
Showing posts from June, 2024

When quantum dots meet blue phase liquid crystal elastomers "full-color solid-state circularly polarized luminescence-active material...  glum absolute value up to 0.74, doping red, green, blue quantum dot emitters, respectively... thermal stability, maintaining strong reflectance, fluorescence signals up to 80°C due to fully polymerized network... excellent stretching due to flexible crosslinker... by activating the dynamic disulfide bonds, lattice changes induced by stretching are fixed, leading to permanent extinction of circularly polarized luminescence... optical coding, information storage"

Common plastics could passively cool and heat buildings with the seasons "restricting radiant heat flows between buildings/ environment to specific wavelengths, coatings from common materials achieve energy savings, thermal comfort... radiant heat moves from roofs to sky in narrow portion of IR... ground level walls/ windows radiant heat moves across entire IR... so use applicable coatings for orientation/ season...common/ low-cost building materials radiate heat in narrow IR, block heat for entire IR, such as polyvinyl fluoride, already used as siding, and polypropylene, sourced from household plastics" Related: Researchers make renewable energy breakthrough with radiant infrared heat sources

Angular Ptychographic Imaging with Closed-form technique provides more direct route to crisp images "while taking fewer measurements... eliminates algorithm iterations... solves linear equation yielding details of aberrations introduced by microscope's optics, and corrects them... measures light intensity, phase... faster, more accurate... large field of view without repeat microscope refocusing... biomedical (digital pathology) with or without AI interpretation"

Synthetic pathway for promising nitride compounds discovered "Ruddlesden-Popper halides, oxides have layered structure useful as superconductors, catalysts, photovoltaics, now producible as nitrides... large-volume presses at 8 gigapascal pressure, then used sodium azide to prepare rare-earth transition-metal nitride compounds... hard ferromagnet with irreversible magnetic behavior. In addition, the tantalum compound is a semiconductor with properties that make it exciting for applications in the energy conversion domain or as a ferroelectric material"

Researchers develop platform to probe, control qubits in silicon for quantum networks "defects in silicon, quantum emitters, trap single electrons, send/ store quantum information over widely used wavelengths... simple electric diode manipulates qubits inside commercial silicon wafer, changing electric field, tune its wavelength, turn it on/ off... electrons hit with laser emit photons in specific wavelengths... G-center defects made adding hydrogen atoms to lattice... fabricate hundreds of devices with embedded defect in each device, across a commercial wafer. negative voltage turned off defects"

Carbon nanotube fibers with dynamic strength up to 14 GPa "lightweight, high modulus, highly electrical, thermally conductive... floating catalyst chemical vapor deposition purified, functionalized... stretched in chlorosulfonic acid containing poly(p-phenylene-2,6-benzobisoxazole), then mechanical densification improving interfacial interactions, nanotube alignment, densification within fibers, improving quasi-static, dynamic strength... Cunniff velocity >1100 m/s... far exceeding that of Kevlar... high strain rate battlefield protection, space debris capture"

Electrochemically molecular-imprinted catalysts enable high-energy-density Li-S batteries "enhancing cathode kinetics increases sulfur utilization... utilizing irreversible delithiation metal sulfide properties... Li2S imprinting defects constructed in MS pre-embedding Li2S with lithiation/delithiation process and alcohol wash Li2S removal, forming sulfur vacancy in catalyst, enabling catalyst selectively bind to target product Li2S... cycled stably 100 cycles, energy density >300 Wh/kg based on total mass (502 Wh/kg using this catalyst)... solves Li2S dissociation problem, enabling industrialization of Li-S batteries"

Scientists develop highly efficient spin-orbit torque DRAM memory with atom-level control of composite oxides "non-volatile magnetization switching without magnetic field reduces memory power consumption 2 to 30X... efficiency 2 to 130X greater... opposite spin currents generated within single layer will not cancel each other out... strontium ruthenate, exhibiting magnetism, and spin-Hall effects on top/ bottom surface layers by minutely adjusting atomic lattice structure... creating spin-Hall effect imbalance with asymmetric surface structure enabling  metization in specific direction"

Researchers develop technology to mass produce quantum dot lasers for optical communications "reduces production semiconductor laser cost 6X... Metal-Organic Chemical Vapor Deposition... indium arsenide/gallium arsenide quantum dot laser diodes on gallium-arsenic substrates, for 1.3 µm wavelength optical high-temperature 75°C operation, high density, good uniformity, strong  (GaAs substrate <1/3 cost) defect tolerance, enabling larger substrate areas... lower power consumption, reduced development time... optical communications"

Service mesh technology revolutionizes 6G core network signal processing "created/ terminated in cloud environment... reduces existing networking procedures >80%, reduces number of networking stack packet passes from 24 round trips to 4... separates business- fom communication- logic, selectively using high-speed communication gRPC open-source Remote Procedure Call framework, enhancing mobile core network signal processing performance... communication logic (network service registration, discovery, connection, authentication) no longer an issue... faster, more efficient 6G"

Breakthrough nanoporous material exhibits giant piezoelectric response "super-strain barium calcium zirconium titanate, high piezoelectric charge constant d33 ≈7500 pm V-1, order magnitude greater... eco-friendly... simple synthesis process: soft-templating using sol-gel-based diblock copolymer pore-director... opens up new possibilities for developing and applying ferroelectric devices in energy harvesting. With high efficiency in energy harvesting, these innovative devices are expected to become rivals to traditional energy sources like coal and hydrocarbons in the future"

Solar technology: Researchers develop innovative light-harvesting system "band structure similar to inorganic semiconductors, absorbing entire visible light spectrum using high absorption coefficients of organic dyes.... light-harvesting antenna: 4 different merocyanine dyes (UV, red, purple, blue) folded/ stacked closely together, enabling ultra-fast, efficient energy transport within antenna... 38% of irradiated light energy over broad spectral range converted into fluorescence"

Potential of ultrafast laser processing in graphene and dichalcogenides for next-generation devices "high electrical conductivity, flexibility, tunable optics, using precision processing avoiding high temperatures in manipulating 2D layered materials and van der Waals heterostructures... functionalization, doping, atomic reconstruction, phase transformation, and 2D and 3D micro- and nanopatterning... enables creation of intricate micro- and nanoscale structures for telecommunications, medical diagnostics, environmental monitoring... high-speed photodetectors, flexible electronics, biohybrids, solar cells"

A high-temperature superconductor with zero resistance that exhibits strange metal behavior "Ruddlesden–Popper Bilayer Nickelate high-temperature superconductivity, no resistance, strange metal behavior exhibiting unconventional superconductivity and/or 0-temperature quantum phase transition not by tuning temperature, that cannot be described by our existing knowledge based on Landau's theorem... using tiny samples, better hydrostatic pressure conditions, applying liquid hydrostatic pressure in diamond anvil... making electrical contacts on 100mm length silver paste... 0 resistance at <40°K"

Researchers discover new flat electronic bands at the Fermi level, paving way for advanced quantum materials "d-electron transition metal ions with specific crystal lattices enhance electron interactions creating new quantum phases, unusual low-energy behaviors enabling Kondo effect... immobile particles gain mobility interacting with mobile electrons at Fermi energy... very responsive to external signals, capable of advanced quantum control, strongly correlated topological semimetals at relatively low temperatures (future: room temperature)... qubits (anyons), spintronics (Weyl fermions)"

Optimizing qubit coupling to overcome quantum chaos achieving scalable high-fidelity quantum state transfer "classical computer optimizes using Monte Carlo annealing, and superconducting quantum circuit carries out quantum-state tomography, for efficient coupling strength (minimizing errors)... transferring quantum states using 36-qubit superconducting quantum circuit of 2-maximally entangled qubits with 84% accuracy between 2 qubit pairs... fabrication facilitated connecting several small quantum processors... quantum channel, router building blocks, remote quantum gates...  quantum communication, information networks"

Scientists develop highly efficient process technology for next-generation AI semiconductors "selective heat treatment, thermal energy minimization control process overcoming ferroelectric field-effect transistor high-temperature process shortcomings... non-volatile memory, millionth of sec. response time performing >100K write/ erase, low power, >10 yr. memory lifetime, durable, heterojunction structure, ferroelectric field-effect transistors... nanosecond pulsed laser (short 355 nm wavelength in 30 millionths of sec.) annealing process enabling selective heat treatment enabling high-temperature processes" Related: Researchers develop next-gen semiconductor technology for high-efficiency, low-power artificial intelligence Researchers Claim New Technique Slashes AI Energy Use By 95%

New yttrium-doping strategy enhances 2D transistors "converts molybdenum disulfide from semi-conductive to metallic, improving band alignment... placed semi-metal layer between metal electrode and 2Dl semiconductor overcoming Fermi-level pinning effects... plasma-deposition achieves surface layer yttrium doping... hyperfine patterned structures, thermal stability after annealing, and solid-state nature, enabled advanced-node wafer-scale integration compatibility... ultra-short channel ballistic 2D transistor ohmic contacts with great switching capabilities" Related: Ce-doped yttria transparent ceramic: A new ultraviolet-shielding material for extreme conditions

SpaceX’s Starlink Mini brings space internet to backpackers "Wi-Fi router baked into laptop-sized dish... DC-powered consuming only 20-40W: 2 to 3 hours from Anker Prime 27,650mAh (99.54Wh) power bank, or little over hour with 10,000mAh (40Wh) portable batteries... USB-C PD power source with 100W (20V/5A) minimum rating... speeds over 100Mbps, <5 minute setup... IP67 rating, so protected from dust, rain, short periods of water immersion... add-on to Residential plan: $599 upfront plus $30/ month with up to 50GB mobile data each month"

Manipulating the frequency of terahertz signals through temporal boundaries "time-varying systems' frequency conversions... temporal boundary waveguiding: variations across entire system over time, altering dispersion and different propagation modes at new frequencies... GaAs waveguide laid over thin metallic layer., top surface's THz photoexcitation altered conductivity turning bottom into parallel double-metalized waveguide, producing frequency-down-shifted THz... up-/ down-conversion switched manipulating input polarization... optoelectronics, telecommunications"

Study explores high-performance copper/graphene composite conductor for motors "scalable copper/graphene/plastic... high strength, electrical conductivity at room and elevated (>100°C) temperature... improved interfaces prepared by vacuum hot press sintering, cold-drawing, heat-treatment... wires' temperature resistance coefficient drastically reduced to 0.0035/°C, enabling low resistivity at higher temperatures... in-situ growth avoids carbon nanomaterial agglomeration, rare-earth oxide or carbide formation at interface, improving interfacial bonding... high power density EV motor winding wires" Related: Innovative aluminium-calcium composite promises breakthrough in power transmission

Scientists discover new behavior of membranes that could lead to unprecedented separations "separate out different size solutes... isoporous membranes: all pores same size... hindered transport: fluid medium's internal resistance as solute attempts to go through pore... pores approximately 10 nm diameter, separate solutes with as little as a 5% size difference... solutes get multiple attempts to get through membrane... given longer time, or more likely an improved process design, we believe we will see a clear, sharp separation right where the pore size matched the solute size"

Researchers develop new, more energy-efficient way for AI algorithms to move and process data "AI receives feedback and adjusts on the fly rather than waiting for whole circuit to update simultaneously, so data doesn't travel as far, real time processed... adjusting each synapse individually necessitated working memory sitting alongside it... new generation of AI that learns like human brain does... neuromorphic computers"

One-neutron stripping and transfer in weakly bound lithium-6 and heavier bismuth-209 nuclear reaction "yields results comparable to those of complete fusion reactions especially in energy regions near nuclear barriers. Contrary to previous expectations, one-neutron transfer plays a dominant role at lower energies, exceeding the output of fusion reactions... one-neutron stripping process underscores the intricate and nuanced nature of nuclear reactions, providing a stepping stone for future scientific breakthroughs in nuclear science and technology... nuclear energy production and radiation therapy" Simon Derricutt commented by email: "Can't tell whether this is good or not. I really don't understand what they're doing here. Looks like they're accelerating 6Li atoms to collide withy a target and looking at what is produced, so they'll get data on the process and the energy involved, but I can't see this ending up as an energy producer. Their tests certainly will consume a l

Researchers create more precise 3D reconstructions using only two camera perspectives "combines neural network of surface with illumination process model considering light absorption... image brightness determines angle/ distance of surface relative to light source... natural surroundings to reconstruct relatively textureless objects... neural networks that predict 3D point clouds for individual video images that are then merged into a large-scale model of the roads traveled... autonomous driving, preservation of historical artifacts (digitize museum exhibits)" See also: In a first, 3D models created with just two images, can boost self-driving

New photonic chip spawns nested topological frequency comb "small silicon nitride chip patterned with 100's microscopic rings... miniaturize frequency combs using microscopic semiconductor resonator rings... topological laser photonics: complex interference repeating patterns circulating light pathways immune to small imperfections, around chip's edge while spiting... comb with relatively broad teeth, each containing smaller comb... enables precise measurements of 2 frequencies separated by wide gap... atomic clocks, rangefinding detectors, quantum sensors" Related: World's most accurate and precise atomic clock pushes new frontiers in physics Physicists' laser experiment excites atom's nucleus, may enable new type of atomic clock

Fast-moving objects 3D tracked real-time at record-breaking speeds based on single-pixel imaging "only 6 bytes storage, 2.4 µs computation time... tracking speed >200X faster... illuminating scene with sequence of patterns, measuring corresponding intensity values with single-pixel detector... non-orthogonal projecting geometric light patterns onto 2 non-orthogonal planes creating 3D coordinates calculating object's position, also reducing device size, cost... tracking rate 6667 Hz, modulation rate... future: multiple object tracking with single-pixel imaging... autonomous driving, industrial inspection, security surveillance"

Researchers 'crack the code' for quelling electromagnetic interference "algorithms dynamically fine-tune multiple input/ output... sculpts wireless waveforms navigating crowded frequency bands... machines outfitted with multiple antennas autonomously determine most effective in tandem time/ space waveform shapes... dynamic waveform machine learning mitigating electromagnetic interference from near-field to far-field and in both light and dense interference scenarios... . Internet of Things, AI robotics"

Researchers stabilize interference of two photons in optical chips using topological wave propagation "combine topologically robust light propagation with photon pair interference... optical element topological protection... photons pairs perceive waveguide structure as twisted, causing them to link up, photons passing through waveguide separately only experience conventional flat surface, a topological difference... waveguide system deformable without impact on quantum interference...numerous possibilities for constructing topological systems for light. The symbiosis with quantum light is just the beginning"

Shining different laser wavelengths on magnetite can change its state, making it more or less conducive to electricity "drive magnetite into distinct non-equilibrium metastable hidden phase states (intermediate states not normally accessible) at ultrafast timescales... metal-insulator transition at around 125°K... laser excitation takes solid into phases that don't exist in equilibrium...  takes place in 3 stages over 50 ps... 400 nm,visible light caused lattice to expand, reinforcing monoclinic lattice creating stable insulator... fast, efficient memory storage, sensors"

Quantum computers protected against noise enabling longer computation times needed to carry out complex operations "enables extremely complex operations on a multi-state quantum system, at unprecedented speed... continuous-variable quantum computing using harmonic oscillators encoding information linearly, using thin superconducting strips patterned on insulating substrate forming microwave resonators... much larger number of physical quantum states than only 2... control system device inside oscillator providing resource-efficient path toward fault tolerance, while enabling accurate control of quantum states at high speed"

Spin-polarized currents, used to control quantum states of single electron spins, can also control quantum states of qubits "pentacene molecules (an aromatic hydrocarbon) on silver substrate previously coated with thin insulating magnesium oxide layer... electrons tunnel through gap from magnet on tip of tungsten needle to molecules, using quantum action... tunnel current spin-polarized... applied constant fast-oscillating voltage, inducing resonances ...spin transfer torque to create molecular spin quantum mechanical superposition states acting very locally steerable below nm... control quantum states of magnetic qubits in quantum devices"

New process makes battery production more eco-friendly "combine, heat up dry materials using simple processes to make cathodes, saving energy, water, money, with finished product comparable to best ones on market today... pilot facility produces 10 tonnes/ year,.. compared to existing wet method, this dry method exhibits 30% lower capital costs, 50% lower operating costs, 25% less energy, zero water or waste"

Generation of intense terahertz waves with a magnetic material "THz intensity about 4X higher than typical magnets, although less intense than emitted by THz spin-excitation... efficient, compact, sturdy, cost-effective emitter... single-crystal thin-film Weyl magnets made from cobalt–manganese–gallium Heusler alloy generate huge anomalous Hall effect, generating enhanced photo-induced THz... interplay of light and spin in Weyl magnets... simple structure, no expensive heavy metals (platinum)... imaging, medical diagnostics, security inspection, biotechnology, spintronic devices"

Discovery of one-dimensional topological insulator as qubits, other technology "tellurium semiconductor single helix chains interior insulator, surface conductor proven by electrical charges confined to chain's endpoints... supporting they are one-dimensional topological insulators... charges at the endpoints of one-dimensional TIs have a variety of uses: qubits, high-efficiency solar cells, high-sensitivity photodetectors, and nanotransistors"

Engineers integrate wafer-scale 2D materials and metal electrodes with van der Waals contacts "all-stacking optimized interaction between 2D materials and metal electrodes through contact vdW forces... avoids introducing numerous defects... better operability, scalability... sharp metal-semiconductor contact interfaces, smooth and clear vdW gaps at interface, no metal atom doping on 2D material side... >95% reduced off-state current, 50% decreased subthreshold swing... higher on-off ratio favoring low-power ICs, excellent consistency, stability... 2D electronic devices"

Strong coupling and catenary field enhancement in hybrid plasmonic metamaterial cavity and transition-metal dichalcogenide monolayers "plasmonic metamaterial cavities restrict electromagnetic fields in ultrasmall volume, exhibiting wide frequency range adjustable changing cavity gap size/ thickness, consistent with WS2, WSe2, and MoSe2 monolayer's excitons... monolayers exhibit strong light-matter interactions due to temperature stability, high radiative decay rate, exciton binding energies... room temperature exciton manipulation... enables single-photon source... fast, ultralow-energy quantum data processing" Related: Team uses 3D aerosol nanoprinting to enhance metamaterial performance

Scientists find quasicrystal metasurface projects holographic images and special light diffraction patterns simultaneously "patterns with 10X rotation symmetry of atom-thin repetitive quasicrystals enabling unique light manipulation techniques... manipulaes light phase reconstructing image at specific distance generating holographic displays, and metaatoms' arrangement in quasicrystal pattern creates unique far field.visible diffraction light patterns... combines metasurface global symmetry with meta-atoms' local response... ultra-thin high-resolution holographic displays, light switching, 3D imaging, optical security" Related: Focusing micromechanical polaritons in topologically nontrivial hyperbolic metasurfaces

Cheap yet ultrapure titanium metal might enable widespread use in industry "reduces titanium production cost almost oxygen free... sustainable... rare-earth metals removes oxygen to 0.02% per-mass...  reacting molten titanium with yttrium metal and yttrium trifluoride or similar... low-cost, solid, de-oxygenated titanium alloy... reacted yttrium recyclable... no intermediate compounds, straightforward procedures... resulting de-oxygenated titanium contains yttrium, up to 1% by mass, influencing mechanical and chemical properties... next: removing yttrium contamination" Related: New design approach identifies routes to stronger titanium alloys

Catalyst coating improves solid oxide fuel cell peak power density threefold "enhanced LSM-YSZ composite air electrode performance applying nanoscale praseodymium oxide catalysts on surface, promoting oxygen reduction reaction...  ambient temperature/ pressure electrochemical deposition, immersing in praseodymium ion solution, applying electricity, hydroxide ions react with praseodymium ions, enabling uniform coating... 4 minute fabrication uses existing manufacturing process... polarization resistance reduced 10X... also applicable to hydrogen production electrolysis " Related: Breakthrough Hydrogen Fuel Cell Technology Promises Clean Energy Revolution Bloom Energy Announces Hydrogen Solid Oxide Fuel Cell with 60% Electrical Efficiency and 90% High Temperature Combined Heat and Power Efficiency

TDK claims 1,000 Wh/l energy density, 100 times the capacity of its current small batteries  "all-ceramic lithium alloy anodes.with oxide-based solid (safer, lighter, cheaper, longer performance, faster charging, stable) electrolyte... replacing existing coin-shaped batteries for small electronics (watches)... ceramics are not suitable for larger-sized batteries (even sized for smartphones) where they would be more fragile... start shipping samples of its new battery prototype to clients from next year and hopes to be able to move into mass production after that" Related: European researchers unveil solid-state battery with 1,070 Wh/L energy density

Coreshell found a way to make cheap lithium-iron-phosphate batteries without sacrificing range "metallurgical-grade silicon anode coating holds material together through charge/ discharge, prevents surface degradation, commercializing starting next year... cheaper than higher purity options, half graphite's cost... equivalent capacity requires less material compared with graphite... silicon anode paired with lithium-iron-phosphate cathodes cheaper, safer than nickel-manganese-cobalt but normally stores less energy, but disparity vanishes (and might even be better) when matched with silicon anode" Related: Unlocking the mystery behind the performance decline in a promising cathode material—implications for EV batteries China scientists’ low-cost solid-state battery could be EV industry breakthrough

Seeing at a distance with multicore fibers: All-optical, ultra-long-distance image acquisition and transmission system "all-fiber multiplexed parallel acquisition, transmission 1-piece system... devoid of circuits obviates necessity for intricate signal conversion processes... resilient to noise stemming from incoherent light sources... image data encoded in optical domain through optical fiber coupling... high-capacity, high-quality transmission... digital aperture enables image recovery/ reconstruction from end-plane image concealing original information entirely, enabling real-time scene reconstruction from distances of up to 1 km" Related: LiDAR-based system allows unmanned aerial vehicle team to rapidly reconstruct environments Beyond point-to-point triangulation: Dynamic 3D imaging under global illumination New neural framework enhances reconstruction of high-reso

Enhancement and manipulation of second- and third-harmonic generation based on all-dielectric nonlinear metasurfaces "nonlinear optical response,induced by guided mode resonance and bound states in continuum generating high-Q resonant spectral features... breaking centrosymmetric amorphous silicon metasurface structural symmetry, bound states transformed into quasi bound states in continuum, allowing coupling between these resonant states and radiative continuum... enhanced 2nd harmonic generation 550X, enhanced 3rd harmonic intensity 5,000X... nonlinear optics, photonics, quantum optics, optical imaging, sensing"

Structured light beams with controllable polarization along arbitrary trajectories "phase modulation function on input plane, consisting of series of expanding circular rings with moving centers... structured light polarized from 15 to 75° along Poincaré equator, and from 15° to circular polarization and then to 75° along northern hemisphere equator... longitudinally continuously varying polarized spatial structure, phase difference with non-axial transmission of orthogonally polarized components corresponding to moving rings... optical encryption, particle manipulation, biomedical imaging"

Ultracompact and high-efficiency liquid-crystal-on-silicon light engines for augmented reality glasses "ultra-compact, high optical efficiency illumination with light guide plate for liquid crystal on silicon AR glasses, efficiently directing light source to  liquid crystal panel... LED array or laser diode light souce attaced using in-coupling prism, propagates at top and bottom surfaces... polarization states manipulated pixel-by-pixel... outstanding color performance, plastic's lower refractive index n = 1.7 lowers cost... low power AR glasses... education, training, retail, marketing, navigation" Related: High-refractive-index-modulation nanocomposites for augmented reality displays Shrinking AR displays into eyeglasses to expand their use

New method links graphene nanolayers for tougher, elastic films "conductive honeycombed carbon atom layered array... cross-linked (but not chemically, uses rotaxanes) graphene nanolayers with mechanically spatially entangled interlocked molecules... rotaxanes' axle uses charged group (ammonium) holding wheel in specific position... OH group attached to axle/ wheel by linker... stretchable to 20%/ bent repeatedly without damage, also retaining high electric conductivity... bendable electronics, batteries, aeronautic/ space flight composite materials"

Research highlights potential of photo-driven fin field-effect transistors "cost-effective, silicon/ IR hybrid photodetectors... expands spectral response range... broadband photoresponse, improve sensitivity... leverages lead(II) sulfide-silicon heterojunction depleting channel, suppressing dark current. and photovoltage generated at interface modulates channel boosting room temperature IR photoresponse within visible light to IR with fast response speed (150 μs)... fabrication compatible with silicon-based CMOS technologies... night vision, remote sensing, health monitoring"

Making ferromagnets ready for ultra-fast communication and computation technology "ferromagnets' ultra-fast spin waves, terahertz frequencies... communication/ computation 1,000X faster...  spins acquire inertia, leading to nutation, an additional type of spin oscillation... injecting spin current with the "wrong" sign excites nutational auto-oscillations... spin inertia introduces 2nd time-derivative in motion equation... harmonize spin-current-driven dynamics and spin inertia... isomorphism, a parallel, between spin dynamics in ferromagnets and ferrimagnets"

HoloMem: Long-term storage system uses lasers to burn tiny holograms into light-sensitive polymer "holograms store data in multiple layers, multiplexing layers multiple sets of information in 1 space... can handle -14 to 160°C temperature... polymer  good for >50 years... data can't be tampered with once written... low cost, widely available components including laser... Microsoft is competitor: Project Silica uses powerful lasers creating tiny structural changes in glass, called voxels... 2mm thick size of DVD stores >7 terabytes,  immune to temperature, humidity, particulates, electromagnetic fields, 100 to 1K years life"

Liquid crystal source of photon pairs opens path to new generation of quantum sources "a source of entangled photons, spontaneous parametric down-conversion, can now be implemented, besides in solids, in liquid ferroelectric nematic crystals featuring strong central symmetry breaking... molecules elongated, asymmetric, can be re-oriented by external electric field changing generated photon pair polarization as well as generation rate... highly efficient, flexible, tunable, can be implemented into more complex devices... applying few volts switches photon pairs on/ off, changes polarization" Related: Scientists create ultracompact polarization-entangled photon sources for miniaturized quantum devices

Relectrify CellSwitch™ extends battery life as much as 30%, reduces costs by eliminating need for conventional inverters "battery cell-level electronics and software control... 17 million AUD funding round with investors including Toyota... significantly reduces failures leading to fires... protected by over 30 granted and pending patents" Related: Farasis Energy unveils power batteries with robust temperature adaptability and ultra-long cycle onsemi Selected to Power Volkswagen Group’s Next-Generation Electric Vehicles

Scientists unveil all-optical phase conjugation method using diffractive wavefront processing "deep learning optimizes passive diffractive layers processing optical fields with unknown phase distortions, all-optically generating their phase-conjugated counterparts at multiple wavelengths... fast, energy-efficient, compact, scalable... passing light through 3D-printed diffractive layers transforms distorted wavefronts at multiple wavelengths into conjugated ones at speed of light, without  digital computation or active modulation... medical Imaging, optical communication, laser beam focusing, astronomy" Related: Engineers develop advanced optical computing method for multiplexed data processing and encryption

Synthesis process boosts perovskite solar cell performance to near market-ready standards "synthesize formamidinium lead iodide into ultrastable, high-quality photovoltaic films... efficiency decreased >3% over more than 1K hours operation at 185°F... sprinkling precursor with 2 perovskites, guiding 3D perovskite growth, compressing/ stabilizing crystal lattice... templating with 2D crystals achieved higher quality, less internal disorder, stronger response to illumination... higher efficiency, durability... further improved to timescales approaching commercial-readiness by adding encapsulation layer" See also: Holy grail of solar technology set to consign 'unsustainable silicon' to history Canon (Japan) destroys solar panels and introduces this invention: 30 years of free, infinite energy at home

New method embeds quantum dots within metasurfaces for enhanced luminescence "enables 2 objects to exist in same space... nanoimprint lithography creating cheaper optical metasurfaces, utilizing materials not available in conventional processes... integrated quantum dots with titanium dioxide creating metasurface enhancing proportion of photons emitted from quantum dots coupling with resonance mode of the metasurface, enabling controlling quantum dots' light polarization, emission direction... up to 25X greater luminescence efficiency... sharper, brighter displays, more precise, sensitive biosensing"

Scientists achieve high efficiency all-polymer solar cells through pincer-shaped, non-covalent bond interactions "all-perovskite-structured compound solar cells exhibit mechanical flexibility, lightweight, low temperature printing... controlling active layer microstructures, enhancing performance... small molecule solid additives with phenyl alkyl side chains... clamp-shaped multiple non-covalent interactions with polymer acceptors, with additional interactions between polymer endcap and additive's phenyl terminal, enhancing photovoltaic performance and mechanical stability... 19.01% efficiency, 80% fill factor"

Researchers enhance performance of hafnia-based memory devices by doping ferroelectric materials with aluminum "hafnium oxide ferroelectric memories operate at low voltages high speeds... doping ferroelectric materials with aluminum, creating high-performance ferroelectric thin films... metal-ferroelectric-semiconductor... adjusted ferroelectric layers' capacitance by fine-tuning thickness, area ratio of metal-to-metal, metal-to-channel ferroelectric layers, improving performance, reducing energy consumption... memory window exceeding 10 V, enabling Quad-Level Cell storing 16 data levels... high-speed, and high-density, AI"

Focusing on essentials, an ultra-thin lithium metal battery with high stability and energy density "garnet-type oxide solid electrolyte air-handleable LLZO simultaneously enhancing surface/ internal properties, preventing/ mitigating contaminant layers... hydrophobic compound Li-Al-O on surface/ inside, so any contamination barely reacts with moisture in air, preventing spreading internally, improving contact and wettability with lithium metal, enabling ~3.43 μm batteries... low ~ 0.176 anode to cathode capacity ratio through simple wetting process without complex post-processing... decreased battery weight, volume" Related: Dielectric protocol leads to high energy density in Li-metal pouch cells

Switching nanomagnets using infrared lasers "IR irradiated molecules vibrate due to energy supply, also generating magnetic fields... highly symmetric metal phthalocyanines generate nm magnetic fields when circularly polarized IR pulsed on their charged atomic nuclei, exciting 2 molecular vibrations at same time at right angles to each other... high-precision optical switches controlling magnetic field strength, direction... future: compute interactions between deposited phthalocyanines, support material, IR... circuits in quantum computers"

A chain of copper and carbon atoms may be the thinnest metallic wire "1-D nanowires/ nanotubes... alternative to difficult to manufacture/ control carbon nanotubes... held together by van der Waals forces... CuC2 stable at 0 K, thinnest straight-line chain metallic nanowire... exfoliated requiring little energy from any of 3 parent crystals, its chain bendable while preserving metallic properties, helpful for flexible electronics... also, semi-metal Sb2Te2 excitonic insulator where quantum phenomena becomes visible at macroscopic scale... microelectronics, biosensors, catalysis" Related: Carbon nanotubes study finds local solvation is decisive for fluorescence of biosensors

Disruptive imaging chip for mobile devices "chip-enabled cellphones detect objects inside packages, behind walls, medical applications... 200 to 400 GHz (potential THz) imaging... improved pixel performance 100 million times, advanced digital signal processing techniques...about 1 (potential 5) inches from object, for security reasons... emits 300-GHz signals in mm-wave band, safe for humans.... chip without lenses or optics so compact... pixels shape of 0.5-mm square"

Breakthrough highly ionic conductive electrolyte: increased energy density at low-temperature, improved durability at high temperature "cheaper and smaller lithium-ion batteries. using acetonitrile electrolyte ingredient... commercialization planned for 2025... high power at −40°C, double cycle life at 60°C, before reaching 80% state of health... proof of concept is a technological breakthrough. By licensing the electrolyte technology to LIB manufactures worldwide, Asahi Kasei aims to contribute to lower cost and more compact battery systems, which are a key driver to achieve a more sustainable society" Related: Redox-active metal-organic framework developed for Li batteries in freezing conditions

Researchers demonstrate new way to 'squeeze' infrared light "thin-film oxide membranes maintain IR frequency, but compress to 10% of its wavelength (far better than the 97% for bulk crystal), allowing greater resolution... used pulsed laser deposition growing 100-nm thick crystalline membrane of strontium titanate (transition metal perovskite) in vacuum... on silicon oxide surface of silicon substrate, phonon polaritons confine IR... photonics, sensors, thermal management (chips shedding heat converting into IR)... easily integrated with a wide variety of substrates"

Unveiling novel energy phenomena from light exposure on layered materials "wrapping carbon nanotubes in boron nitride nanotubes facilitates unique electron escape route when exposed to ultrashort light pulses, furthering high-speed optical devices, rapid electron and other particle control, efficient heat dissipation...  layering different types of low-dimensional materials forms pathway allowing electron escape from specific material's subparts... excited electrons transfer into boron nitride nanotubes via these electronic channels, facilitating extremely fast thermal conversion"

Scientists create world's strongest iron-based superconducting magnet using AI "compact, light, scalable, cheap, quick fabrication, stable, very powerful iron-based superconducting magnet using machine learning, without need for large amounts of power input...  AI shifting parameters like heat, time... wide range of larger sizes of iron-based crystals, as opposed to the smaller and uniform structure that human researchers have traditionally favored... affordable MRI machines, Maglev electrified transport, electric aircraft, nuclear fusion" Related: Compressed titanium and sulfur nanoribbons can transmit electricity without energy loss, scientists find

Spiralis Energy's screw-like tidal power generator made from plastic trash seeks trial in UK "large Archimedes screw modified by addition of aerofoils increasing torque, greater energy output... screw submerged, bu power generation happens above water in drier conditions... modular, 3D printed before shipping... if broken, modular section removed/ replaced for easy repair... 66 feet long... mounted on floating platforms... lowest energy cost energy generation among all types of energy generation worldwide... 500 kW at 3.5 m/s power output"

Energy efficient fixed-wing Foldable Rotary Origami Wing drone can change its wingspan during flight "squeezes through narrow spaces or drop like falcon by reducing wingspan while flying... wings provide much larger lift surface enhancing energy efficiency... vertical takeoff and landing flying by horizontally spinning entire body, inspired by samara-type maple tree seed... 2 samara-inspired balsa wood wings joined in middle by electronics-equipped hub... telescoping carbon fiber rod runs wings' length. At the end of each wing is a motor/propeller... use wing flaps to steer... bypass hazardous weather, evade pursuing aircraft" Related: World's heaviest soaring bird inspires wind power design

Plasmonium artificial qubit replicates room-temperature Hall Effect without magnetic field for fault-tolerant quantum computing "photons simulate interaction between charged particles previously observed only in electrons... boxing single photons in with Plasmonium array... Jiuzhang 3 prototype quantum computer first to manipulate 255 photons performing computations billions times faster than the world’s fastest supercomputers... Jiuzhang 4 – capable of controlling more than 2,000 photons – is expected to be unveiled this year"

Nonreciprocal quantum batteries enhance energy storage, capacity and efficiency "breaking time-reversal symmetry creating direct energy flow from quantum charger to battery, preventing energy backflow where dissipative auxiliary waveguide facilitates energy transfer... enhances energy accumulation using interference-like process balancing dissipative and coherent interactions, with 4X energy storage efficiency... interplay between nonreciprocity, entanglement, catalysis... lossy coupling, efficient quantum sensing, energy capture, and even advancing the study of quantum thermodynamics" Related: Researchers realize time reversal through input-output indefiniteness

Unlocking the transformative potential of 2D materials to advance next-generation electronics   "hydromechanical strategy directly utilizing 2D semiconductors on their as-grown substrates at device level avoids disorder-induced electronic devices' performance degradation... high-performance electronic devices with enhanced functionality, reliability, scalability... large-scale integrated circuits, flexible and wearable electronics, advanced optoelectronic devices, quantum technologies... unlock further the transformative potential of aligned 2D materials on van der Waals dielectrics for developing innovative electronic devices" Related: Researchers' crystal engineering modifies 2D metal halide perovskites into 1D nanowires

Calcium oxide's quantum secret: Nearly noiseless qubits "tiny, lone atoms of bismuth embedded within solid cheap calcium oxide can act as qubits... low noise level, holds information for long time... bismuth defect within calcium oxide can theoretically encode data with little noise and for relatively long periods of time (multiple seconds compared to the milliseconds of coherence shown by many qubits)... favorable refractive index, ability to emit photons of light"

Breaking data transmission barriers: Innovations in data center interconnects "communication between components within and across data centers... high-resolution digital-to-analog converters... look-up-table-based nonlinear predistortion technique with digital resolution enhancement reducing resolution demand... transmission >124 GBd PAM-4/6 and 112 GBd PAM-8 over 2 km  standard single-mode fiber using 3/3.5/4-bit digital-to-analog converters... supporting next generation ethernet links up to 800-GbE, potentially 1.6-TbE... highest data rates, lowest-cost digital-to-analog interconnects"

Researchers demonstrate the first chip-based 3D printer "single, mm-scale photonic chip with array of 160-nm-thick optical antennas to steer beam projecting into liquid resin (with long shelf life) rapidly curing when exposed to beam's wavelength... no moving parts... speeding up/ delaying optical signal on either side of antenna array moves beam in certain direction... entire chip fits onto a U.S. quarter... prototype 3D printed arbitrary 2D shapes within seconds, actual device to emit hologram in resin well enabling 1-step 3D printing"

Prototype low-power alternative to energy-guzzling GPU chips widely used in machine learning "32 variable resistors perform simple machine learning classification tasks... classified 120 items with 95% accuracy... also performs nonlinear XOR... training uses 2nd identical circuit to instruct, both start with same resistance for each... type of analog computer encoding along continuum instead of discrete... analog better energy efficiency... type of neuromorphic computer, resistors adjust in bottom-up approach, no dedicated component for memory, these represent additional energy efficiencies" Related: Computing scheme accelerates machine learning while improving energy efficiency of traditional data operations

SeaWarm's Water Source Heat Pump delivers 400% more heat than the energy it uses "efficient heating, cooling... HotTwist heat exchanger compresses to higher temperature... coupled to standard ground source heat pump, it collects heat from water bodies instead of ground... 2x more than ground, ~3400x more than air... glycol, aiding when cold, circulates through looped tubing, warmed glycol compressed raising its temperature... also harness energy from frozen water utilizing ice fusion latent heat... 350% to 400% more heat than electricity input, comparable to most efficient air source heat pumps" Related: Carrier Completes Department of Energy's Cold Climate Heat Pump Challenge: Transformative Innovation Set for 2024 Commercial Rollout

Novel flexible perovskite/ ultrathin silicon tandem solar cell achieves record efficiency "enhancing light absorption while preserving flexibility... bottom silicon approximately 30 µm thick... enhanced durability capping perovskite top cells, addressing concerns related to fractures in silicon surface... record stabilized efficiency 22.8%... power-to-weight ratio 3.12 W g−1... outstanding bending durability, maintaining 98.2% of their initial performance even after undergoing 3,000 bending cycles at a radius of only 1 cm" Related: AIKO & GCL Jointly Launch N-Type All Back Contact Solar Panels; Secures French Certification

Researchers successfully fabricate magneto-optical ceramics "Y2O3 improved optical transmittance suppressing secondary phase (probably due to increased solubility) of terbium aluminum garnet ceramics, key elements of Faraday isolators... solid-state reaction vacuum sintering, then hot isostatic pressing... in-line transmittance 82.9% at 1064 nm (82.2% at 633 nm), optical loss nearly 1 order magnitude lower... reduced Verdet constant reducing paramagnetic ion concentration, thermal conductivity decreased 9.4%... future: further reduce optical loss coefficient"

Laser-based 3D printing: A powerful tool to advance optical microscopy "multi-photon lithography enables 3D structure maskless micro- and nanoscale production... since nonlinear precision enhanced by locally refining laser intensity, advanced hatching and slicing... fabricated in 8 minutes: 20 µm diameter micro-sphere with almost perfect geometric quality (λ/8), exceptional surface smoothness... printed on coverslip witha hole in center, enabling flexible manipulation, optical microscope integration... surpassed conventional resolution limits while preserving high axial resolution"

Chiral 2D metal-organic frameworks as Rashba-Dresselhaus semiconductors with spontaneous large spin splitting "space-inversion symmetry-breaking spin-orbit coupling... material need not be inherently magnetic...  valence band spin texture tunable by changing chirality of metal-organic backbone... 5 elements for obtaining large R-D spin splitting in 2D COMFs: (i) chirality, (ii) large spin–orbit coupling, (iii) narrow band gap, (iv) valence and conduction bands having the same symmetry at the Г point, and (v) strong ligand field... electric field-controlled spintronics... future: 2D R–D semiconductors with giant spin splitting"

High-intensity spatial-mode steerable nonlinear frequency up-converter toward on-chip integration "controlled tuning temperature, wavelengths, intensity... inter-mode phase matching optical waveguide principle... photolithography forming structure inversion, precise cutting, fabricated periodically poled lithium niobate multi-mode waveguides... 976 nm DFB laser pump light and C-band tunable narrow linewidth fiber laser as signal, high-intensity outputs between TM01, TM10, and TM00 modes achieved... high-dimensional quantum entanglement devices, large-capacity mode-division multiplexing devices"

New 3D-printed microscale photonic lantern opens opportunities for spatial mode multiplexing "free-standing, print on/ adhere to photonic circuits, optical fibers, lasers, photodetectors... (de-)multiplexer... and array of separated single mode optical signals... 6-mode mixing, 375µm long photonic lantern converts between 6 single-mode optical wave inputs containing superposition of modes, into single 6-mode waveguide... low insertion loss (-2.6 dB), low wavelength sensitivity, low polarization and mode-dependent losses (-0.2 dB and -4.4 dB respectively)... imaging, high capacity communication, directed energy"

Researcher creates mathematical models to advance smart polymer materials "ease with which soft responsive materials can change shape makes them suitable for more complex functions such as adapting to environmental changes... using mathematical models reduces trial and error physical lab testing... new modeling method more accessible, generically applicable (doesn't need new complicated calculation carried out every time)... plastic packaging, elastic bands, toothpaste, hair gel, time-release polymer coatings, curvy-ness of edges of artificial mini brain on a chip"

Superconducting circuit for qubit control within large-scale quantum computer systems successfully demonstrated "superconducting circuit that can control many qubits at low temperature via a single cable using microwave multiplexing was successfully demonstrated in proof-of-concept experiments at 4.2 K in liquid helium. This circuit has the potential of increasing the density of microwave signals per cable by approximately 1,000 times, thereby increasing the number of controllable qubits significantly and contributing to the development of large-scale quantum computers" Related: A cryogenic on-chip microwave pulse generator for large-scale superconducting quantum computing

Sorting complex light beams: Diffractive metasurface design advances optical physics "simultaneous sorting, distinguishing arbitrary vector structured beams with spin-multiplexed metasurfaces...  transmits information through intensity, wavelength, and spatial and polarization configurations... compact, efficient, operates at microscopic level... directs light through metasurface layers, each shaping light incrementally into predetermined patterns separated/ identified by its unique characteristics... efficient high-dimensional high-speed secure optical communication, high-speed quantum computing (data encoding)"

Novel formamidinium lead iodide perovskite n-type transistors have notable field-effect mobilities "field-effect mobilities of up to 33 cm2 V−1 s−1 measured in continuous bias mode... ..strain relaxation of perovskite lattice using methylammonium chloride additive, undercoordinated lead suppression through tetramethylammonium fluoride multidentate anchoring, stabilizing alpha phase, balancing strain, improving surface morphology, crystallinity, orientation... low-defect perovskite–dielectric interfaces, good electron mobilities, negligible hysteresis, high operational stability... unipolar inverters, 11-stage ring oscillators"

On-chip GHz time crystals with semiconductor photonic devices pave way to new physics and optoelectronic applications "relates high non-linear exciton-polariton dynamics and coherent GHz optomechanics... high-quality semiconductor-based sample acting as trap for coherent light-matter condensates... atom-thick semiconductor layers in vacuum, forming micron-sized box trapping millions of quantum particles... enables frequencies several orders magnitude higher than before, leading to time crystals on semiconductor platform... future: photon-to-radiofrequency conversion at quantum level, integrated and microwave photonics" Related: Scientists successfully create a time crystal made of giant atoms The experimental observation of a dissipative time crystal in a Rydberg gas

Tianmouc chip: AI-driven visual perception bringing human eye-like perception to machines "efficient, accurate, resilient visual perception in dynamic, varied, inherently unpredictable environments... breaks down visual information into fundamental, primitive-based visual representations, establishing 2 complementary visual perception pathways: cognition-oriented, action-oriented... visual information acquisition rate 10K f/p/s with 10-bit precision... 90% bandwidth reduction, low power consumption... low-latency, high-performance real-time perception capabilities... autonomous driving, embodied intelligence"

Cheap, dirty leftovers can release pure oxygen: Hexagonal manganites show promise for production on an industrial scale "store/ release pure oxygen faster, at lower temperatures, using cheaper materials needing less maintenance... hexagonal manganites (no need for larger surface area nanomaterials)... neither pure (5 to 6 different rare earths) nor have well-ordered crystal structure, OK as disorder itself provides rapid oxygen absorption...  sources of hexagonal manganites: oxides of recycled rare earth metals or low-quality ore, also possibly waste materials from the production of electric motors"

Scientists create the thinnest lens on Earth, enabled by excitons "3 atoms thick flat lens relying on quantum effects... single layer tungsten disulfide flat lens half mm wide, 0.6 nm thick... Fresnel lens has concentric WS2 rings with gaps in between, focusing using diffraction rather than refraction...  focusing efficiency relies on quantum effects within WS2 enabling efficient absorption/ re-emission of light at specific wavelengths... forms excitons, sensitive to charge density, enabling changing refractive index of the material by applying a voltage... AR glasses"

Innovative bird eye–inspired camera developed for enhanced object detection "birds' retinas have small deep central fovea pit refracting light enabling distant object perception through magnification...  have four cones responding to UV, visible light enabling target object detection in dynamic environment...  artificial fovea and perovskite multispectral image sensor of vertically stacked 4 types of photodetectors absorbing different UV, RGB wavelengths... responding to... provides both magnified and surrounding views... confidence score 2X better, motion detection rate 3.6X better"