
Showing posts from August, 2023

BTRY rechargeable thin-film one minute charging batteries 10X longer life than lithium, safer, and environmentally friendly "stacking micrometer cells on top of each other increasing capacity... materials atomized in vacuum chamber to form individual atoms deposited in precisely controlled layer on substrate... machines and know-how to manufacture largely in place... manufacture does not use toxic solvents... smartphones, smartwatches and satellites, where our higher price is only small part of overall product cost.. designing bigger and more powerful battery prototypes"

Double barrier design proposed to enhance tunneling electroresistance "double barrier ferroelectric tunnel junction multi-state storage... high TER ratios quantify change in conductance between 2 polarization states... transmission coefficient double barrier structure, 2 single barriers in series, related to product transmission coefficients of 2 single barriers... increases exponentially... 2 additional polarization states with head-to-head and tail-to-tail ferroelectric polarization achieved by separately controlling polarization direction of each barrier, resulting in multiple resistance states"

Chloride ions from seawater could replace lithium in batteries of the future "redox... iron oxide (U.S. produces >15 MM tons/ yr. scrap iron waste not recycled, much as rust) and hydroxides... chloride ion insertion into Fe(OH)2 layered double hydroxide formed a Green Rust intermediate crystalline material, which assisted a one-charge transfer Fe(OH)2/FeOOH conversion reaction and improved cycling stability... . Therefore, the reported rechargeable alkaline iron battery chemistry helps repurpose the iron rust waste materials for modern energy storage" Related: Iron batteries offer an energy transition lesson WPI Researchers Unlock the “Silicate Magic” for Safer, Cheaper, and More Efficient Batteries

New way to read data in antiferromagnets unlocks their use as computer memory "more energy efficient than ones made of silicon, not subject to size and speed constraints... passed current through 5° Kelvin manganese bismuth telluride antiferromagnets, unique voltage was measured, depending on whether positive or negative determines if coded as 1 or 0... change between 1 and 0 states 100X faster... not disturbed in presence of other magnets, and more memory capacity... energy from Wi-Fi and mobile signals could cause antiferromagnets to produce electricity powering portable electronic devices"

Innovation paves way for driverless cars, drone fleets and significantly faster broadband "frequency referenced multiplexing... driverless car networks, will require higher speeds and near-guaranteed connections to operate safely and efficiently... optical and clock frequency synchronization enabled by frequency comb and signal processing techniques provide each user with dedicated optical channel... >20 times capacity and >65 times speed... data transmitted and received in parallel"

Direct power generation from methylcyclohexane using solid oxide fuel cells "Methylcyclohexane (MHC) liquid at room temperature, easy transport, low toxicity, and higher hydrogen density than high-pressure hydrogen... dehydrogenation from organic hydrides (endothermic reaction) and electricity generation (exothermic reaction) using anode-supported solid oxide fuel cell with higher operating temperature... production ratio toluene to benzene 94:6... oxygen groups introduced into aromatic skeleton using fuel cell... MHC reacts with conducting oxygen ions in the SOFC to generate electricity" Related: New Ionic Materials Boost Hydrogen Fuel Cell Efficiency Researchers Reveal the Origins of Zirconium Nitride's Superior Performance Efficient Fuel-Molecule Sieving Using Graphene

In a first, researchers apply dual frequency comb technology to photonic thermometers "faster, smaller, and more robust... 1 comb source of light and 2nd comb almost same, combined light sent to photonic thermometer, their slightly offset frequencies create beat pattern... difference creates each unique tooth in RF comb revealing temperature, accurate within 1/10k°K... interrogate photonic sensors between 10 and 1KX faster, which measure, using same light source, temperature, strain, humidity, acceleration embedded into buildings or bridges, measuring ms temperature changes in medical radiation therapy" Related: Researchers turn a small photonic chip into a functional temperature sensor Researchers turn up the heat on flexible temperature sensor development using microwaves

Physicists develop series of quality control tests for quantum computers "Random circuits are implemented and then measurement results output in qubits, which is what we call the basic unit of quantum information... how well quantum gates work, if there are any interference factors, or whether certain parts interact with each other unintentionally... full range of diagnostics is actually carried out in one fell swoop... serve as basis for new verification method so that future quantum computers for technological devices will have real economic and scientific benefits" Related: Cryogenic on-wafer prober determines quality of qubit devices for quantum computing and quantum sensing A linear path to efficient quantum technologies

Quantum discovery verifies a decades-old theory on how monopoles decay "create Alice rings in nature... manipulated rubidium gas atoms prepared in nonmagnetic state near absolute zero temperature, creating a monopole by steering a zero point of a three-dimensional magnetic field into the quantum gas... Alice rings stable 84 ms, over 20X longer than monopole lifespan... ring a gateway to antimatter instead of matter... monopole passing through Alice ring's center transformed into opposite charged anti-monopole, and Alice ring's charge likewise changed" Related: Diamonds and rust help unveil 'impossible' quasi-particles

Thin panels with inflatable pneumatic cells allow for bending flat structures in desired ways "without wrinkling or cutting... inspired by plant leaves and petals morphing... shape-morphing structure based on Gaussian cells... 3D printed inflatable trapezoidal channels inside flat panel, then sandwiched between 2 layers airtight material. As air pumped into center of sandwich, flat surfaces above and below were pushed and stretched into new shapes with unique Gaussian curvatures. By altering the size and shape of the trapezoids, the researchers were able to alter the 3D shapes that they could form"

Making the invisible, visible: New method makes mid-infrared light detectable at room temperature "using quantum systems... assemble molecular emitters into plasmonic picocavities which was resonant in both the MIR and visible ranges... molecular vibrational states and electronic states were able to interact, resulting in efficient transduction MIR light into enhanced visible luminescence... trap light in single-atom defects on metallic facets, extreme light confinement volume below 1 nm3... molecule level spectroscopy: real-time gas sensing, medical diagnostics, astronomical surveys and quantum communication"

Scientists discover an enzyme that turns air into electricity, providing a new clean source of energy "enzyme uses low amounts of hydrogen in atmosphere to create electrical current... hydrogen-consuming enzyme, called Huc, from common soil bacterium... possible long period storage, freeze enzyme or heat to 80°c... bacteria that produce enzymes like Huc common and can be grown in large quantities... small air-powered devices"

Exascale revolution: supercomputers unleash a new era in biophysics discovery "simulate complex biological processes ranging from subatomic to whole-cell in extraordinary detail... public exascale supercomputer, Frontier, deployed by Oak Ridge National Laboratory in late 2021, coupled with rapid proliferation artificial intelligence tools tailored for biophysics, exemplifies the profound strides being made to seamlessly bridge simulation with actual observation... seamless integration of experimental and computational efforts... understand how pathogenic bacteria bind to humans during infection" Related: What's beyond the Frontier? ORNL's next supercomputer named 'Discovery'

Learning how protons navigate super-thin materials may enable breakthrough technologies "wrinkles in 2D material act as a highway for protons... this means they could be used: (1) in advanced filtration systems, where only specific particles are allowed to pass through, may enable super efficiency, (2) in batteries, where efficient movement of charged particles is crucial, they might last 10X longer... batteries, fuel cells, medical devices, water filtration"

IBM's 64-core mixed-signal in-memory computing chip with reduced computation time and power consumption "image recognition accurac 92.81%... combined PCM-based cores with digital computing processors... cores and digital processors on-chip... rectified linear unit neuronal activation and scaling... chip's middle for long-short term memory... 8-bit input-output matrix multiplications throughput/ area 400 GOPS/mm2 of chip, >15X higher than previous while achieving comparable energy efficiency... combines analog in-memory computing tiles special-purpose digital compute-cores connected with massively-parallel 2D mesh"

Unique high-energy electron Xtallography project completes conceptual design review "electron source optimized for nanometer to micron scale macromolecules and small molecules such as biologics, pharmaceuticals, combining electrons with synchrotron-grade goniometry... structure determination (charge & enantiomer)... electron serial crystallography on macromolecules where crystal sizes, ~1 µm, are limiting for X-ray work to offer very low-dose structure determinations and potential milli- micro-second time resolution" Related: Physicists trap electrons in a 3D crystal for the first time

Research provides insights into ion hydration in water-based solutions for industrial design and manufacturing "pseudo-main-group cations interact with water through 2 intermolecular forces, Coulomb and Van der Waals... lower charge density ions interact with more water molecules weakly  bonding with each other... 11 orders magnitude difference hydration water residence times... tuning ion size and charge to specific combinations, realize bond-orientational order hydrated water molecules develop and stabilize hydration shell, highly stable ion hydration... chemistry, biology, materials science, RNA-based medical therapeutics"

Stick-to-itiveness: Engineers show self-organization of sticky micron-to-mesoscale 3D structures in confined fluids "fluid mechanics, chemo-mechanical... 2D polymeric sheets, sticky bonds added to specific points as hinges designed to precisely fit together... dropped into solution sink to bottom, reactant added instigates catalytic reaction generating fluid flows: horizontal first moves sheets together along chamber floor, and sticky bonds connect appropriate panel to base, vertical lifts sides upright where again panels connected via sticky bonds to complete structure... self-organized cube and closing its lid... medical, optical, electrical and biomedical"

Fabrication of p-type 2D single-crystalline transistor arrays with Fermi-level-tuned van der Waals semimetal electrodes "molybdenum ditelluride... chemical vapor deposition (CVD) techniques that facilitate thin film formation through chemical reactions, the researchers have successfully synthesized large-area 4-inch MoTe2 wafers with remarkable purity... The key innovation lies in controlling the work function by depositing a three-dimensional metal onto a two-dimensional semi-metal—effectively modulating barrier layers that prevent charge carriers from entering... CMOS"

New molecule gives polymers expansion and contraction values similar to metals "molecule modified easily incorporated into polymer to change properties (such as less mass)... contacts/ changes shape when heated... incorporated into different parts of a polymer at different percentages in 3D printing... reduce weight eliminating heavy fillers... with polymers, the cheaper the better for wide scale adoption... plastic phone cases, defense including missiles and aerospace, protective coatings, communications, solar panels, automotive, printed circuit boards, flooring, adhesives" Related: Researchers produce polymers from ballbot-type carbenes for the first time

Thesis: Non-toxic solvents provide greener production of artificial membranes "3 families of solvents that are both cheaper, more sustainable and has better performance than the traditional, toxic ones. These newly developed membranes have been used for a variety of purposes, such as desalination, decontaminating nuclear wastewater, and purifying water. Having safe and easily accessible water plays a crucial role in safeguarding public health... artificial kidneys and lungs, batteries, fuel cells, water filtration, gas separation, resource recovery" Related:  Scientists develop a phase-transformable membrane for efficient gas separation

Helical and striped arrangement of conducting polymers "inorganic materials magnetism derived from organic polymers and elucidating magnetic phenomena in living organisms... impart electrical conductivity, luminescence, rotation, and light absorption... emit circularly polarized light and rotate light... polythiophenes with chiral and helical structures... liquid crystal helical structure, and radicals (spins)  arranged helical shape... stripe structures similar to magnetic domains in inorganic compounds aligned in 1 direction, either helically or as magnetic domain-like stripes"

New quantum device generates single photons and encodes information "stacked 2 different atomically thin materials... chiral quantum light source... low-cost... introduce polarization, 2 devices in one... stack single-molecule-thick tungsten diselenide semiconductor onto thicker layer nickel phosphorus trisulfide magnetic semiconductor... laser indentations 400 nm diameter forming depression potential energy landscape... tungsten diselenide monolayer electrons fall in stimulating single photons steam magnetically polarizing photons emitted into waveguides... ultra-secure quantum internet" Related: Advanced measurements unravel nanoscale phenomena in tungsten diselenide

A route to ultra-fast amplitude-only spatial light modulation using chalcogenide phase-change materials "GeTe layer mirror-like changing between amorphous and crystalline states, reflected light gradual discrete amplitude change becomes accessible without modifying optical phase... increase degrees freedom wave front shaping combining with their phase-only counter-parts based on liquid crystals... absolute intensity modulation 38% (relative modulation of 233%), optical phase shift <≈Ï€/50... transition rates ns or less... non-volatile and  energy-efficient... pixelated devices,  communications, detection and grayscale imaging" Related: A decentralized, blockchain-based messaging network for safer communications

The superconducting diode effect in a device based on coupled Josephson junctions "2 JJs sharing 1 SC lead... embedding one JJ into SC loop and measuring other, can study SC transport of  JJs affected by other JJs through coherent coupling... modulating phase of coupled JJs produce SC diode effect which emerges when SC devices do not have time-reversal and spatial-inversion symmetries... coupled JJs phase control break such symmetries... superconducting electronic components, dissipationless rectification in future SC circuits" Related: Examining the superconducting diode effect

Guiding the design of silicon devices with improved efficiency "electron-phonon interactions not only account for the entirety of the hhe process, which was hypothesized in previous works but never conclusively demonstrated, but also for a significant portion of the eeh process, a finding that had been a subject of unresolved debate in the literature... important intrinsic loss mechanism in silicon, world's most important semiconductor...  reducing occurrence of undesirable Auger-Meitner recombination process... transistors or solar cells"

Switching spin on and off, up and down, in quantum materials at room temperature   "modular molecular units connected anthracene hydrocarbon bridges... shining with light electrons on opposite ends of structure connect to each other aligning spin states... after bridge removed electrons stayed connected through aligned spinsattached bright light-emitting radical to anthracene molecule... excitation spreads out neighboring anthracene, causing 3 electrons spinning same way, further radical group attached to other side its electron also coupled... room temperature... quantum computers, LEDs" Related: Quantum computer unveils atomic dynamics of light-sensitive molecules

Study reveals an asymmetric dispersion of phason excitations in a skyrmion lattice "skyrmion crystals create waves different energies when subjected to parallel and antiparallel magnetic fields proved through neutron scattering... +z and -z directions behave differently like head and tail of screw... asymmetric dispersion phason excitations skyrmion lattice MnSi.pave the way towards further discoveries about the dynamics of magnetic skyrmions, potentially opening new possibilities for the development of spintronic devices... coexistence of the conical and skyrmion phases in MnSi" Related: Generating biskyrmions in a rare earth magnet

Trimming edge-states of topological insulator: new class of material with unconventional two way edge transport "topological crystalline insulator 1-way path conducts electricity without energy loss due to resistance... extracting edge spin current in 2D topological material, planar bismuthine... edge current suppressed when symmetry supporting nontrivial band topology broken... applying external electric fields and substrate potentials selectively adjust alignment between bulk and edge bands preserving bulk band topology... allow conducting edge channels even with large external electric field... low-energy-consuming electronics" Related:  Researchers reveal the reality of lossless energy transport in topological insulators

IBM reports efficient analog AI chip with less battery drain patterned after human brain "smooth transitions between analog and digital... 92.81% accuracy rate CIFAR-10 dataset... 14 nm complementary metal oxide backend-integrated phase-change memory... 14-nm complementary metal-oxide-semiconductor... 64 AIMC cores, each with 256x256 unit cell memory array constructed with 4 PCM devices (total >16M devices) also containing light digital processing unit performing activation functions, accumulations, and scaling operations... low power or battery-constrained cellphones, cars and cameras" Related:  Analog and digital: The best of both worlds in one energy-efficient system

New strategies to minimize voltage losses in ternary organic solar cells "equations derived from the detailed balance principle... 3rd component affects non-radiative recombination voltage loss via thermal population 3rd component related charge-transfer and local-exciton states... plan to screen some third components according to the design rules proposed in this work to practically reduce the voltage losses and thus improve the performance of the ternary organic solar cells" Related: Organic solar cells show promise for cheap energy production, researcher says|

Research team developing a nano-sized force sensor and improving high-precision microscopy technology "attach to side of mechanically responding protein, sense forces and strain on the protein within cell... microscope detection by color produced... cancer mechanics and related processes monitored... super resolution... repeated fluorescent labeling of cells... pump more fluorescent molecules to target proteins... noise was computationally removed from images,,.. structure of 120-nm Herpes virus revealed even with light microscope. With traditional light microscopy, viruses are visible only as single dots" Related: New tech enables scientists to see living cells' organelles in motion at super-high resolution Team develops key improvement to cryo-electron microscopy New microscopy method can help put sharper focus on plankton samples https://phys.o...

Silicon carbide synthetic complex far-IR waves to overcome optical loss in superlenses "virtual gain offset intrinsic loss, improved imaging resolution significantly... Fourier Transformation break down truncated CFW many components different real frequencies... combining blurred images measured at different real frequencies formed complex frequency clear image with deep-subwavelength resolution... lattice vibration couple with light, superimaging effect... ultrahigh-resolution imaging... sound-, elastic- and quantum waves, superimaging, molecular sensing and nanophotonic integrated circuits" Related: How Nanophotonic Devices are Transforming the Technology Landscape

Researchers attach electrodes to individual atomically precise graphene nanoribbons "varying length, width, edge shape, and adding other atoms enables all kinds electrical, magnetic, and optical properties... nanotubes and graphene nanoribbons grown on separate substrates... quantum effects observable at room temperature... single nanoribbon devices... ... plan on creating 2 ribbons in series (double quantum dot) which could serve as qubit... smaller and more precise sensors, highly secure communication networks, quantum -computers, -switching, -sensing, -energy conversion"

Accurate measurement of permittivity advances radio telescope receivers and next-generation telecommunication beyond 5G/6G "measure insulator permittivity 100X more accurately... fewer restrictions on shape measurement sample and easy extend measurement frequency band... used with free-space method to accurately measure permittivity... high-precision material property measurement systems mm- and THz-wave frequencies... further technological innovation by combining the knowledge gained through the development of astronomical instruments with that gained from developing communication technology"

Computational microscope achieves single-shot 3D high-resolution imaging with a wide field of view "low-cost, computational miniature mesoscope... miniature LED collimators freeform optics... clear resin. tabletop 3D printer, collimators, 4-LED array illuminator, light efficiency 80%... highly confined, uniform illumination 75 mW excitation power across 8-mm diameter circular region... boosted image contrast with hybrid emission filter combining interference and absorption filters... enhanced axial resolution to 25 μm, reducing reconstruction time to <4 sec... large-scale 3D fluorescence imaging and neural recording" Related: Superlensing without a super lens: Physicists boost microscopes beyond limits Researchers design smaller, more cost-efficient electron cryo-microscope Quantum imaging could create bright future for advanced microsco...

BrightMarker invisible fluorescent tagging system enhances 3D object tracking "tag hidden in 3D-printed objects: ball, container, gadget case, or gear... download CSAI software plugin 3D modeling programs like Blender... print object with hidden tag... surrounding objects obscured from view longpass filter... ubiquitous metadata in physical realm... fluorescent materials easier isolate and track... light can be filtered overcoming blurriness even for moving objects... low-cost, low-energy... combine magnetic filaments object's magnetic field also tracked... smartphones, wearables, night vision, AR and VR"

Advancing metasurface manufacturing with water-soluble mold "flawless high-resolution and high aspect ratio metasurface reduces camera lens thickness 1/10K... water soluble nanoimprint mold fabricated using polyvinyl alcohol enhances low cost, efficient production... metalens significant 1 cm area exhibiting high-resolution and aspect ratio 10:1 allowing transcribe structures >100 nm... mold retained functionality within visible regime... deep ultraviolet lithography enable mass production"

Researchers improve the performance of semiconductors using novel 2D metal "2D metal TiSx on top of 2D semiconductor MoS2 by plasma-enhanced atomic layer growth optimizes growth conditions obtain atomically clean interface between such materials... transistor performance MoS2 is almost 2X better when contacted with the 2D metal TiSx compared to Ti and Au 3D metals, in most figures-of-merit of transistor... in presence of TiSx intrinsic charge carrier density MoS2 increases leading to improved performance.... metallic contacts 2D and 3D device integration thinned down, increasing density" Related: Researchers Develop One-Atom-Thick 2D Wafers in Major Breakthrough Growing full wafers of high-performing 2D semiconductor that integrates with state-of-the-art chips Neutralizing electronic inhomogeneity in cleaved bu...

Thicker, denser, better: New electrodes may hold key to advanced batteries "compact, more active/ less passive components... thicker electrodes with optimized charge transport pathways enable high performance for 3 metrics: areal, volumetric and gravimetric; store ... spark plasma sintering the electrodes improves charge transport enabling denser and 5X thicker electrode storing more charge and energy... vertically aligned carbon networks and pore channels enabling cathodes with high electrode density" Related: Disordered rock salt (DRX) cathodes provide lithium-ion batteries with higher energy density  see also: Disordered rock salt could triple energy density for EV batteries  Study of disordered rock salts leads to battery breakthrough

Breaking boundaries: Exploring the dual iconic features and enabling technologies of 6G "three-dimensional (3D) reconfigurable network architecture, hyper-dimensional antennas, advanced coding and modulation techniques, novel multiple access schemes, integrated communication and sensing capabilities, flexible spectrum sharing mechanisms, and native intelligence... The research conducted by the CICT provides valuable insights into the future of mobile communications. The findings of this study will guide the development of 6G and lay the foundation for a new era of connectivity and innovation"

Breakthrough uniform quality MXene allows quality control enabling, for the first time, its mass production   "analyze surface distribution MXene molecules wih magnetoresistance using simple measurements... Hall Scattering Factor affects magnetotransport: <1 can be used high-performance transistors, high-frequency generating devices, high-efficiency sensors, and photodetectors; >1 thermoelectric materials and magnetic sensors... drastically reduce size and required power... direction of magnetic field electrons bend right according to magnetic field to degree depending on surface functional group"

Material discovery may help realize low-cost and long-life memory chips "stable rhombohedral ferroelectric Hf(Zr)+xO2 with ultra-low coercive field (~0.65 MV/cm) reduces switching barrier ferroelectric dipoles in HfO2-based materials... intercalation of excess Hf(Zr) atoms within hollow sites forming ordered array. Density functional theory calculations (DFT) show intercalated atoms stabilize ferroelectric phase and reduce switching barrier... high remnant polarization (Pr) 22 μC/cm2, small saturation polarization field (1.25 MV/cm) and high endurance (1012 cycles)... low-cost long-life memory"

Nano-thin 'liquid-like' coatings may pave the way for a self-cleaning world "oil molecules retain slippery, covalently-attached liquid surfaces from silicones or polyethylene glycol, both break down into harmless byproducts and are anti-adhesive without relying on problematic PFAS... liquid-like layers extremely slippery to most contaminants... increase efficiency heat transfer, collect water, prevent buildup of scale, and resist adhesion of ice and bacteria... neither too short, too long, packed too loose or too tight... fastest molecular diffusion where oil molecules right length and grafted with moderate density" Related: Research reveals potential alternatives to ‘forever chemicals’

Electrochemical flow aziridination of terpenes "simultaneous oxidation alkenes and amination reagents achieve olefin aziridination through radical/radical cation cross-coupling... compatibility with bioactive molecules >15 kinds natural products and drug derivatives... anticancer activity and synthetic transformation of aziridines bolster the potential of this electro-oxidative reaction in the organic synthesis and medical discovery, thus offering a novel synthetic strategy for olefin aziridination and furnishing an alternative approach to discovery of new drug candidates"

Engineers develop enhanced GaN-based LED array visible light communication system "screen dislocations caused by lattice mismatches in GaN-based LEDs improve quantum well quality and optical efficiency... contains 8 different LED/ WDM units used simultaneously. Except 660nm and 620nm red LED units, other 6 in 570nm–450nm wavelength band use Si substrate GaN-based LEDs... bit-power loading DMT modulation/demodulation program, DZN digital pre-equalizer, and software post-equalizer... 31.38Gb/s transmission rate... higher electro-optic conversion efficiency and larger device bandwidth" Related: Multiwavelength quantum well nanowire array micro-LED for on-chip optical communication Researchers demonstrate high-fidelity transmission of information via novel electronic-optical system Single sideband modulation technique ca...

A supramolecular organo-ionic electrolyte that can be liquidated for recycling "reuse cathodes up to 90% capacity... added organic-based zwitterionic polymers to change its properties. They created a battery by sandwiching their new electrolyte between an anode made of lithium metal and cathodes made of different materials—lithium iron, phosphate, nickel, cobalt and manganese... polymer in the electrolyte allows the entire electrolyte to melt at 100° C. Once the electrolyte is melted, the battery can be very easily disassembled... high conductivity at temperatures up to 45° C" Related: Our Next Energy touts advancements in lithium iron phosphate battery technology Researchers develop framework to guide electrolyte design for advanced batteries A new electrolyte to make better lithium-ion batteries

Magnonic computing: Faster spin waves could make novel computing systems possible "spin waves shorter and faster when intensity increased... angular momentum pulses low-power data carriers in smaller and more energy-efficient computers... amplitudes of spin waves also crucial for magnetic integrated circuits... self-locking nonlinear shift, amplitude excited spin waves constant allowing different magnetic elements to work together same amplitude. This, in turn, is fundamental to the construction of more complex systems and to the realization of the distant goal of a magnon-based computer" Related: Magnetic whirls pave the way for energy-efficient computing New set of equations predicts hydrodynamic behavior of magnons in a magnet

Universal linear processing of spatially incoherent light through diffractive optical networks "structurally engineered surfaces & exploit successive light diffraction... input light field linear transformation without external digital computing power... spatially incoherent broadband, simultaneously perform multiple linear intensity transformations, uniquely different transformation assigned to each spatially incoherent illumination wavelength... all-optical information processing and visual computing spatially and temporally incoherent light, microscopy & incoherent imaging spatially varying engineered point spread"

Revolutionary hardware unveils new quantum computing model "avoids problematic complexity... implements algorithm quantum interactions... natural rather than induced entanglement... fewer connections among qubits reduces decoherence impact... single quantum spin using 2 qubits interact rest of qubits, then single magnetic pulse acts only on central spin implements most complex part of quantum Grover's algorithm... time-dependent external magnetic field pulses rotate spins... few precision errors in control fields & other physical parameters, no need for quantum error correction"

A new bio-inspired solar leaf design with increased harvesting efficiency "low cost hybrid generates over 10% more electricity compared conventional solar... no pumps, fans, control units or expensive porous materials... generate clean water and thermal energy... at ambient temperature and solar conditions... natural fibers mimic leaf vein bundles, hydrogels simulate sponge cells, removes heat from solar cells" Related: Achieving Solar-Thermal-Electro Integration Evaporator Nine-Grid Array with Asymmetric Strategy for Simultaneous Harvesting Clean Water and Electricity Nanodevices can produce energy from evaporating tap or seawater

Chinese military scientists achieved huge breakthrough in laser weapon tech "cooling system removes heat from inside laser weapon enabling high-quality beams produced in first second and also maintained indefinitely... limits turbulence and vibration and enhances mirror cleaning through improved structures and optimal gas flow... extending engagement times, increasing range and damage, and reducing logistics and costs" 

New fuel cell architecture uses nanowires to deliver high fuel economy over longer lifetime "nanowires less susceptible to corrosion... fuel cell lifetime >25K hours... vertically aligned nanowires array, each nanowire comprises catalytically active platinum film surrounding ion-conducting polymer core... avoiding carbon-based catalyst supports eliminates common degradation mechanisms associated with carbon corrosion, losing only 2% (rather than 87%) performance after 5K stress test cycles focused on support materials"

Colliding photons that create metamaterials with unique wave propagation and abrupt time variations in their electromagnetism "manipulate wave propagation in ways not seen in nature,,, control whether waves exchanged, gained or lost energy... sculpt a pulse that we are interested in structuring... we have shown this for radio frequencies, and we are now working to realize this sculpting ability at higher frequencies... wireless communications, imaging, computing and energy harvesting" Related: Researchers manipulating time cause first-ever successful photon collisions Micro-optical technology based on metamaterials takes center stage

Millimeter-scale meron lattices that can serve as spin injectors for LEDs "thin iron film sandwiched between palladium and magnesium oxide films... high-magnetic-field - assisted growth, mm-scale meron lattices... 22.5% circularly polarized electroluminescence, room temperature, without external magnetic fields... interfacial Dzyaloshinskii–Moriya interaction on gallium nitride wafer... transfer chirality from merons to electrons to photons... wide-bandgap semiconductors, T-LEDs with higher light polarization and different wavelengths, bioimaging, 3D displays, and quantum communication" Related: Novel organic-inorganic semiconductor generates circularly polarized light

Successful polycarbonate synthesis using the photo-on-demand interfacial polymerization method "synthesize carbonates safely, inexpensively, simply with low environmental load by shining UV on chloroform, alcohol and sodium hydroxide, traversing 3 gaseous phases, aqueous phase and organic phase, and developed photo-on-demand interfacial reaction... avoids direct handling of dangerous phosgene... eyeglass lenses, camera lenses, DVDs, automobile headlights and bulletproof glass"

Study demonstrates many-body chemical reactions in a quantum degenerate gas "coherent, collective reactions between Bose-condensed atoms and molecules when reactants and products prepared single quantum state... Bose condensed cesium atom strongly electropositive alkaline used to develop atomic clocks and quantum technologies... super chemical reactions in condensate caesium atoms initially rapidly formed molecules oscillating different speeds... higher density oscillate faster, Bosonic reaction enhancement... precision metrology, quantum information and quantum control chemical reactions" Related: Long-lived quantum state points the way to solving a mystery in radioactive nuclei The race to build the world's smallest atomic clock, again Manipulating nonlinear exciton polaritons in a WS2 monolayer with artificial lattices ht...

Technological breakthrough may be key to overcoming current 5G network limitations "Point-to-Multipoint (P2MP) Optical Transceiver... multiple low-speed optical transceivers communicate with single high-speed optical transceiver for cost-sensitive application scenarios... transceivers automatically and dynamically grow or shrink depending on network traffic status... scalable, flexible, low latency, and cost-effective manner... less transmitter digital signal processing complexity, improved spectral efficiency, and enhanced network security highly promising for the future of optical access networks" Related: A novel 640 Gbps chipset paves the way for next generation wireless systems Wirelessly-powered relay will help bring 5G technology to smart factories, say researchers Towards wider 5G network coverage: Scientists d...

Researchers create high-performance aluminum matrix composites with asymmetric cryocooling "aluminum matrix composites reinforced with high-entropy alloy particles endow AMCs with superior mechanical properties, including high strength, durability, and plasticity... combines cryorolling and asymmetric rolling (AR)... tensile strength 3 wt% HEAp/AMCs prepared via ACR reached 253 MPa... strengthens bonding between matrix and particles... preventing defects caused by large plastic deformation HEAp/AMC sheets... lightweight mechanically resistant aerospace and automotive applications"

Two-step absorption process expand the reach of 3D nanoprinting "integrated fiber-coupled continuous-wave laser diode... photoinitiator (benzil) with single light source create polymerization... 405-nm-wavelength integrated fiber-coupled laser... scan speed 1k Âµ/s, fabricating 2D gratings w/ sub-200-nm resolution and sub-50-nm linewidth, laser power <1mW... microlenses, micro-optical devices and metamaterials, nanostructures for studying biological cells, optical waveguides for VR and AR" Related: Researchers propose linear scan-based vat photopolymerization for 3D printing ultra-high viscosity resin 3D insights into an innovative manufacturing process

Arrays of quantum rods could enhance TVs or virtual reality devices, research suggests "control polarization and color of light, generate 3D images for VR... depositing quantum rod 2D arays onto folded DNA scaffold, controlled light polarization adding depth and dimensionality to virtual scene... quick manufacturing time... origami template, silicate surface coated with thin film DNA self-assembled joining DNA templates together via overhanging strands of DNA along edges... spatial and orientational control quantum rod positioning, control sizes, shapes, and placement... DNA scalable and sustainable" Related: Machine learning gives users 'superhuman' ability to open and control tools in virtual reality

Bigger and better quantum computers are possible with new ion trap dubbed the Enchilada "ion trap microchip holds electrically charged atoms (ions)... store and transport up to 200 qubits... branching architecture best for rearranging trapped ion qubits... microscopic features to reduce the capacitance of certain electrodes to dissipate heat... more sophisticated quantum algorithms for physics, chemistry, data science, materials science" Related: Researchers develop evaluation technique for radio-frequency components used in quantum computers

Direct ethanol fuel cells last longer and have record power density "palladium nanoparticles semi-embedded into graphitic shells, covered on surface of cobalt nanoparticles, forming palladium and cobalt nitrogen-graphite carbon high-entropy alloy catalyst... stable >1,000 hours... power density almost 0.8 W/cm2... catalyst can be used for both cathode and anode to overcome challenges with sluggish reactions and high energy needs... the results really break the record by enhancing the fuel cell performance by a few folds compared to commercial catalysts" Related: Researchers use new new cobalt-modified nano material to make fuel cells more robust, sustainable Cobalt nanoparticles could become a significant player in the pursuit of clean energy Eco-Friendly Breakthrough: ...

New metalens lights the way for advanced control of quantum emission "integrate nanoscale emitters into high-dimensional nanostructured resonators and metasurfaces collect and demonstrate basic tailoring room temperature solid-state SPEs emission... simultaneously tailor directionality, polarization, and orbital angular momentum degrees freedom... arbitrary quantum emission wavefront shaping... high information capacity, robust to noise and better security... optical imaging, holography, LiDAR, molecular sensing, quantum cryptography and entanglement distribution with improved filtering" Related: Advances in quantum emitters mark progress toward a quantum internet Exploring trends in AI-fueled metaphotonics research A single photon emitter deterministically coupled to a topological corner state

Researchers discover a potential application of unwanted electronic noise in semiconductors "vertical magnetic tunneling junction with low contact resistance sandwiching V-WSe2 between graphene electrodes, manifest quantum states such as magnetic fluctuations achieving high-amplitude (up to 80% between 2-stable states) RTN signals, even with small vanadium doping concentration ~0.2%... switch bistable magnetic state and cut-off frequency changing voltage polarity... 1/f2 noise spectroscopy magnetic semiconductors, simple voltage polarity in spintronics" Related: Team discusses the blueprint for ultrafast spintronics Physicists demonstrate powerful physics phenomenon

Photoreactor converts water, carbon dioxide, methane and nitrogen into greener chemicals and fuels "photon-to-product conversion efficiency of the photoreactors must be at least 10%... capture photons under varying sun directions eliminating sun-tracking... cheap polymer extrusion method... hundreds of parallel microscale reaction channels... V-shaped light-capture unit... highly reflective optimize photon transport with minimal light loss... LEDs photon source, powered by PV and lithium-ion storage... can be integrated with photovoltaics" Related: Researchers develop new technology to recycle greenhouse gas into energy, materials From Chimney to Chimney: Successful Adsorber Technology for Clean Industrial Emission Now Also Available in Mobile Test Unit MIT’s breakthrough in crafting 100% sustainable aviation fuel

A first-of-its-kind chip features both a laser and waveguide to create a photonic integrated circuit " atomic clocks and could also be used in quantum applications. It would also reduce the need for huge optical tables... insert isolators prevent reflections... ultralow-loss silicon nitride waveguide on silicon substrate covered with silicon over which mounted low-noise indium phosphate laser... separating 2 components prevented damage to the waveguide during etching... silicon nitride redistribution layer for interactions between 2 components via evanescent fields... tunable microwave frequency generator" Related: The laser trick that could put an ultraprecise optical clock on a chip Researchers use liquid crystals to control polarization inside laser-written waveguides

Researchers use enzymes to develop a new class of materials for biocatalytic processes "stable protein foams... continuously gently providing large enzyme quantities immobilized (spatially fixed and bound to inert material) microstructured flow reactors wih higher concentration enzymes and productivity... 2 dehydrogenase enzymes mixed, gas flow added... foam with uniform bubble size applied onto plastic chips and dried... mean pore diameter 160 µm and lamellae thickness 8 µm... enzymes self-assemble... industrial bioengineering, tagatose (sugar alternative), pharmaceuticals" Related: Researchers visualize novel catalyst at work Ultralight ultrafast enzymes: Isotopes more powerful than previously thought New findings in a decade-long study of enzyme catalysis

Physicists demonstrate how sound can be transmitted through vacuum "sound produces electricity which tunnels fully across vacuum gap between 2 piezoelectric solids... works with audio, ultrasound and hypersound frequencies, as long as gap size smaller than wavelength... In most cases the effect is small, but we also found situations where the full energy of the wave jumps across the vacuum with 100% efficiency, without any reflections. As such, the phenomenon could find applications in microelectromechanical components (MEMS, smartphone technology) and in the control of heat"

Precision light control for structural coloration in 3D printing "structural color (without dyes) or spectrum desired location without restricting substrate material or shape... lateral printing diffraction grating: regularly arranged microstructure controlling light diffraction... light reflected different paths depending on wavelength... lateral printing: very fine high-density nanowire diffraction gratings control light diffraction by moving 3D printing nozzle as if sewing to print bridge shape... smart windows, mirrors, automotive heads-up displays, mechanical engineering and biomedical" Related: AI-driven tool makes it easy to personalize 3D-printable models Development of a simple, revolutionary printing technique for periodic nano/microstructures

Quantum material exhibits non-local behavior that mimics brain function "neuron or synapse properties consume little energy... neuromorphic computing... non-locality: all circuit wires do not have to be connected to each other... quantum: electricity passed neighboring electrodes affect non-neighboring electrodes... inserting hydrogen ions into nickelate thin film, metal conductor on top, electricity to nickelate causing gel-like hydrogen atoms move and when signal removed new configuration remains... software simulated but need to develop corresponding hardware...  artificial intelligence" Related:   Discovery puts a magnetic spin on neuromorphic computing Memristors make versatile artificial synapses for neuromorphic computing

Advancing 2D materials: Achieving the goal with UV-assisted atomic layer deposition "high-performance graphene-dielectric interface... 5 seconds per cycle during the ALD process), demonstrating the possibility of depositing high-density, high-purity atomic layer dielectric films at low temperatures (below 100℃)... 3X increase in charge mobility and a significant reduction in Dirac voltage due to the reduced defects on the graphene surface... semi-conductor and energy devices"  Related: Research team develops new thin film deposition process for tin selenide-based materials

Boron nitride-based nanocomposites have unexpected properties, researchers discover "mixed hexagonal boron nitride with cubic boron nitride yields nanocomposite interacted light and heat is soft... cubic boron nitride is hard... composite outperformed: low thermal conductivity so good heat-insulating material... small 2nd harmonic generation optics becomes large after heating by order magnitude... tailor boron nitride materials right amounts hexagonal and cubic structures enabling mechanical, thermal, electrical and optical properties... microchips, quantum devices, coatings, lubricants and cosmetics"