
Showing posts from April, 2023

Optical neural networks hold promise for image processing "filter relevant information from scene before visual image camera detected... faster, smaller, energy-efficient image sensors... compression ratio 800-to-1 classify cell images flow cytometers and measure and identify objects in 3D... light through matrix-vector multiplications compresses data 4 pixels... sort information yielding compression higher signal-to-noise ratio per camera pixel... cancer detection... useful where low-power sensing or computing needed, for example, image sensing on satellite"

Researchers develop new tool for optimizing irrigation "estimates evapotranspiration water loss from soils... 100X faster maintaining high accuracy... crunch data near real time... knowing where best position moisture sensors and drippers... enhanced Kalman filter and maximum likelihood estimation, start with predictions based on available measured, reduce uncertainties based on subsequent measurements... only took about 10 minutes" Related: Smart irrigation technology covers 'more crop per drop'

Networks of silver nanowires seem to learn and remember, much like our brains "Like neurons, coated insulating layer... ions migrate across insulating layer into nanowire like neurotransmitters across synapses... high-order cognitive function: learning and memory... selectively strengthen(and weaken synaptic pathways similar supervised learning brain... synapses strengthened if output close to desired result or pruned if not close... remembered previous signals >=7 steps"

Monolayer hexagonal boron nitride can extend plasmonic enhancement limit "block electron tunneling and extend the ultimate plasmonic enhancement limits in a single-atom-layer gap,... high tunneling barrier formed by monolayer h-BN, actively blocking the electron tunneling effect... detecting intrinsic SERS intensity h-BN single particle cavity... monolayer h-BN blocks electron tunneling using hot electron tunneling quantum computation and layer-dependent scattering spectrum experiments"

Dynamic 3D structure extraction from HS-AFM images "visualizing molecular motors executing functions... Combining high-speed AFM and computational modeling will elevate the understanding of how proteins function in atomistic detail. An ambitious future goal is the application of molecular modeling to reconstruct atomistic-level 3D molecular movies from high-speed AFM topographic movies" Related: Scientists develop a novel light-field sensor for 3D scene construction with unprecedented angular resolution

Researchers develop high-performance 2D pseudocapacitive multi-electron reaction lithium storage material "electronegative (PO4)3- anion provides enhanced capacity 313 mAh g-1 at 0.1 C and maintained capacity 116 mAh g-1 at rate 50 Cenergy and power density, flexibility and safety.... ultrathin nanosheet structure to improve electronic and ionic conductivity, but also adjusted the uniformity of multi-electron reactions and reduced polarization by controlling the content of V4+ defects...  UV-curable solid electrolyte (ETPTA-LiClO4-SSE)  ion conductivity 0.99 mS cm-1 at room temperature... multi-electron cathodes" Related: A new family of intercalation-type Li-free cathodes for all solid-state batteries with considerable energy density Machine learning approach opens insights into an entire class of materials being pursued for solid-state batteries

Probing lithium ions near a solid's surface reveals clues to boost solid-state battery performance "safer, as well as longer lasting and more efficient... lithium lanthanum titanium oxide as the solid electrolyte and lithium cobalt oxide as the cathode... The barrier for lithium ions to get through is not just a function of the two solid materials being mechanically incompatible with each other, it's also a function of the vibrations in the material itself" Related: Japanese manufacturer announces a real revolution in its electric cars with solid batteries The Breakthrough of LLZO: Powering the Future of Electric Vehicles and Clean Energy

Mending the unmendable: A new method for restoring fractured metals "electrochemical healing" to repair fractured metals in various metallic materials, including steel, aluminum alloys, and complex 3D printed structures, under room-temperature conditions... turned ions into solid metal atoms, atoms grew on surface healed fracture... applied protective polymer coating... low-carbon steel, 2 unweldable aluminum alloys... can recover 100% strength... repair 3D... full tensile strength restoration... autonomous repair and reducing costs with alternative electrodeposited metals" Related: Treatment creates steel alloys with superior strength and plasticity 'Stunning' discovery: Metals can heal themselves

On-chip quantum light source generates entanglement "combined electrically excited laser cavity, noise-suppression filter (microrings/waveguides)...  indium phosphide laser’s light to silicon nitride chip using waveguides and three nonlinear microring resonators, which act as a noise-suppression filter... light exits the third microring, a pair of entangled photons are generated... shrinking quantum light source size by 1/1000 without cryogenic... efficient... quantum computers and internet... integrated and scalable quantum source... quantum communications" Related : Scientists take an important step toward using quantum computers to advance materials science Differing device personalities come together for future quantum computing networks Non...

New nanoparticle source generates high-frequency light "medical imaging, studying biological objects, and deciphering details of computer chips... >7X frequency light sent to it.... blue-violet from UV, extreme UV light from red ... create powerful resonances to amplify certain harmonics of emitted light... smaller and cheaper device... conventional limited by the wavelength of light: violet light has the wavelength of about 400 nm... save resources and time on bad chip batches... tiny, inexpensive sources extreme UV" Related:   Newly observed effect makes atoms transparent to certain frequencies of light Nanoparticles help scientists zoom in on super small objects

New membrane design allows selective and near-frictionless ion transport "CO2 electrolyzers, water electrolyzers, fuel cells, redox flow batteries and ion-capture electrodialysis... screen out specific substances to prevent crossover; efficiently conducting specific ions... triazine framework polymer membrane break conductivity-selectivity trade-off... anti-swelling and anti-aging, low swelling ratio water absorption, rigid channels ensured high selectivity from size-sieving enabling low permeability... neat area-specific resistance 0.17 Ω cm2, extreme densities from 200 to 500 mA cm-2" Related: Superlubricity coating could reduce economic losses from friction and wear Pumping liquids in pulses like the heart reduces friction and energy consumption, shows study

Better superconductors with palladium "his golden zone of medium interaction can be reached neither with cuprates nor with nickelates - but one can hit the bull's eye with a new type of material: so-called palladates. "Palladium is directly one line below nickel in the periodic table. The properties are similar, but the electrons there are on average somewhat further away from the atomic nucleus and each other, so the electronic interaction is weaker" Relaed: A model system of topological superconductivity mediated by skyrmionic magnons Interdependent superconducting networks Towards a sustainable superconductor technology with magnesium diboride super magnets

Material found in smartphone screens can be harnessed to map magnetic fields "smartphones portable quantum sensors ... magnetic field imaging... spot defects in diamonds, jewellery, construction materials... biomedical sensor... negative electron charge, and holes with positive charge... both have spin... measuring signal change flip-flop to detect strength of magnetic field... details on sub-micron length scales... doesn’t require laser input... increase the field sensitivity"

Scientists improve near-field optical proximity correction via spatial modulation "diffraction limit of an evanescent-field-based patterning system... Precise OPC requires accurate exposure, so numerical calculations were performed to estimate the point spread function and quantitatively analyze the near-field enhancement effect and the size-dependence of the plasmonic near-field... fast and effective correcting evanescent-field-induced high-k information loss by exposure dose compensation in advance in exposure dose map... final pattern fidelity greatly improved"

Femtosecond lasers with BiBurst enhance ablation speed of silicon by a factor of 23 "grouped in MHz envelopes (BiBurst mode... increase ablation speed silicon without deterioration ablation quality... higher total energy to ablate silicon without inducing air ionization due to lower intra-pulse intensities... avoid air ionization, maintain higher ablation efficiency, higher ablation speed than single pulse GHz burst or single-pulse mode... increasing laser intensity increases ablation rate... higher intensity femtosecond laser pulses often suffers air ionization damage and excessive heat generation"

Scientists create a longer-lasting exciton that may open new possibilities in quantum information science "time-, spin-, and angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy, which uses ultrafast pulses of light to probe the properties of electrons in a material. They worked with bismuth telluride, a well-studied topological insulator that offered the precise properties they needed: an electronic state combining the topological surface characteristics with those of the insulating bulk... characteristics both excitons and topological states... opto-spintronics and quantum computing"

The dynamics of 'hotspot forming' high-energy quasiparticles in a superconducting nanowire "tune energy and rate of quasiparticle injections via bias voltage and tunneling current... injected power and injection rate yield reduced critical current on nanowire... STM to locate and measure nanodevice... each quasiparticle injected relaxed energy to phonons, broke hundreds of Cooper pairs generate out-of-equilibrium quasiparticles formed hotspot... injecting quasiparticle current several magnitudes lower... field-effect transistors and photon detectors, superconducting quantum circuits" Related: A tailor-made magnetic vortex: A closer look at a special kind of quasiparticle

Using superconductors to move people, cargo and energy through one combined system "stored and transported liquified hydrogen cools superconductor guideway... personal and commercial vehicles 400 mph or double that... magnetically levitated trains... embedding superconductors into the existing highway infrastructure and adding magnets to the undercarriages of vehicles... liquified nitrogen and a vacuum layer used to thermally insulate the liquified hydrogen... less fuel or electricity... with car or truck on superconductor guideway, reducing both cost and environmental footprint"

Controlling turbulent heat transport by manipulating coherent structures "simple geometrical confinement... even the resultant flow is much slower... passive thermal management(such as electronics cooling... dynamic rotation, double-diffusion, magnetic field, tilting, and modification by polymer additive and so on), they further demonstrate how the framework of coherent structure manipulation heat transport behaviors in seemingly different turbulence systems in a unified way. This universal mechanism is expected to be realized in other types of turbulent flows"

From sheets to stacks, new nanostructures promise leap for advanced electronics "multi-layered dichalcogenides from edge of niobium doped molybdenum shards creating thick bonded, planar heterostructuremeet in-plane form junctions... tunnel field-effect transistors with ultra-low power consumption... quantum tunneling... stitch single-atom thick layers sheets over unprecedented lengths... thick p-n junction between TMDCs with high carrier concentration... negative differential resistance increased voltage less current, key feature of tunneling... scalable"

Scientists reconstruct full state of a quantum liquid "reconstructs full stat quantum liquid, consistent with quantum field theory similar to those that describe fundamental particles in universe... tomography quantum system...  ultracold atoms trapped on chip... created 2 copies quantum system—cigar-shaped atom clouds... Initially strongly coupled quantum liquid split in 2 evolving independent liquids recombine it to reveal ripples in liquid... ripples in a pond after throwing a rock in it and inferring the properties of the rock, such as its size, shape, and weight"

Shedding light on mechanisms of electrochemical energy storage "quickly identify exact electrochemical mechanisms... 2 methods intricate electrochemical process usable power generation: (1) composition of chemical compounds by ability to absorb visible light and (2) storage electrical current... monitor both the positioning and movement of ions from electrolyte to electrode... UV–vis CV' curves correlate between spectral changes and electrochemical processes  facilitating differentiation electrical double-layer, pseudocapacitive and intercalation battery-type redox" Related: Researchers improve the solubility of redox molecules for enhanced energy storage systems

Ultra-miniaturized non-classical light sources for quantum device "20 µm non-classical light sources... quantum resonators that generate non-classical states of light, like the microring and photonic crystal cavity... efficient parametric conversion using low pump power (≈ 40 µW)... emits correlated photons, and quadrature-squeezed vacuum below... emits correlated beams coherent light.. canonical resonant 4-Wave-Mixing... 3 geometries PhC multimode resonators... photonic crystal 200 nm layer In0.5Ga0.5P 2D hole pattern...  uncorrelated fluctuations modes of same resonator" Related: Counting photons for quantum computing

NASA's New 3D-Printed Superalloy Can Take the Heat "GRX-810 oxide dispersion strengthened 3D printable high-temperature alloy, stronger, more durable parts for airplanes and spacecraft... time-saving computer modeling, laser 3D printing fused metals together, layer-by-layer...  tiny particles containing oxygen atoms spread throughout enhance strength... The 3D printed superalloys 2,000°F 2X strong, >1,000X more durable, and 2X resistant to oxidation" Related: Novel 3D printing method a 'game changer' for discovery, manufacturing of new materials Shunyu Liu’s pioneering work in 3D-printing metals shows promise for supercharging U.S. manufacturing Technique for 3D printing metals at the nanoscale reveals surprise benefit

Swedish quantum computer applied to chemistry for the first time "Reference-State Error Mitigation... correcting for errors due to noise... solving same problem on both conventional and quantum computer... reference state simpler description molecule than originally solved quantum computer and conventional computer both solve quickly... comparing results exact estimate error caused by noise... difference correct the solution when run quantum processor... calculating the intrinsic energy of small example molecules such as hydrogen and lithium hydride" Related: Researchers' approach may protect quantum computers from attacks

New approach to developing efficient, high-precision 3D light shapers "aperiodic photonic volume elements microscopic voxels... direct flow controlled light... APVEs... direct laser writing for the 3D arrangement of voxels of specific refractive indices inside borosilicate glass...  154,000 to 308,000 voxels, each occupying a volume of approximately 1.75 µm × 7.5 µm × 10 µm, within just 20 minutes... highly integrated 3D light shapers... low cost, and high precision... information transport, optical computing, multimode fiber imaging, nonlinear photonics, and quantum optics" Related: Novel intrinsic transport effect unlocks potential nonlinear applications

A K-/Ka-band planar shared-aperture beam-scanning array "high aperture usage efficiency, low cost, and multi-functional integration... shared-aperture beam-scanning array with wideband, outstanding isolation, planar, and lightweight... substrate-integrated coaxial line (SICL)-excited short-circuited-stub-loaded longitudinal slot and substrate integrated double line (SIDL)-excited slot-loaded patches are employed to radiate K- and Ka-band waves, respectively... able to scan up to 60° and 35° at K- and Ka- bands, respectively... mm-Wave shared-aperture terminals"

Student discovers 3D printable ink that 'everyone was looking for,' says physics professor "composite of silicone—polydimethylsiloxine, or PDMS—and we dispersed carbon nanotubes, or CNT, inside of that silicone... We used a pretty simple environmentally friendly technique to do it that can occur at room temperature... wearable sensors to detect motion of joints, cardiac and respiratory, 3D scaffolds, eSkin wearable devices... skin diseases, health monitoring, 3D-print into human organs, printing stem cells for spinal cord injury regeneration" Related: Direct ink writing of high-resolution cellulose structures

A collaborative study of a key property of light may help double screen luminescence "chirality information efficiently converted into rotation of electrons and into chirality of light, leading to strongly polarized light emission... flip the chirality of an electron flow... unity between seemingly unrelated aspects of chirality... improving the efficiency of our screens, the study's findings could also be applied to achieving speedy OLEDs data transmission... faster optical switches flipping chirality of photon flow: right-handed 0 and left-handed 1 by switching polarity"

Two qudits fully entangled "more efficient, faster and powerful quantum computers... fully entangle 2 qudits, each encoded in up to 5 states of individual calcium ions... Quantum systems have many available states waiting to be used for quantum computing, rather than limiting them to work with qubits. Many of today's most challenging problems, in fields as diverse as chemistry, physics or optimization, can benefit from this more natural language of quantum computing"

Versatile, high-speed, and efficient crystal actuation with photothermally resonated natural vibrations "2,4-dinitroanisole β-phase crystals (1β) large-angle photothermally resonated high-speed bending induced pulsed UV irradiation...  large thermal expansion coefficient... cooled methanol anisole 1... hexagonal rod-shaped 1β single crystals... pulsed UV laser 375 nm... fast natural vibration 390 Hz photothermal bending 1° increased to 4° when irradiated with pulsed UV light 390 Hz... high response frequency 700 Hz, highest energy conversion efficiency... soft robots high-speed actuation capability" Related: Novel crystal compound melts under ultraviolet light

mmWall surface steered signals for next-gen networks "millimeter-wave or mmWave small tablet. size steer signals reaching all corners large room... bring signals from outdoor transmitter indoors thru window... accordion-like array 76 vertical panels reflect and refract radio waves at frequencies above 24 GHz... bandwidth 5 to 10 times greater than maximum capability of 4G... 2 meandering lines thin copper wire flanking 28 broken circles made of thicker wire, constituting meta-atoms... by changing the voltage, we can tune the phase"

3D-printed alloy 600 times as resistant to stress as existing alloys "cobalt, nickel and chrome particles, programmed printer adds yttrium oxide powder to each layer of ink. printed then layer of yttrium oxide particles laser heated forcing particles creating layer infused with tiny ceramic pieces... called GRX-810... lasted for 6,500 hours... rocket nozzles" Related: Solving the strength-toughness dilemma in superhard ceramics with a chemically tuned solid solution approach

Novel oxychloride shows high stability and oxide-ion conduction through interstitial oxygen site "high conductivities and stability at low temperatures (100°C–300°C)... stable under reduced atmospheres... Bi-containing compound, LaBi1.9Te0.1O4.05Cl, where oxide ions migrate via interstitialcy mechanism... high chemical and electrical stability 400°C in wide oxygen partial pressure region between 10−25 to 0.2 atm, as well as a high chemical stability in CO2, wet H2 in N2 natural humidity... high oxide-ion conductivity 2.0 × 10−2 S cm−1 at 702°C... high-performance low temperature SOFC"

Team creates 'quantum composites' for electrical and optical innovations "charge density wave quantum crystals incorporated within polymer... heating or light charge density wave material... 50ºC above room temperature and increased electricity storage....dielectric constant increased >2 orders magnitude induced by heating, light exposure, or electric field... change light reflection from glasses and windows... smaller powerful capacitors for battery-power deliver peak power and energy during shut-off... change in dielectric constant ... sensors, electrical, optical, and computer"

Broadening the scope of carbonyl olefination reactions using a new electrophotocatalytic approach "electrophotocatalytic and electrochemical oxidations paired controlled intermediates... alkenes react both ketones and aldehydes... byproducts hydrogen and nitrogen... diazo compound generated electrochemically from organic carbonyl and hydrazine... cyclic diazene and alkene produced, nitrogen lost, distonic radical cation reduction leaves target olefin... without wastes... alternative to Witting olefination allowing creation of new products, including some in pharmaceutical industry" Related: Nitrogen Reduction by Advanced Adsorbers Also Successful in Thermal Waste Treatment Researchers develop interfacial charge modification strategy to enhance photocatalytic water oxidation A Bi-doped RuO₂ catal...

Quantum liquid becomes solid when heated "supersolid state for the first time beyond doubt in ultracold quantum gases... heating the quantum liquid can lead to the formation of a quantum crystal. The theoretical model shows that as the temperature rises, these structures can form more easily... surprising behavior, which contradicts our everyday observation, arises from the anisotropic nature of the dipole-dipole interaction of the strongly magnetic atoms of dysprosium" Related: The quantum spin liquid that isn't one Researchers detail how disorder alters quantum spin liquids, forming a new phase of matter New route to ‘quantum spin liquid’ materials discovered for first time Laser light made into a supersolid for the first time

Toward controlling contact polarity and contact resistance in 2D-material devices "molybdenum disulfide and tungsten diselenide on gold contacts p-type when no defects... chalcogen vacancy defects in WSe2 in ambient conditions react with oxygen and remove states in band gap behaves like pristine material with no defects, which is p-type contact polarity... chalcogen vacancy defects in MoS2 are less reactive, it is conceivable that experimental conditions can be arranged to allow the defects to be similarly 'passivated' by oxygen... more tunable control of energy offset at MoS2 contacts" Related: Physicists' 2D crystals show promise for advanced electronics

UC Irvine physicists discover first transformable nano-scale electronic devices "can transform into many different shapes and sizes even though they exist in solid states... devices that aren’t stuck together... parts can move... mechanically reconfigure parts of a circuit... single-atom thick sheets of a substance called graphene attached to gold wires slide with very low friction on top van der Waals... quantum science research" Related: Low-pass filters based on thin films of van der Waals ferromagnets Van der Waals integration permits novel hetero-integrated photonic devices and flexible optical applications Fabrication and applications of van der Waals heterostructures Physicists discover a novel quantum state i...

Improving alloys: Researchers successfully establish a strong mechanical bond of immiscible iron and magnesium "miscibility and immiscibility of constituent elements in bond... 3D interlocked microstructure at interface of iron and magnesium... ideal mechanical bonding method that creates a strong anchoring effect between materials that cannot form strong bonds... dealloying technique to bond immiscible dissimilar materials and produce new light-weight materials that reduce the fuel consumption of automobiles, trains, and airplanes Related: New structural insights could lead to mechanical enhancement in alloys

Novel long-range thermal lens makes remote heating and cooling possible "negative thermal conductive materials with arbitrary shapes utilising Active Thermal Metasurface... focal length 19.8 mm... thermal effects with effective negative thermal conductivity... thermal surface plasmon polaritons, thermal superlens, thermal tunneling effect, and thermal invisible gateway... keep sensitive objects cool... chemical processes where temperature control plays role... medical where precise temperature control crucial" Related: A cool way to keep things cool: The electrocaloric effect Iran's ancient 'wind catchers' beat the heat naturally New test chamber created to find better ways to keep people cool

Study demonstrates the non-volatile electrical control of a 2D magnetic insulator using a thin ferroelectric polymer "5 volt non-volatile control... ferroelectric thin film on top of a 2D magnet flake and then applied a voltage to it. In their experiments, they specifically used the 2D magnetic insulator chromium germanium telluride (Cr2Ge2Te6) and the ferroelectric polymer P(VDF-TrFE)... energy-efficient spintronic memories and logic devices, compact magneto-electric or magneto-optical devices, biosensors for the early detection of diseases, or food sensors for spoilage/freshness monitoring" Related: A general theory to realize bilayer stacking ferroelectricity Scientists make a surprising discovery about magnetic defects in topological insulators Surprise physics in insulating material offer path for faster tech

Breaking inert bonds: Multicomponent catalysts pave the way for green chemistry and green carbon science "stability, increased activity, and expanded reaction processes... multicomponent catalysts in electroreduction of CO2, N2, and NOx... 3 models for multicomponent catalysts: non-catalytic active component activate or protect another catalytic component, active intermediates for electrochemical conversion, one component providing substrate for other through conversion or adsorption...  efficient activation and conversion of inert bonds, effective electroreduction small molecules" Related: Researchers develop new class of catalysts for green production of fine chemicals and pharmaceuticals Using carbonated water in chromatography makes for a greener process, new study finds Peach-palm waste and Trichoderma stromaticum: The potential of cost-effective amylase prod...

Manipulating hypersound in mesoporous materials "mesoporous thin films based on silica and titania with regular pattern of poresto manipulate Mesoporous hypersound... sol-gel process... new and innovative technologies that will have a significant impact on various industries." The team's findings are a significant contribution to the field of nanoacoustics, and the research has the potential to pave the way for exciting developments in the future... sensing, medical imaging, data processing, and quantum technologies"

Researchers reveal quantum interference in inter-layer Coulomb drag "low-field correction attributed to quantum interference in Coulomb drag between two layers interrelated by time reversal and mirror reflection... superimposing inter-layer diffusion paths... impurity potential scatterings from intermediate insulating layer... compared with magnetoresistance correction in intralayer quantum interference, the magneto-drag resistance correction is significantly larger, providing a candidate for the future development of new-principle magnetic memory devices" Related: Research team simulates super diffusion on a quantum computer

A rechargeable battery made from food "like beings' redox reactions... riboflavin anode, quercetin cathode, activated charcoal increase of conductivity, water based electrolyte, nori seaweed separator,  beeswax encapsulated electrodes and cellulose derived support... 0.65 V,and 48 μA for 12 minutes... health diagnostics, food quality monitoring and edible soft robotics"

Electromechanical resonators operating at sub-terahertz frequencies "communication speed and efficiency... millimeter-wave dual rail resonator placed on top of suspended lithium niobate beam by chemically etched away silicon dioxide underneath minimizing loss of acoustic waves... millimeter-wave dual rail resonator... lithium niobate widely employed for semiconductors facilitate large-scale fabrication... frequencies between 95 GHz and 3 THz resilient to thermal fluctuations than GHz resonators... reach quantum ground state at accessible Kelvin temperatures" Related: Nanoelectromechanical resonators based on hafnia–zirconia–alumina superlattices with gigahertz spectrum coverage

China: 'World's largest' iron-chromium flow battery set for commercial use "6,000 kWh 6 hrs... 34 Ronghe 1" iron-chromium flow battery stacks and 4 sets storage tanks megawatt to go commercial... quick reaction, flexible configuration, and "short construction periods... ensure stable grid operations by shaving peak and modulating frequency for the power system, as power consumption during off-peak hours is at a relatively lower price" Related: Revolutionising the grid: Flow batteries pave the way for sustainable energy storage Next-generation flow battery design sets records The role of energy density for grid-scale batteries A Radical Breakthrough in Flow Battery Catholyte https://chemistryco...

Researchers design electro-optic modulators for visible to near-infrared wavelengths "thin-film lithium niobate breaks speed limit for visible modulators... control individual photons encoded with quantum information... Mach-Zehnder interferometer modulators with push-pull configuration... <1 V modulators. larger shifts further slow modulator’s drive pulse color of light... sensing, AR/VR, data communications and quantum internet... improve electro-optic bandwidth to 100 GHz... reduce optical loss... route individual photons to many solid-state quantum memories and convert light wavelength" Related: The race is on for a new internet Ferroelectric domain engineering of Lithium Niobate: Harnessing its unique properties to manipulate Light, and Sound

New family of wheel-like metallic clusters exhibit unique properties   "Polymetallic nano-wheels fluoresce (glow) and magnetics allowing temperature changes and control... polymetallics of lanthanide, 15 rare earths... specifically used europium, terbium and gadolinium...  controlling hydrolysis of lanthanide metal ions in presence of organic ligands obtain desired species... hydrolysis to breakdown lanthanides in bath containing tricine containing multiple arms of oxygen and hydrogen, meaning it can accommodate a large range of metals and help stabilize resulting clusters"

Team develops the world's smallest and fastest nano-excitonic transistor "intralayer and interlayer excitons in heterostructure-based semiconductors without heat loss... control density and luminance efficiency of excitons based on polarized light on tip without directly touching excitons... combines photonic nanocavity and spatial light modulator... reversibly control excitons, minimizing semiconductor damage... integral role in realizing an optical computer to process huge amounts of data driven by AI technology" Related: Building a transistor out of treated wood Engineers 'grow' atomically thin transistors on top of computer chips Huawei Teardown Shows Chip Breakthrough in Blow to US Sanctions (7 nm chip)

Laser light hybrids control giant currents at ultrafast times "data manipulation velocity and energy efficiency... hybrid laser pulse combining 2 polarizations allows control ultrafast laser-light-induced currents... As laser vector potential couples directly to crystal quasi-momentum, a linearly polarized single cycle pulse with duration comparable to that of the circularly polarized pulse: such a pulse will evidently be in the "THz window" of 1 THz to 50 THz...polarization determining direction and amplitude of light induced current"

Innovating quantum computers with fluxonium processors "fault-tolerant universal high-coherence superconducting qubits outperform... less overlap between frequencies control any given qubit to higher energy levels.... high anharmonicity, long coherence times... scalability... increase runtime and fidelity... controlling fluxonium qubits at low frequency.. fluxonium circuit capacitor, Josephson Junction, and superinductor... evade decoherence due to material imperfections... cross-resonance controlled-NOT and differential ac-Stark controlled-Z logic gates" Related: Study finds a solution to longstanding problem of ultrafast valley decoherence

New kind of quantum transport discovered in a device combining high-temperature superconductors and graphene   "graphene's Klein tunneling and superconductor's Andreev reflection (hybrid Andreev-Klein electronic transport)... do not consume much power. Conventional superconductors are key materials in a variety of quantum devices, and are especially important in one strategy to build both qubit and topological quantum computers. By combining the two, the study's results can open new fundamental physics in these materials and ultimately establish a whole new platform for quantum technology devices" Related: Quantum Matter Breakthrough: Researchers Uncover Unique Quantum Behavior Researchers advance topological superconductors for quantum computing Bangladeshi scientist leads breakthrough in quantum physics https://the...

Adjustment to Kolbe coupling allows one to make high-cost materials out of waste "rapid alternating polarity... carbon-based electrodes (not platinum electrodes) ... by using rAP avoided oxidizing functional group... conduced Kolbe coupling experiments with the 2 adjustments... castor oil to make 10-undecenoic acid... inserted electrode and conducted rAP... produced 1,19-eicosadiene, typically $10,000/ gram... diol mixed with a diketone to create degradable ketal-polymer... could also be used to convert side-chain carboxylic acids to other products or succinic acid esters into adipic acid esters" Related: New pipeline makes valuable organic acid from plants—saving money and emissions

Researchers image magnetic behavior at the smallest scales to date "antiferromagnetic devices sense their atom-to-atom magnetic patterns... resolve magnetic behavior on angstrom scale... fully resolve antiferromagnetic order in iron arsenide for first time... 4D STEM captures full 2D scattering patterns... Magnstem software to enable simulating magnetic fields within iron arsenide... resolved to 6 angstroms" Related: Physicists uncover 'parallel circuits' of spin currents in antiferromagnets

Tiny biobattery with potential 100-year shelf life runs on bacteria "rapidly activated absorbing moisture from air,... dime-sized fuel cell Kapton tape sealed... -500 to 750 °F... tape removed and moisture allowed, bacteria mixed with germinant encouraging microbes to produce spores... energy powered LED... heat activated spores cut time to full power from 1 hr to 20 min, and increased humidity higher electrical output. After week of storage at room temperature only 2% drop power generation... needs to power up more quickly and produce more voltage to become viable" Related: Joule Unlimited Invents a way to make Fuel from genetically engineered organisms!

Manipulating multiple lasers on a single chip for a new generation of quantum devices "combined integrated photonic circuits optical metasurface... glass wafers imprinted with millions of tiny structure few hundred billionths of meter high... single photonic chip did work of 36 optical components, simultaneously controlling direction, focus, and polarization of 12 laser beams divided among four distinct colors... portable sensors measure rotation, acceleration, miniature optical atomic clocks, quantum computers and magnetic fields with unprecedented accuracy" Related: A non-reciprocal metasurface based on magnetic meta-atoms Physicists create powerful magnets to de-freeze quantum computing Limits for quantum computers: Perfect clocks are impossible, research finds

First electromechanical resonator to operate beyond 100 GHz "mechanical entities maintain quantum ground state at kelvin temperatures... more resilient to thermal noise so don't have to cool to millikelvin... very small signals at such high frequency, we have to adopt particular designs to achieve that," he said. "In this work, we use a millimeter-wave resonator that is incorporated into a suspended lithium niobate platform, which can provide the efficient electromechanical transduction in the sub-terahertz regime. And without it, it would not be easy at all"

G.L.I.P. Generation Corp. announces major breakthrough in magnetic fields "fraction of gas, diesel, or nuclear material... Wind and hydro smaller, quieter, more powerful, and efficient... greater EV distance smaller batteries faster chargeing... instead of back EMF resisting rotor, it assimilated by another fiel so neutralized and not effecting torque... 150kw AC magnet-less generator successfully tested and 3rd party verified... Replacing KWs with gauss... MEIM DC motor... no DC to AC power converters in EVs... recyclable and reusable magnets consistently re-magnetized"

A universal protocol that inverts the evolution of a qubit with a high probability of success "takes qubit and outputs same system in state would be if evolved backwards in time... setting target qubit on superposition flight paths performing quantum operations... whenever fails can correct and drive desired state... probability of success as high as we want... like to generalize this protocol to higher dimensional systems... looking into improving the success probability of the other protocols in the original paper, particularly SWAP protocols"

An all ambient, room temperature–processed solar cell from a bare silicon wafer "PEDOT:PSS/silicon heterojunction organic-inorganic solar cells... polished wafers were first diced into 8-mm square pieces and coated with PEDOT:PSS aqueous solution and silver electrodes, in a variety of sequences... improved production speed at lower cost and with a power generation efficiency above 10%," says the author...  large-scale diffusion of photovoltaic power generation. This system could see wider utility in various settings, such as in education or in developing economies"

Laser technology for energy-efficient production of battery cells coupled with improved performance "high power density, quick charge and longer lifetime... efficient laser-based drying of water-based electrode coating... diode laser projects high-intensity beam onto copper foil graphene coated which absorbs energy heats up and liquid evaporates... reduce energy 50% and space needed 60%...  high-power ultrashort pulse laser 1 mJ pulse energy introduces hole structure (channels) into electrode... multi-beam arrangement for parallel process control. Four scanners each with six beamlets, process in parallel"

Generative modeling tool renders 2D sketches in 3D "machine learning Pix2pix3d  applications include customized household furniture to video game content, manufacturing... input 2D, and information from label map such as segmentation or edge map... robust to user errors,"synthesizes 3D-volumetric representation rendered from multiple viewpoints to create 3D resembling photograph"

China achieves world’s first room-temperature Hydride Ion conductor "reactive hydrogen species and energy carrier and storage... ball milling deform Lanthanum trihydride created nanosized grains and defects in LaHx lattice suppressing electronic conductivity by 5 orders magnitude... record-high conductivities... high redox potential and strong reducibility... longer battery life, faster charging, fuel cells" Related: Storing electrons from hydrogen for clean chemical reactions

Birch reduction simplified to a one-minute mechanochemical process "ambient air, avoids ammonia and 20– 150X faster... solvent-less, reactants shaken in metal jar with metal ball smashes solid reactants together... breaks through surface layer on lithium that reacted with air exposing pure lithium underneath to the other reactants enabling Birch reduction... scaled up to larger gram-scale batches... simpler and more eco-friendly... medicines and bioactive compounds"

Scientists achieve optimal interdomain data transfer using neural networks "does not require paired training datasets, such as input-output samples... can be trained on independent datasets from input and output domains... outperforms in image styling, needs fewer hyperparameters, more interpretable... new effective ways to build generative models for unpaired domain transfer based on optimal transport theory"

Tip-enhanced spectroscopy contributes to making 'transformer' semiconductor particles "Stacking single layer dichalcogenide transforms into 2D semiconductors... interlayer excitons and interlayer trions formed at TMD heterobilayers using spectroscopy at 20nm... photoluminescence interlayer excitons electrically neutral quasiparticles use less heat being part light and part matter... also light source for quantum information technologies due to longer coherence time... 9,000X excitons' luminous efficiency... quasiparticle conversion between interlayer excitons and interlayer trions" Related: Rapid fabrication of a polymer lens on a laser chip for miniaturized spectroscopy Spectroscopy and theory shed light on excitons in semiconductors Research team uses tunable laser to develop straightforward broadband spectrosc...

Researchers make an important step towards the quantum internet using diamond nanostructures "generating and detecting photon frequencies emitted from quantum light from nitrogen-vacancy defect centers in diamond and integrating qubits into them 1,000X thinner than hair and transfer photons into glass fibers... material surface damaged at atomic level, and free electrons create uncontrollable noise... fluctuations in frequency prevents entanglement... high density of nitrogen impurity atoms in crystal lattice shield quantum light source from electron noise at nanostructure's surface" Related:  Researchers invent new way to stretch diamond for better quantum bits

Successful visualization of two-dimensional electron gas in high-frequency/power devices "GaN-based efficient LEDs and laser diodes... high dielectric breakdown strength and saturated electron velocity... combined magnetic-field-free atomic resolution with tilt-scan system and ultrahigh-sensitivity, high-speed division-type detector observe 2D electron gas accumulated at gallium nitride/aluminum indium nitride heterointerface... high-performance/ frequency power communications controlling 2D electron gas, interface analysis and control semiconductors, and power converters"

Can a solid be a superfluid? Engineering a novel supersolid state from layered 2D materials "rigid crystal flows without friction, all belong to 1 quantum state... supersolid simultaneously has 2 orders, superconductor (super: particles can flow without resistance) and solid (spatially repeating pattern of particles)... 2D) semiconductor structure 2 conducting layers  (1  doped with negatively-charged electrons and other with positively-charged holes) separated by insulating barrier... supersolid pre-empts non-super exciton solid...  non-super exciton wins, and quantum coherence collapses" Related: Dynamics of molecular rotors in bulk superfluid helium Concave, umbrella-like metal complexes provide space for giant molecular rotors to operate in solid state

Research team realizes quantum-enhanced microwave ranging "positioning accuracy 10-4 wavelengths... diamond spin quantum sensor and metal nanostructure antenna collects and converges microwave signals converting detection of weak signals intthe detection of electromagnetic field and solid-state spin interaction at nanoscale, improving signal measurement sensitivity 3–4 orders of magnitude... quantum-enhanced position measurement 10 µm accuracy... automatic driving, intelligent manufacturing, health monitoring, and geological exploration"

Combining irradiation and lithography to engineer advanced conducting materials "scalable topological surface edge arrays on antimony telluride (Sb2Te3) where surface edges conductive while bulk layer beneath remained insulator... crystalline state of topological insulator Sb2Te3 modified using focused-ion beam to define surface electrnics... amorphous and quasicrystalline topological insulators...  transformation possible according to theory, but no universal pathway and materials, such as antimony telluride, are instead converted to so-called trivial insulators... AI and space applications" Related: Researchers discover liquid quasicrystal with dodecagonal tiling pattern Physicists coax superconductivity and more from quasicrystals

A new type of photonic time crystal gives light a boost "microwave frequencies amplify electromagnetic waves... 2D metasurface photonic time crystal... reducing dimensionality from 3D to 2D made implementation easier... amplify incident light with high gain... coating surfaces with 2D photonic time crystals could also help with signal decay... removing need for bulk mirrors... more efficient robust wireless communications and significantly improved lasers" Related: How one photon becomes four charge carriers Physicists develop highly robust time crystal Two-for-one fission aims to improve solar cell efficiency

An energy breakthrough: Tech researchers create new type of fuel cell "interface between electrolyte and melted carbonate as ultrafast oxygen ion transfer channel... fuel flexible including methane... higher durability, energy conversion efficiency... CSSFC's superstructured electrolyte fast ion transfer at as low as 470°C... high theoretical efficiency and lower cell fabrication costs, safer, high open circuit voltage (OCV) indicating no current leakage loss and high energy conversion efficiency 60%" Related: A novel platinum nanocluster for improved oxygen reduction reaction in fuel cells

Quantum detector precisely measures single photons at very high rates with 10 GHz clock frequency "performance-enhanced array for counting optical quanta (PEACOQ).space-to-ground quantum communications... timing resolution below 100 ps,... 13 µm across, with 32 superconducting nanowires each 7.5 nm thick from niobium nitride on silicon chip -458°F superconducting enables single-photon count rates above 1 giga-count/ sec... short nanowire decreases geometric jitter... 80% efficiency rate... shifts from blue to green as you move it under light due to dielectric stack on top of nanowires“ Related: Scientists propose new design to implement highly directional single-photon source Experiment demonstrates ultra-sensitivity for dark photon searches Universal quantum operations and ancilla-based read-out for tweezer clocks https:/...

Researchers develop novel nonwovens that are electrically conductive but thermally insulating "cost effective, scalable carbon and silicon ceramic via electrospinning... fibers with sea-island type nanostructure and with diameter 500 to 600 nm homogeneously distributed... carbon matrix enables electron transport high electrical conductivity, but nano-sized silicon ceramic prevents thermal energy spreading... made from commercial polymers... energy management, battery-powered electromobility, smart textiles, or aerospace" Related: Controlling thermal conductivity in liquid crystals Developing sustainable textiles as alternatives to fossil-based fibers A positive spin: Electrospinning and electrospraying synergism for the nanomaterials industry

Researchers achieve superionic hydride ion conduction at ambient temperatures "abundant discrete nanosized grains and lattice defects rare earth trihydrides including Lanthanumto disturb path of electron transport and suppress conductivity... LaHx (x ' 2.94) conductivity suppressed by 5 orders magnitude... transform LaHx into pure hydride ion conductor high conductivities... conduction LaHx by decreasing particle size and distorting lattice via high-energy ball milling... hydride ion battery <= room temperature...  solid-state hydride batteries, fuel and electrochemical cells" Related: Researchers build transparent conductors without expensive rare-earth indium Nyobolt partners with CALLUM to slash EV charging times Nyobolt promise high power, a long life cycle, and improved safety to go along...

Examining what it's going to take to get real scalability for chip-based decision-making "wavelength-switched photonic neural network (WS-PNN) system... layering neural network... micro-ring resonators (MMR) used for neural network optical signal processing and provide reconfigurable switching... wavelength selective switches (WSS) inside broadcasting loop... WS-PNN support interconnection many neural networks through connecting multiple PNN chips with off-chip WSS... scalability  photonic neural networks support feedforward and recurrent neural network topologies"

Meminductor: Researchers discover new circuit element "current and voltage properties are dependent on previous values of current or voltage in time, like a memory.... The motion of the winding for the negative half-cycle of current results in gradually smaller winding volumes being occupied by the ferromagnetic core thus resulting in lower values of inductance... 2D passive electromagnet interacting with pair of permanent magnets used as tool proving pinched hysteresis curve's existence within inductor leading to its mem- state, or memory-like nature" Related:

Skyroot Aerospace successfully test-fires 3D-printed cryogenic engine for a record 200 seconds "greatly enhances payload-carrying capabilities, using 2 high-performance rocket propellants, Liquid Natural Gas and Liquid Oxygen, which require cryogenic temperatures (below -150° C) for storage and operation... environmentally friendly... enhance payload capacity... 3D printed torch igniter and cryo-injection valve with quick response time... spaceflights affordable, reliable and regular, as multiple launch missions progressing"

Reinforced polymer hybrid composites for low carbon applications in the construction and automotive industries "light-weight, strong and saltwater resistant... enhanced heat resistance to failure under high temperature... residue of crushed sugarcane stalks, coconuts husks, bagasse fiber, together with calcium carbonate to improve adhesion... overcome the hydrophilicity limitation by treating the fibers with chemicals like alkalization/ mercerization"

Pictures inside a cell: Researchers develop new tool to provide greater insight into biological processes "algorithm enhances and separates tissue emitted signals... very large data sets—associated by similarity into an enormous histogram, quickly analyze data with high sensitivity... linear unmixing, analysis within specimen marked by fluorescence with high contrast, specificity and adaptability... visualize using hyperspectral phasors... identified and separated up to 14 different signals... rapidly process cancer biopsies, detecting bacteria in food processing plants imaging in vivo without damaging specimens" Related: Nanox.ARC Imaging System Receives FDA Clearance, Pioneering a New Era in Medical Imaging Sustainable solar cell material shown to be highly promising for medical imaging New technology holistically images deep living tissue for the first t...