user-interactive synesthesia displays for visual–acoustic encryption "transfer-printing... inherent stretchability ensures seamless operation under both static and dynamic deformation, preserving sound integrity relative to input waveform... visual-acoustic encryption combining visual and auditory cues... multiplex quick response code bridges multiple domains with single device enabling interaction with display... circular shape rate >95%... wearable speakers, double encryption devices, multi-quick response code implementations, mobile devices, and IoT as next generation displays"

Novel data acquisition method for high-resolution cone-beam computed tomography imaging "high spatial and high temporal resolution simultaneously... dual-energy CBCT imaging generating quantitative material-specific images... sub-pixel shifted binning between 2 detector layers  double spatial sampling rate... penalized likelihood material decomposition algorithm reconstructs high-resolution material bases from obtained dual-energy CBCT projections... signal readout speed (detector binning level) improves image spatial resolution >23%... oral imaging, image-guided radiation therapy and interventional therapy" Related: Hybrid machine learning method boosts resolution of electrical impedance tomography

Lanthanide-doped KMgF₃ upconversion nanoparticles for photon avalanche luminescence "room temperature pyrolysis of KHF2 for controlled synthesis of Ln3+-doped KMgF3 UCNPs, which can effectively protect Ln3+ from luminescence quenching by surface and internal OH– defects, and thereby boost upconversion luminescence... giant nonlinearity of ~27.0, a photon avalanche rise time of 281 ms, and a threshold of 16.6 kW cm-2... improved crystallinity, a reduced number of surface and lattice defects... super-resolution bioimaging, miniaturized lasers, single-molecule tracking and quantum optics" Related: Excited-multimer mediated supramolecular upconversion on multicomponent lanthanide-organic assemblies

Hybrid transistors with silk protein set stage for integration of biology and microelectronics "replacing insulators with silk fibroin precisely deposited onto surfaces and modified so detects components from body or environment... absorbs moisture at nanoscale rearranging silk's ions to gel triggering on-state allowing any gate value between 0 and 1... scalable, self-train, record memory directly in transistor... ultrafast breath sensor detecting humidity, carbon dioxide and other gas and molecule levels, cardiovascular, pulmonary, and sleep apnea disease sensors, sense oxygenation, glucose, and antibody blood levels"

Nanoelectronic device performs real-time AI classification without relying on the cloud "100X less energy... unprecedented tunability... 2D molybdenum disulfide and 1D carbon nanotubes... dynamic switching among various steps... integrates 2 materials into 1 device allows current flow modulation with applied voltages, enabling dynamic reconfigurability,.. sophisticated classification algorithms... wearable smart watches, fitness trackers, ECG near 95% accurate irregular heartbeat and arrhythmia subtype detection"

Consortium runs world's first hydrogen-powered gas turbine "Siemens Energy SGT-400 gas turbine with combustion system adapted for hydrogen, generated electricity... Unlike the gas usually used, hydrogen has a quicker and hotter flame, which meant the developers had to overcome significant security hurdles... These included the resistance capacity of the materials, the cladding of the combustion chamber and the settings for the combustion process... energy-intensive industries like cement, steel, aviation and shipping" elated: New ceramics promise hotter gas turbines that produce more power

New easy-to-use optical chip can self-configure to perform various functions "waveguide-based Mach–Zehnder interferometers in quadrilateral pattern... self-configure to perform optical routing, low-loss light energy splitting (<1.16 dB so sends signals to various processors and photodetectors facilitating input signal parallel pocessing) and matrix computations used to create neural networks... large-scale on-chip programmable waveguide networks.... reduced latency and power consumption... low-loss optical power splitting... image classification, gesture interpretation and speech recognition"

150 GHz antenna-on-chip transmitter IC chip for beyond 5G/6G radio equipment "preferred beam steering performance 4-channel Antenna-on-Chip IC technology using On the Air radiation pattern measurement... RF circuit integrates 150 GHz phased array antenna elements, phase shifters and transmission amplifiers into single chip... 22-nm SOI-CMOS integrating digital, analog and RF functionalities... higher frequencies, smaller sizes, lower Total Cost of Ownership... 100 Gbps >10X faster than 5G... utilizes sub-terahertz band to secure a wide bandwidth >=10GHz... supports 150GHz" Related: Establishing an electromagnetic wave measurement standard for 6G China beats Starklink with 10X faster 100 Gbps space-ground laser transmission Beyond 5G: New optical modulator can operate at 10 times the speed of current devices ...

A new reconfigurable field-effect transistor and memory device based on a 2D heterostructure "reduce electronics' complexity combining unipolar n- and p-type semiconductor characteristics ... modulated via photoinduced trapping reversibly controlled holes/electrons... drives photoexcited holes or electrons into interface between hBN and silicon dioxide substrate... reconfigurable FET switches between transistor and memory mode, and several FETs can be used to create inverter, AND, OR, NAND, NOR, XOR and XNOR circuits... emulate synaptic functions for neuromorphic computers" Related: Elevating neuromorphic computing using laser-controlled filaments in vanadium dioxide

SMARTLETs: microrobotic electronics self-assemble into sustainable complex artificial organisms "tiny silicon chiplets between folds for increased information processing... neuromorphic learning... electrical and fluidic connections between modules... directing repair, correct mis-assembly, induce disassembly and form collective functions spanning many modules, antennae communication, power harvesting and redistribution, remote sensing, material redistribution... complete digital fabrication description for modules: material content, responsible originator and environmentally relevant exposure... self-sort for recycling" Related: Scaling up nano for sustainable manufacturing with self-assembling nanosheets

Micro/nanoscale 4D printing: high-resolution time-triggered protocol (TTP) 3D structures "external stimuli responsiveness, biomimetic self-actuation, color-changing, and shape-morphing... 2-photon polymerization high-resolution 90 to 500 nm... magnetic materials, shape memory polymers, hydrogels, and liquid crystal elastomers... greater printing speed, scalability, and precision... superior chemical, thermal, and mechanical... robust, flexible, and durable... biomedicine, aerospace, flexible electronics, soft robotics,  microactuators, anti-counterfeiting devices, and microbots (including autonomous mobile and bioinspired)" Related Swift 4-D printing with shape-memory polymers Precise and less expensive 3D printing of complex, high-resolution structures Developing zero-waste, sust...

Toward metropolitan free-space quantum networks "central entanglement server stream 24/ 7 entangled photons 2 offices 300m apart... closed-loop stabilization... quantum receiver subsystem, commercial radio antennas... direct sunlight detected noise >400 kcp/s... night time quantum bit error rate <2%, average secure key rate of 5.4 Kbps... high-dimensional entanglement facilitates higher information capacity per photon, better security and robustness to noise... quantum key distribution, quantum clock synchronization and quantum cryptography" Related: Say hello to quantum networking startup Qunnect Securing telecoms networks for the post-quantum era Measuring improvement in the design of pulses for quantum systems

Novel framework promotes efficient electromagnetic wave absorption "bio-inspired metal-organic framework... biomineralized bovine serum albumin (BSA) protein as a template, the research team successfully controlled the crystal structure Fe-based MOF Mil-100, led to biological BSA@Mil-100, exhibiting hierarchical self-assembled structure ranging from nano to micrometer and remarkable microwave absorption... BSA@Mil-100 better absorbs microwaves... high frequency range 8.85 GHz, high microwave absorption -58 dB and broadband width 6.79 GHz" Related: Research proposes a modular customization strategy for defect-free MOF separation membranes

Record-high 3D printing rate reached by acousto-optic spatial-switching (AOSS) scanning "multi-photon polymerization lithography... printing rate 7.6 × 107 voxel s−1, order magnitude higher... prints complex 3D micro-nano structures 212 nm accuracy... 2-photon lithography... acousto-optic deflector increase printing speed due to inertial-free acousto-optic scanning... 8-focal-point Multiphoton Lithography achieving voxel size 212 nm and printing speed up to 490X faster... 3D metamaterial, micro-optical, microelectronic components, and biomedical engineering" Related: 3D printed robots with bones, ligaments, and tendons

Speeding up creation of quantum entanglement "particles become entangled rapidly if exceptional point nearby... When people talk about quantum technologies, they're largely talking about the ability for quantum systems to become entangled... we are constantly looking for ways to controllably entangle systems... quantum computers, biomedical and life sciences, drug discovery" Related: Quantum entanglement in quasiparticles: A stealth mode against disorder

Researchers develop nonlinear optical crystals by unusual cationic substitution strategy "2 non-centrosymmetric chalcogenides as excellent nonlinear optical crystals... cationic substitution resulting in salt-inclusion chalcogenides with diamond-like anionic frameworks... mixed cations introduced in GaS4 anionic frameworks resulted in wide band gaps and improved high laser-induced damage threshold (LIDT)... strong 2nd-harmonic generation intensities... wide transmittance range, impressive LIDT, sufficient birefringence index, bulk single-crystal form, and physicochemical stability" Related: A 20 kW laser system for producing high-purity crystals

Combining a bulky chain with a stable polymer to enhance liquid crystal performance "incorporate bulky chemical end-chains onto chiral molecular frames... added one chain to thermally stable chiral polymer liquid crystal dimer... phases with improved thermal stability, large tilt angles, and rapid response to electric fields... The finding provides a path toward liquid crystals that could be switched at nanosecond speeds. It could help to overcome barriers to widespread use of ferroelectric liquid crystals in technology including flat-screen displays, laptop screens, navigation systems" Related: Modeling polymers for next-generation manufacturing and sustainability Liquid Crystals and the Hunt for Defects

Quantum ruler measures and explores strange properties of twisted materials "twisted quantum ruler cooled 1/100th° above absolute 0 varies strong external magnetic strength for designing and manufacturing semiconductors... determining electrical and magnetic properties of moiré graphene bilayers:... area enclosed by electrons' circular orbit multiplied by applied magnetic field shifted by amount dependent on bilayers' magnetization... anomalous quantum Hall resistance (most precise standard) portably calibrated for electronics directly at factory saving millions of dollars" Related: Physicists unlock controllable nonlinear Hall effect in twisted bilayer graphene New method to observe the orbital Hall effect may improve spintronics applications A twist on atomic sheets to create new materials

Forte Enterprise IonQ rack-mounted quantum computers: plug and play for data centers "trapped-ion 35 algorithmic qubits fit into 8 (by 2025 only 3)19" wide, 3 server cabinets, a 40% size reduction... more affordable since compatible with existing infrastructure and easier manufacturing...  server cabinets... special chip isolate individual ytterbium ions and hold them in place using electromagnetic fields... programmed by firing lasers at them...mixture micro-optics and silicon photonics, with the goal to shift to silicon photonics... more reliable quantum cloud services... supports 1K entangling gates"

Free-space nanoprinting beyond optical limits to create 4D functional structures "2-photon polymerization-based femtosecond laser direct writing micro/ nanopolymers form photonic quasicrystals, metamaterials, and nanoarchitectures... hydrogel ink photoswitch activated... laser beam activation, aggregation, and free radical solidification... print muscle, belly, and tendon tissues implanted... high solidification rate, low solidification threshold... continuous printing and seamless transitions between planes... bionic functional structures tissue engineering and regenerative medicine"

Laser-scribed graphene (LSG) for sensors "detect pressure and mechanical strain, chemicals (glucose, dopamine, proteins, heavy metals and organic pollutants, gas), temperature and humidity... irradiate carbon precursors and generate graphene by in-situ scribing in minutes... LSG's wide detection range, high sensitivity, fast response, high surface area, high thermal stability, high electrical conductivity, simple and efficient fabrication process, selective and localized reduction, precise and fast patterning, and absence of masks and additional chemicals" Related: New method measures gas pressure with high precision Widely tunable and high resolution mid-infrared laser based on optical parametric oscillator Novel microsensor improves simultaneous pressure and temperature measurements https://te...

Testing particle scattering and reflection in graphene "staggered potential induced by growing ferromagnetic graphene on boron nitride substrate breaking symmetry and fully spin-polarized electron state... pure equal-spin crossed Andreev reflection  at Dirac point and over large voltage range... highly efficient nonlocal splitting Cooper pairs with spin-triplet (spin-singlet) pairing correlations... time-reversed Cooper pair splitting obtains entanglement... quantum communication and quantum computation" Related: The controllable splitting of a single Cooper pair in a hybrid quantum dot system

UAE 104 MW wind project: low wind speeds power more than 23,000 homes "Working with PowerChina and GoldWind International, Masdar said the project's turbines can exploit low wind speeds at scale, thanks to advances in materials science and aerodynamics that make wind power possible despite the heat and humidity" Related: Nordex debuts a US wind turbine optimized for lower wind speeds Dallas Love Field using jet wind energy to power car, phone chargers

Organic LED and CMOS-based optogenetic stimulation probes with single-neuron resolution "precisely control brain cell activity using light to genetically modify neurons... CMOS drives 1K OLEDs and 4 <100um diameter needles... CMOS and OLEDs (on top) and CMOS (on botom) separated by metallic contact pads... thin protective layer on top of OLEDs... control in parallel numerous neurons, with high spatiotemporal resolution... scale number of light sources on implant into thousands and potentially many millions... activate individual neurons in brain regions as deep as 5mm... next: wafer-scale fabrication"

Scientist adds cryo-ET and biosensors to fluorescence microscopy to image proteins within cells "fluorescence microscopy molecular specificity in context of cryo-ET high-resolution structures... do both techniques separately, then overlay the resulting images to get a clear view of both the target molecule and its surroundings... understanding molecular machines driving cell division and parasitic host invasion" Related: The power to turn the invisible visible: A revolution in microscopy for live-cell imaging PicoRuler: Molecular ulers for high-resolution fluorescence microscopy Q&A: Unveiling a new era of imaging—engineers lead breakthrough microscopy techniques Tracking molecules at turbo speed

Dragonfly eyes inspire 3D microlens array (MLA) processing technique "dragonfly compound eyes have thousands tiny lenses enabling wide field view... 3D laser ablated curved surface, then etched in acid... high-quality 3D concave lens arrays that can be used to make soft compound eyes... 3D seeds array etched into overlaping microlenses forming closely packed and curved MCLA... high precision, efficiency, and versatility... fabricate complex high fidelity 3D patterns on variety of substrates... integrated optofluidics microchips, biomimetics, beam shaping, 3D imaging, and 3D displaying" Related: Scientists demonstrate electrically tunable microlens array using simple PSCOF approach Research team designs biomimetic vision system based on praying mantis eyes Seeing like a butterfly: Optical invention enhances came...

Record-setting light bending of one infrared ray in two directions "highest double refraction, 3X birefringence of barium titanium sulfide... a few more strontium atoms than expected caused crystal's much larger repeating structure... largest anisotropy measured in any optical material... with press of a button, tiny changes in atomic structure from bending, heating or passing current through it dynamically change refractive index along 1 direction of material... night vision, Lidar, chemical sensing, microscopy"

Physicists realize fractionalization without a magnetic field "group of electrons acts like carries deficit of charge that is only fraction of electron charge... twisted bilayer graphene (TBG) lattice electron wave function cannot be placed on 1 site, but constrained to be spread over multiple moiré lattice sites... electron wave functions are isotropic clouds centered at lattice sites... wavefunction spread has anisotropic 3-leaf clover shape... some fractional correlated insulator phases only move in certain directions... emergent symmetry unifies their behavior... quantum computing"

Electron-spin qubit platform created atom by atom "control multiple qubits simultaneously, enabling application of 1-, 2-, and 3-qubit gates... magnetic atoms placed on pristine thin insulator surface... coherently manipulate with electron spin resonance (ESR-STM), also controlling remote qubits... scalable to 10's or 100s qubits in a defect-free environment... remote manipulation of the atoms to perform qubit operations individually, without moving the tip of the STM... quantum computing, sensing, communication, and simulation"

Using DNA as glue to hold nanostructures together and build ultra-strong colloidal crystal metamaterials "DNA as glue enabled colloidal crystal metamaterials in virtually any shape: solid or hollow squares, flatened corners, just edges of cubes... having different properties: ultra-strong and extremely stiff, maintain shape when exposed to extreme pressure... by adjusting DNA amount and how applied, control interactions between building blocks of the metamaterials... electronics, space applications"

A graphene addition for enhancing the critical current density of Bi-2223 superconductors "onset critical, phase lock-in, and coupling peak temperatures decreased with graphene increase... 1.0 weight percent graphene highest critical current density with microstructure best for Bi-2223 superconductors... added graphene nanoparticle impurities enhance current density... MRI imaging, power generation and distribution, renewable energy integration, transportation and aerospace, particle accelerators, electronics and quantum computing, environmental sustainability, industrial and manufacturing processes"

AI model beats PNG and FLAC at compression "DeepMind's large language model Chinchilla 70B lossless compression rates: images compressed to 43.4% and audio data reduced to 16.4% of original size... dataset size provides a hard limit on model size in terms of compression performance... upper limits to advantages achieved with large language model compressors the larger their dataset is... classical compressors like gzip aren't going away anytime soon since their compression vs. speed and size trade-off is currently far better than anything else"

Electronic sensor the size of a single molecule a potential game-changer "first time reactions between isomers have been used to develop piezoresistors... more efficient... 500kX smaller than width of human hair... electrically detect shape change of reacting molecule, back and forth, at about once every ms... detect biomolecules like proteins and enzymes for detecting diseases, piezoresistor vibration detection in automobiles, smart phones for counting steps, airbag deployment, medical implantable pressure sensors, aviation and space travel" Related: 'Impossible' millimeter wave sensor has wide potential

Using air to deflect lasers "invisible air grating immune to laser damage, preserves original beam quality... uses acoustic (frequency and intensity) dense and less dense air waves forming striped grating changes laser direction... 50% redirection efficiency soon to be significantly higher... IR laser pulse peak power 20 GW... fast switch high-power lasers, material processing, fusion research, particle accelerators, high-performance optical gratings, lenses and waveguides... also use other gases with other wavelengths and their optics and geometries"