Safe, cheap, sustainable energy storage based on two breakthroughs: wood-based electrodes in rolled form and a new water-based electrolyte

"large-scale... printed battery... organic energy storage with high power density, 5 kW/kg... voltage drop, which measures the self-discharge, is less than 0.5 V in 100 hours, which is a world record for energy storage with organic electrodes in water-based electrolytes... We must, however, increase the energy density... received the award for best Startup for Climate during the recent COP26 meeting... patented and is to be commercialised"


Batteries made from trees could help transform the future of electric travel

Better and safer batteries utilizing new material extracted from trees

Scientists develop a novel strategy for sustainable post-lithium-ion batteries

A new thermal regulator could enhance the safety of high-capacity lithium-ion batteries
