
Showing posts from November, 2021

Relatively simple quantum computer design uses single atom to manipulate photons; could be constructed with currently available components "design consists of two main sections: a storage ring and a scattering unit... Because the atom and the photon are entangled, manipulating the atom also affects the state of the photon... Because you can control the way the atom and photons interact, the same device can run many different quantum programs... if you want to change the program that’s running... you don’t need to change the hardware – you just need to give the machine a different set of instructions" Related: Super-Resolution Imaging of a Single Cold Atom on a Nanosecond Timescale

Cubes providing 13 hours of plastic-free cooling do not melt; are compostable, anti-microbial, and prevent cross-contamination “Alternative to ice... contain more than 90% water and other components to retain and stabilize the structure... soft to the touch like a gelatin dessert and change color depending on temperature... rinse it with water and put it in the freezer to freeze again for the next use... could potentially reduce water consumption in the food supply chain and food waste... could revolutionize cold storage"

MTDH, a gene that enables every major cancer, including breast, prostate, lung, liver and colon, can be eliminated with few or no negative side effects "mice born without MTDH are resistant to cancer... metastatic cancers are scary, by figuring out how they work — figuring out their dependency on certain key pathways like MTDH — we can attack them and make them susceptible to treatment... we identify a compound, show it is effective... and show that it is very, very effective when combined with chemotherapy and immunotherapy... targeted experimental treatment... ready for human trials in a few years" Related: Method for delivering immune system-stimulating drugs may enhance cancer immunotherapy

New Generation Artificial Heart Implanted in Patient at Duke – First in U.S. "to help these patients... who have devastating disease and cannot otherwise be considered for a transplant... would provide a bridge [goal: eventual FDA approval as a permanent] transplant for patients whose hearts require assistance to pump blood through both chambers. Current technology – notably a left-ventricular assist device (LVAD) -- supports just one chamber... implantable prosthetic that includes biological valves derived from bovine tissue. It operates on an external power supply"

Researchers shrink camera to the size of a salt grain "relies on a technology called a metasurface, which is studded with 1.6 million cylindrical posts and can be produced much like a computer chip... Aside from a bit of blurring at the edges of the frame, the nano-sized camera’s images were comparable to those of the traditional lens setup, which is more than 500,000 times larger in volume... could be easily mass-produced at lower cost than the lenses in conventional cameras" Related: New lensless camera creates 3D images from a single exposure Looking near and far without a lens: Radial masks give thin cameras a large depth of field

Addition of BTO molecule enables high efficiency manufacture of larger area organic solar cells "a major step towards large-scale industrial manufacture of efficient and stable organic solar cells... high boiling point and without any toxic ingredients, whose energy efficiency is better than 17%... power conversion efficiency over 14%. This is the highest efficiency reported to date for organic solar cell modules with an active area exceeding 20 cm2. Both of these breakthroughs are important for organic solar cell technology to make its commercial breakthrough at a large scale"

Shifting colors for on-chip photonics: highly efficient GHz light conversion could be used in next generation quantum computers and networks "easily controlled, using continuous and single-tone microwaves... two types of on-chip frequency shifter — one that can covert one color to another, using a shift of a few dozen gigahertz, and another that can cascade multiple shifts, a shift of more than 100 gigahertz. Each device is built on the lithium niobate platform... using only a single, 30-gigahertz microwave signal... Previous attempts to shift frequencies by amounts larger than 100 gigahertz have been very hard and expensive" Related: Molecular device turns infrared into visible light

Mechanism of ion transport in aqueous Li-ion batteries explained facilitating move away from flammable organic electrolytes "effort to utilize water-based electrolytes as a safer alternative. However, this is hampered by the problem of water molecules undergoing electrolysis into hydrogen and oxygen within the battery, which causes various problems such as poor efficiency, short device longevity, and safety issues... uncovered the correlation between water dynamics and Li-ion transport"

Sustainable Bioplastic Made from Biomass DNA and Ionomers "sustainable bioplastic made from natural DNA and biomass-derived ionomers, termed as DNA plastics.... sustainability involves all aspects of the production, use, and end-of-life options of DNA plastics" Related: Suntory makes a breakthrough in sustainable plastic bottles Researchers develop new biodegradable plastic with thermoplastic properties similar to polyethylene Want a stronger biodegradable plastic? Add a 'pinch' of cream of tartar Opinion: Why bioplastics won't solve our plastic problems How an African bird might inspire a better water bottle

Molecular level adjustment when memories are consolidated, and when consolidation is interrupted due to sleep deprivation "RNAs associated with an understudied cell compartment in hippocampal neurons... after learning, major changes in RNAs are... present —almost exclusively— on ribosomes associated with neuronal cell membranes... By looking in those other areas of the cell, we now have the capacity to generate many new hypotheses about what happens at the molecular level when memories are consolidated, and when consolidation is interrupted due to sleep deprivation"

Microscope can see atoms and measure quantum features of potential building blocks of quantum computers and next-generation solar cells "using light and electrons to study materials... first microscope of its kind in the U.S.... has synthesized molecules that, with the addition of heat, can build themselves into ribbons with a predetermined shape and size... scanning tunneling microscope, or STM, that brings a very sharp tip or probe extremely close to the specimen being studied without touching it... By recording how the electrons tunnel... microscope builds high-resolution images" Related: The quantum twisting microscope: A new lens on quantum materials

Super jelly hydrogel can survive being run over by a car completely recovering to its original shape even though it’s 80% water "you’d think it would burst apart like a water balloon... but acts like an ultra-hard, shatterproof glass when compressed, despite its high water content... non-water portion of the material is a network of polymers held together by reversible on/off interactions that control the material’s mechanical properties. This is the first time... potential applications, including soft robotics, bioelectronics or even as a cartilage replacement for biomedical use" Related: Research team develops metamaterial to enable real-time shape and property control

Using microscopic movements in a coordinated way to create coherent motion replicating movement of living organisms " titanium nanosheets arranged in an aqueous solution to create a wave that propagated through the material, even though the nanosheets were not attached to one another. They were also able to use the coordinated motion to transport microparticles along with the wave... living organisms can generate fine and intricate motions on demand, while engines can only repeat simple linear or circular motions"

Thermoelectric crystal achieves 200X greater conductivity revolutionizing modern electronics "Seebeck effect laid the foundation of the field of thermoelectrics, which deals with materials producing electricity under the application of a temperature difference... Similar to the concept of an electrical conductivity, thermoelectricity is governed by the Peltier conductivity... stemmed from a low residual resistivity... was caused by the high mobility, low concentration, and heavy mass of the holes inside the crystal... [could enable] compact, low-cost MRI machine, making medical diagnosis more convenient" Related: Redrawing the lines: Growing inexpensive, high-quality iron-based superconductors

Doing photon upconversion a solid: Crystals that convert light to more useful wavelengths "transform presently wasted long-wavelength light into more useful shorter wavelength... exploring materials to realize photon upconversion (PUC), by which photons with lower energies (longer wavelengths) are captured and re-emitted as photons with higher energies (shorter wavelengths). One promising way to realize this is through triplet-triplet annihilation (TTA)... findings pave the way for many novel photonic technologies, such as better solar cells and photocatalysts for hydrogen and hydrocarbon productions" Related: Solid material that 'upconverts' visible light photons to UV light photons could change how we utilize sunlight Dark singlet exciton sensitized triplet energy transfer realized across CsPbBr3 nanoplate-organic interface

Perovskite solar: sunlight contracts space between 2D atomic layers boosting photovoltaic efficiency by up to 18%; cells stand up to environment "Perovskites... are highly efficient light harvesters... but sunlight and moisture degrade them... In contrast, 2D perovskites have tremendous stability but are not efficient... big issue has been to make them efficient without compromising the stability... as you light the material, you kind of squeeze it like a sponge and bring the layers together to enhance the charge transport in that direction... placing a layer of organic cations between the iodide on top and lead on the bottom enhanced interactions between the layers"

Nuclear fusion startup test fires plastic waste-powered rocket "fuel consisting of high density polyethylene (HDPE)... used in a range of plastic products including bottles, piping and cutting boards... and nitrous oxide oxidizer... also involves the development of nuclear fusion technology for high-speed propulsion, which could cut travel times to Mars in half... aiming to demonstrate a nuclear fusion propulsion engine for static fire testing in 2025, and then launch and test one in orbit in 2027"

Hydrogen vs. electricity: recent research giving electricity the edge

"By using the term clean hydrogen for both renewable-based and natural gas-based hydrogen, the danger is that we could establish a hydrogen industry that actually leads to an increase in emissions... Wherever possible, including ground transportation and heating, we should replace fossil fuels with the direct use of renewable electricity" Two Articles “Serious threat” of fugitive emissions with hydrogen plan:  See also: We must rapidly decarbonise road transport – but hydrogen’s not the answer:  Report cited: ‘Clean’ hydrogen? – Comparing the emissions and costs of fossil fuel versus renewable electricity based hydrogen: Hydrogen for ground transportation and heati...

Sustainable hairy cellulose nanocrystals selectively salvage rare earth elements such as neodymium from electronic waste "researchers negatively charged the hairy layers of the nanoparticles in order to attract and bind with the positively charged neodymium ions, resulting in particle aggregation into larger pieces that can then be effectively recycled and reused... Using cellulose as the main agent is a sustainable, cost-effective, clean solution"

New breakthrough in surface-based groundwater measurement "cleaner signals than have so far been possible using NMR-based (nuclear magnetic resonance) measurements... detailed map of the hydrogeological and geological structure of the subsurface, even in inaccessible areas... cheap, fast and, above all, very accurate... through a number of identical pulses almost 'force' a clear signal from the hydrogen atoms in the soil. The computer can piece together the signal we receive to an accurate reproduction of the original signal using data modeling"

Kitepower's AWES Falcon 100kW takes advantage of stronger winds at high-altitude "ground station, tether, control unit and kite... generates kinetic energy as it flies – being reeled in and out – and the ground station converts the kinetic energy into electricity. The solution is ideal for remote communities because it is easy to install, portable and uses materials cost-effectively. The AWES is especially effective in locations with constant prevailing winds. The milestone flight by the AWES took place above the Caribbean island of Aruba" Related:   Kitepower: leaving the world a better place We envision a world where Kitepower systems are deployed globally, delivering clean, affordable and sustainable energy to everyone. Flying Kites Deliver Container-Size Power Generation Automated wind-energy system

Maxeon Air series of pencil-thin interdigitated back contact (IBC) solar panels weigh only 6 kg per square meter lessening weight load on roofs "company selected Europe to launch the panel given the number of low-load commercial and industrial roofs on older buildings throughout the region... adhesive back-contact eliminates the need for racking and other balance-of-system (BOS) components... module can bend and crack without experiencing significant degradation and without creating hotspots" See also:  These light, thin, flexible solar panels ‘peel and stick’ to roofs

Metal oxides are as or more efficient than gold or platinum as catalysts for certain chemical reactions with alkynes "Alkynes are hydrocarbons that contain carbon-carbon triple bonds. They are among the basic building blocks of organic chemistry. For the desired industrial reactions, the triple bond must be activated in a special, so-called soft, manner. So far, this has been observed primarily in reactions with catalysts based on precious metals... With our new approach, we can mimic the interaction of gold and alkyne species at the electron level" Related: Structure of 'oil-eating' enzyme opens door to bioengineered catalysts Machine learning accelerates discovery of high-performance metal oxide catalysts Nature-inspired novel catalyst paves the way for efficient hydrocarbon decomposition

Certification in Progress for Triad Pro eCell's solid-state Spree solar-powered lithium-beating rapid-charge battery "supercapacitor manufacturing coupled with the company's proprietary control circuits and software... the company's Spree solar-powered golf carts are currently capable of a complete recharge in under 1-hour when connected to a standard 110V wall outlet... most golf carts take anywhere from 5 to 8 hours to fully recharge... will outlast the vehicle's life with over 30,000 charge-discharge cycles... 10-year warranty... non-explosive... patent-pending"

Novel brain stimulation approach treats severe depression "first person to participate in a clinical trial using deep brain stimulation (DBS) to treat... treatment resistant depression (TRD)... Patients are awake during surgery as electrical leads are implanted in their brain. This procedure uses a first-of-its-kind approach that incorporates intracranial electroencephalography (EEG) recordings and stimulation to personalize the understanding of network behavior in the brain during a depressive state and its response to the DBS device" Related: Experimental depression treatment is nearly 80% effective in controlled study

Crickets are 60% protein, higher than any other source; contain all nine essential amino acids and, as an animal source, vitamin B12 "more efficient at converting feed into what you can eat from them... requires far fewer natural resources to be raised than other animals used for food... one gallon of water to produce one pound of crickets, compared to the 1,800 gallons required to produce 1 pound of beef or the 260 gallons needed to produce one pound of soybeans" Related: How North America's largest cricket farm Harvests 50 million a week Entomo Farms Organic Cricket Powder │454 (16 oz) Bag │ Pure Canadian Cricket Flour | Complete Protein | Whole Food, 100% Ground Crickets, No Fillers, Gluten-Free, Paleo & Keto Diet $49 WVU researchers determine nutritional properties of protein...

Bend stiffener extends fatigue life of cables used in floating offshore wind: 72.5 % stiffer, survive 3.7X as many cycles "makes them suited to the constant wave- and current-induced motion of dynamic installations. Thanks to their conical shape, bend stiffeners – as their name suggests – gradually increase the overall stiffness of a pipe or cable, preventing overbending at the termination point"

A more sustainable way of making pharmaceuticals that will cut waste and energy usage significantly "some studies have calculated that big pharma emits more than the automotive industry... a new way of synthesising nitrogen-containing chemicals called primary amines, which are used in more than half of all pharmaceuticalsuses... uses a catalyst, activated by blue light, to speed up the reaction, and uses fewer steps... should [also] help to speed up the discovery process. The team is now collaborating with several pharmaceutical companies to scale up" Related: Blue LEDs light the way toward sustainable development Research discovery will enable the manufacturing of biorenewable materials from trees and corn Scientists streamline a widely used chemical reaction, creating new manufacturing opportunities htt...

UC, Navy design could muffle roar of fighter jets "interior of the nozzles features triangular fins like rows of shark teeth... change the behavior of the flow coming out of the engine with minimal effect on its performance... could reduce engine noise by between 5 and 8 decibels... decibels are measured in a logarithmic scale... By suppressing the noise, you are helping the crew but also helping the longevity of the airplane itself" Related: A New Material Can Block Out 94% of Noise. Even in a Jet Engine Making the World a Lot Quieter

NASA's laser communications relay demonstration: 6 things you need to know "will transform how NASA gets info to and from space... more data in a single downlink... payload has two optical modules, or telescopes, for receiving and transmitting laser signals... depends on two ground stations in California and Hawaii... allows government, academia, and commercial partners to test laser capabilities from geosynchronous orbit... one of many exciting and upcoming laser missions" Includes video.

Direct solar hydrogen production via photovoltaic effect and catalysis in single integrated system bypassing electrolysis process altogether "conventional solar cell technologies adapted... use of cocatalyst foils for stabilising photoelectrodes while attaining high water splitting efficiencies...  depositing catalysts on metal foils prior to device fabrication and... protecting photoabsorbers from corrosive solution during operation... catalytic interface fully-decoupled from the photoabsorber... solar-to-hydrogen efficiencies approaching theoretical limits... prospect to address intermittency problem"

QuEra-MIT- Harvard-DARPA 256-qubit quantum processor takes on IBM's 127-qubit quantum processor "traps arrays of neutral atoms in a small vacuum chamber, then uses lasers to slow them down to virtual motionlessness, cooling them down to one millionth of a degree Kelvin above absolute zero. QuEra says this is a thousand times colder than the qubits in refrigerated quantum machines made by IBM and Google... The processor then uses flashes of laser light to arrange the qubits in the right positions to model complex problems" See also:  IBM announces development of 127-qubit quantum processor "two main camps—those attempting to create a quantum computer using entangled photons and those using superconducting materials. The processors announced by IBM are all based on superconducting materials... has plans for launching two other, presumably more powerful processors it has named Osprey and Condor over the next two years. The current process...

A new method for creating one of chemistry’s most widely used class of compounds is cheaper, simpler and more environmentally friendly "Grignard reagents are essential ingredient in common method for creating carbon-carbon bonds, building blocks of organic molecules... conventional production method... carried out in toxic organic solvents... researchers sidestepped problems by minimizing the amount of organic solvent used and by employing a mechanochemical technique called ball-milling... one-tenth amount... organic solvent used in conventional methods was added"

TS Conductor redesigns overhead power lines to transmit twice the power, without changing the utility poles "conductors in use today use aluminum, which conducts electricity well, around a steel core that helps support it. The new design uses a core made from carbon composite, the same lightweight, strong material used in making airplanes. Because it’s stronger than steel, there’s less risk of lines sagging dangerously. And because it’s so lightweight, it’s possible to use more aluminum around the outside, doubling the amount of electricity flow"

A single amino acid change in the tumor suppressor protein phosphatase and tensin homolog (PTEN) promotes healthy longevity in humans "IIS is one of the evolutionarily conserved aging-modulatory pathways present in life forms ranging from tiny roundworms... an excellent model animal that has been widely used for aging research... to humans. The proper reduction of IIS leads to longevity in animals but often causes defects in multiple health parameters including impaired motility, reproduction, and growth... a specific amino acid change... improves health status while retaining the longevity conferred by reduced IIS"

Imaging method enables 3X better spatial resolution, 7X reduction in amount of noise; reduced exposure to radiation from medical X-ray "measures individual photons on a time-resolved and spatially-resolved basis. This makes it possible to separate signal photons from noise photons... detects each individual photon emitted from each neutron... enables real-time image reconstruction... takes us away from the traditional model of exposure time and we measure only those events which have occurred... ghost images also eliminated" Related: New method greatly improves X-ray nanotomography resolution "compensates for the drift and deformation... achieved a resolution below 10 nanometers... upgraded facility will generate high-energy X-ray beams that are up to 500 times brighter than those currently possible, and further advances in X-ray optics will enable even narrower beams with higher resolution" World record broken for thinnest X-ray detector ever created h...

New imaging technology may reduce need for skin biopsies " trained a convolutional neural network to rapidly transform RCM images of unstained skin into virtually stained 3D images like the H&E (hematoxylin and eosin) images familiar to dermatologists and dermatopathologists. Deep learning... constructs artificial neural networks that can learn from large amounts of data... can perform virtual histology on a variety of skin conditions, including basal cell carcinoma. It also provides detailed 3D images of several skin layers"

Safe, cheap, sustainable energy storage based on two breakthroughs: wood-based electrodes in rolled form and a new water-based electrolyte "large-scale... printed battery... organic energy storage with high power density, 5 kW/kg... voltage drop, which measures the self-discharge, is less than 0.5 V in 100 hours, which is a world record for energy storage with organic electrodes in water-based electrolytes... We must, however, increase the energy density... received the award for best Startup for Climate during the recent COP26 meeting... patented and is to be commercialised" Related: Batteries made from trees could help transform the future of electric travel Better and safer batteries utilizing new material extracted from trees Scientists develop a novel strategy for sustainable post-lithium-ion batteries https://medicalxp...

Dynamic tunability of transition temperature uses ions and a unique phase-change material to combine thermal and electric energy storage "unique... combines thermal and electric energy into one device... functions like a thermal and electric battery... increases the thermal storage potential because of the ability to tune the melting point of the material depending on different ambient temperatures... will significantly increase the utilization of phase-change materials... helps bring down the cost of storage because now the same material can be utilized year round instead of just half the year"

Nanoramic: EV battery cost reduction to $50/kWh utilizing existing equipment and processes; high energy densities exceeding 350 Wh/kg "Neocarbonix At The Core is a chemistry agnostic process that replaces PVDF binders in cathode electrodes and eliminates the use of NMP in the manufacturing process. Furthermore, this technology enables silicon dominant anodes, utilizing a water-based coating process and inexpensive silicon material. The result is an environmentally-friendly, low-cost, energy-dense, and safe battery... to Showcase Breakthrough EV Battery Technology at AABC US" Related: Enevate and NantG Power Announce Partnership to Manufacture and Launch Next Generation Ultra-High Performance Battery

High precision holographic camera sees around corners and through scattering media like fog and human tissue "Prototypes use visible or IR photons, but principle extends to all photon energies. Light is emitted from unit, bounces off an intervening barrier, then hits the target object. The light then bounces back to the barrier and back to the unit. A computer algorithm reconstructs the target image... It’s like we can plant a camera on every remote surface to see the world from the surface’s perspective... turns walls into mirrors. Works at night, in foggy weather, and at high speed" Related: WiFi Routers Used to Produce 3D Images of Humans Palm-sized single-shot full-color incoherent digital holographic camera system with white light

Electric vehicles could fully recharge in under 5 minutes with new charging station cable design

" "Using an alternative cooling method, Purdue researchers designed a charging cable that can deliver a current 4.6 times that of the fastest available EV chargers on the market today by removing up to 24.22 kilowatts of heat... prototype accommodates a current of over 2,400 amperes – far beyond the 1,400-ampere minimum that would be needed to reduce charging times for large commercial EVs to five minutes"

Metaverse, the next internet, is reflective of the fast approaching singularity. Will it change life as we know it? " It's a virtual environment where you can interact with people in a digital space. It is going inside the internet instead of just looking at it!... the metaverse is permanent, which means it will never reset, pause or exit... will be live (in real-time)... With the advancements in AI, and specifically Neuromorphic computing, which is accelerating the approach of artificial general intelligence (AGI), we may witness a metaverse where an AI is indistinguishable from a human!" Related: What Does ‘Metamobility’ Actually Mean? The metaverse offers a future full of potential – for terrorists and extremists, too Amazon Original Upload: Are we Inching Towards this Dystopian Reality with Metaverse? https:...

Charging speed of Li-ion batteries improved 10X using nickel niobate anodes, without risk of damaging the anode material "performs better than the standard anode material graphite... [which]... after some cycles of high-speed charging... will not return to the original level, or it will even break down... [also,]... Nickel niobate is more compact than graphite, so it has a higher ‘volumetric’ energy density... ideal for introducing it into an energy grid, in electrically powered machines that require fast charging and decharging, or in electrically powered heavy transport... [As for EV's,]... still some steps have to be taken" Related: GBatteries’ Li-ion Active Battery Management System for Fast Charging and Improved Cycle Life MRigidCSP Technology: A Breakthrough for Battery Management Applications in Mobile Devices

NET Power revolutionary technology affordably generates zero-emission electricity from natural gas; 50 MWth test facility delivering to grid "combusts natural gas with oxygen, instead of air, and uses supercritical carbon dioxide as a working fluid to drive a turbine instead of steam. NET Power does not produce any nitrogen oxides (NOX), sulfur oxides (SOX) or particulate pollution, and the remaining CO2 is pipeline-quality to either be safely stored in underground geologic formations or utilized for industrial processes... projects have been publicly announced in the United States, Canada, and the United Kingdom" Company website: See also: Satellites discover huge amounts of undeclared methane emissions Related: New Gas Mill Powered By Grass Will Power Thousands Of Homes In Reading

Electrolyte degradation issue affecting next generation high-voltage lithium batteries alleviated using bio-inspired oxygen scavenging "researchers developed a photostabilizer—a fairly simple, anti-aging binder additive to the electrolyte that can scavenge the singlet oxygen atoms and free radicals as occurs... heralds a new paradigm for manipulating the cathode and electrolyte chemistry of all sorts of rechargeable batteries involving chemical degradation of electrolyte"

Irrigating crops with salty water may now be possible; adding sulfur metabolites to roots found to be protective "salt stress triggers sulfur metabolism in SA187 bacteria living inside Arabidopsis roots. This in turn leads to the release of sulfur metabolites that feed sulfur metabolism in the Arabidopsis plant, generating a key antioxidant called glutathione that detoxifies the plant from salt-induced reactive oxygen species, enabling it to grow and thrive despite the stress... we can replace the protective function of SA187 against salt stress damage of the plant by directly adding sulfur metabolites"

Theoretically, only 450 grams of aerographene, an airy finely-structured tubular material based on graphene, is needed to lift an elephant "first presented in 2012... they were the lightest class of materials in the world to date, with a density of just 0.2 milligrams per cubic centimeter... discovered further properties that enable innovations in pneumatics, robotics or air filter technology... can be electrically heated extremely quickly with up to several hundred degrees per millisecond due to their low density... able to use aerographene to start small controllable and repeatable explosions that do not require a chemical reaction" Related: Graphene could replace rare metal used in mobile phone screens

Transcranial focused ultrasounds, guided using MRI alone avoiding radiation exposure from CT imaging, may be possible using AI technology "transcranial focused ultrasound is a technology that can treat degenerative movement disorders, intractable pain, and mental disorders by delivering ultrasound energy to a specific area of the brain without opening the skull... optimized the neural network performance by comparing synthetic CTs' quality changes according to the normalization methods of MRI image signals... technology will also reduce... time and economic costs" Related: Physicists and doctors develop new radiation-free imaging technique Solid-state NMR unveils fluoride ion channel permeation mechanism Scientists marry MRI, ultrasound, and optoacoustics for improved medical exams DeepMB: A deep lea...

Ammonia-to-nitrogen catalytic fuel cell generating electricity under ambient conditions could usher in a cleaner nitrogen instead of carbon economy "addition of ammonia to... ruthenium spontaneously produced nitrogen... without any applied voltage or added chemicals... process can be harnessed to produce electricity, with protons and nitrogen gas as byproducts... the metal complex can be recycled through exposure to oxygen and used repeatedly, all a much cleaner process than using carbon-based fuels" Related: Australian scientists say discovery could render ammonia from fossil fuels obsolete Novel electrocatalyst for proton-exchange membrane fuel cells Kohler HVO Fuel Capabilities Provide a Major Breakthrough on the Journey to Zero Carbon Amogy Presents Wo...

Niobium producer CBMM acquired 20% of start-up Battery Streak; Li batteries charge to 80% in 10 minutes creating virtually no heat "patented technology is called mesoporous pseudocapacitive material and it uses nanostructured niobium oxide as the anode... bringing close together the electrolyte and electrode material... physical transport distance of ions is very short... energy is stored on a surface without chemical phase change, like a capacitor.... batteries charge between 80.6°F (27°C) and 91°F (33°C), well below temperatures that could generate enough heat to cause batteries to catch fire"

Comparatively low-cost nuclear fusion project shows promise after first year of experiments Via email: Fusion researchers everywhere want more money. Researchers at the Chinese Academy of Sciences began their experiments into fusion power last summer. However, the government gave the team just $156 million over 6 years. (The boondoggle) ITER in France will consume $45 to $65 billion (if not more). They wanted to improve on results at the US National Ignition Facility over the summer. So the team needed to figure out how to do it on a tiny budget and with less powerful lasers. Eventually, they turned to a process developed in 1997 by Z Jie, a renowned Chinese physicist. The method involves weaker laser beams aimed at two tiny gold cones. When hit by the lasers, each directs H plasma  toward the other. When the plasma beams collide with precisely the right parameters, fusion  occurs. While the gold cones vaporize after fusion, the cost will be “e...

Tiny chip provides a big boost in precision optics Via email: By merging beams of reflected light, an interferometer creates an interference pattern that provides remarkably detailed information about the objects illuminated. "If you want to measure something with very high precision, you almost always use an optical interferometer, because light makes for a very precise ruler. The tiny new chip amplifies the signal without a corresponding increase in noise. In this device only certain photons that contain needed information are directed to the detector. While done before, "it's always with a large setup on a table, a bunch of mirrors and laser systems, all very painstakingly aligned," This large setup was distilled and put into a photonic chip. "And by having the interferometer on a chip, you can put it on a rocket, helicopter, or your phone—and it will never become misaligned." Instead of using a set of tilted mirrors ...

Tiny crystal at a distance safely measures powerful electric fields Via email: Lithium niobate crystal + polarized laser light---> extreme voltage measurements at a distance! Even the best voltmeters available today will melt at extreme voltages. "No one had directly measured voltages this large anywhere in the world before our experiment. "...the technique is safe, efficient and inexpensive." The lithium niobate crystal is placed so that the EM field passes through its broadside at right angles to the polarized laser beam traveling along the crystal's axis. The EM field causes the polarized beam photons to travel at different speeds in the vertical and horizontal directions. This causes the beam to rotate which in turn alters the number of photons arriving at a photodetector. An instrument converts their intensity at the photodetector into a simple voltage. That simple voltage can then be read on an everyday oscilloscope. "The voltage measured on the oscilloscope is directly (p...

Breakthrough demonstration important step towards new era of understanding the universe based on quantum simulation "first-ever simulation of baryons—fundamental quantum particles—on a quantum computer... will allow scientists to study neutron stars, learn more about the earliest moments of the universe, and realize the revolutionary potential of quantum computers" Related: New Standards Rolling Out for Clocking Quantum-Computer Performance 'We're hitting new limits.' North Carolina quantum computing bullish on a coveted breakthrough

Polymer discovery enables 3D-printed sand to hold 300 times its own weight "novel polymer to bind and strengthen silica sand for binder jet additive manufacturing, a 3D-printing method used by industries for prototyping and part production... process is cheaper and faster than other 3D-printing methods used by industry and makes it possible to create 3D structures from a variety of powdered materials, offering advantages in cost and scalability... additional super-glue... making a polymer sand composite stronger than any other and any known building materials, including masonry" Related: Liquid metal sticks to surfaces without a binding agent UMaine's bio-based 3D printed house has passed a crucial first test Advanced manufacturing revs up in Europe with 3D printing https://techx...

Synthetic immunotherapy seeks out and destroys tumors in mice with aggressive cancers, study finds "We essentially cured some animals [three out of nine] with just a few injections... laboratory mice with an aggressive triple negative breast cancer... similar results in a mouse model of pancreatic cancer... the sculpting of the tumor microenvironment by this intravenously administered molecule was identical to that achieved by injecting immune stimulating agents directly into the tumor,.. This is a big advantage because it’s no longer necessary to have an easily or safely injectable tumor site” Related: Cancer therapy using on-site synthesis of anticancer drugs Researchers Develop New Generation Tumor-specific Pro-IL-12

Nuclear radiation used to transmit digital data wirelessly "potential of fast neutron radiation as a medium for wireless communications for applications where conventional electromagnetic transmission is either not feasible or is inherently limited... fast neutrons have an advantage over conventional electromagnetic waves, which are significantly weakened by transmission through materials including metals... could also be incorporated into... signal mixing being between electrons and neutrons... to ensure the integrity of information transfer"

An alternative to high-dose chemotherapy and whole-body radiation may lead to safer stem cell transplants in treating blood cancers, other diseases "combining the targeted elimination of blood-forming stem cells in the bone marrow with immune-modulating drugs to prevent the immune system from rejecting the new donor stem cells. With the new technique, mice underwent successful stem cell transplants from unrelated mice without evidence of dangerously low blood cell counts that are a hallmark of the traditional procedure. The data also suggested that such stem cell transplants can be effective against leukemia"

After single injection, paralyzed animals regained ability to walk within four weeks "‘While the new therapy could be used to prevent paralysis after major trauma (automobile accidents, falls, sports accidents and gunshot wounds) as well as from diseases... the underlying discovery — that “supramolecular motion” is a key factor in bioactivity — can be applied to other therapies and targets... regenerated axons of the cord’s neurons, reduced scar tissue, promoted myelin growth, triggered blood vessel formation and helped motor neurons survive" Related: What regulates the 'glue' needed for nerve repair? Novel injection repairs severe spinal cord injuries in mice Gene Therapy Successfully Treats Spinal Cord Injuries Without Side Effects

Improving renewable energy storage by making better supercapacitors

" "Supercapacitors... charging electric vehicles much faster... depositing a thin layer of PANI [a cheap polymer material called Polyaniline] onto... conductive carbon nanotubes... makes an excellent supercapacitive electrode, but the fact that it is made up of different materials makes it difficult to separate and fully understand... technique known as the Distribution of Relaxation Times... optimise fabrication methods to maximise useful reactions and reduce reactions that damage the electrode" Related: How atomic structure influences the different properties of carbon nanotubes Biodegradable polymers show promise for future green supercapacitors

Smart window blocks rays without blocking views "energy-saving material for electrochromic (EC) windows... could block up to 70 per cent of infrared radiation... without compromising views through the window since it allows up to 90 per cent of visible light to pass through. The material is also about 30 per cent more effective in regulating heat... cheaper to make due to its durability... operates at the flick of a switch" Related: New research introduces adaptable smart window design that can heat or cool a house Inexspensive all-season passive thin metal film for energy savings in cities Novel self-assembled porous yolk-shell NiO nanospheres with excellent electrochromic performance for smart windows Smart windows redefine so...