Crickets are 60% protein, higher than any other source; contain all nine essential amino acids and, as an animal source, vitamin B12
"more efficient at converting feed into what you can eat from them... requires far fewer natural resources to be raised than other animals used for food... one gallon of water to produce one pound of crickets, compared to the 1,800 gallons required to produce 1 pound of beef or the 260 gallons needed to produce one pound of soybeans"
How North America's largest cricket farm Harvests 50 million a week
Entomo Farms Organic Cricket Powder │454 (16 oz) Bag │ Pure Canadian Cricket Flour | Complete Protein | Whole Food, 100% Ground Crickets, No Fillers, Gluten-Free, Paleo & Keto Diet $49
WVU researchers determine nutritional properties of protein in cricket, locust and silkworm pupae insect powders
Microalgae could be the future of sustainable superfood in a rapidly changing world, study finds
Fungi as a sustainable and tasty alternative with potential to transform our food systems
Microalgae: An environmentally friendly and healthy alternative to fish
Naked Clams: Aquaculture system hopes to turn marine pest into nutritious seafood
By growing animal cells in rice grains, scientists dish up hybrid food
Scientists use blue-green algae as a surrogate mother for 'meat-like' proteins
It's hearty, it's meaty, it's mold: Hacking the genome of fungi for smart foods of the future
Snakes: The new, high-protein superfood
Great balls of protein: CSIRO turns red meat into nutritious powder
Meaty rice? South Korean professor aims to change global protein
Duckweed, a small aquatic plant, could revolutionize the food of tomorrow
'Butter' made from CO2 could pave the way for food without farming
What are Sweet Proteins? Understanding the Future of Sweetness
Pureture Achieves Breakthrough in Plant-Based Protein : Redefining Muscle Development and Performance
The blue-green sustainable proteins of seaweed may soon be on your plate
Three times more protein can be extracted from sea lettuce than from a conventional burger
Important breakthrough: New technology can convert surplus CO₂ into food
Breakthrough bioprocess turns CO2 and electricity into high-protein food
Dual-reactor system converts CO₂ to consumable single-cell protein
Light and temperature key to cultivation of a special microalga
Israeli startup grows dairy protein in genetically engineered potatoes
Paving the way for seaweed as a future protein source
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