Proton batteries: organic, eco-friendly, low temperature resilient, safe, fast-charging, long-lifetime, high-performance/ capacity

"rapid proton movement using hydrogen-bond networks... light, safe, affordable, wider voltage range... redox potential for cathode locates in high range, for anode locates in low range, ensuring desirable voltage output...  modified tetraamino-benzoquinone replacing 4 chloro groups with 4 amino groups, improving proton storage/ lowering redox potential range... also, stable hydrogen storage in the form of proton (H+)"


CNL achieves breakthrough in hydrogen storage technology

Sodium borohydride (NaBH4) powder as a hydrogen carrier

Hydrogen power storage, delivery possible at room temperature without freezers

Researchers discover new way to store hydrogen using lignin jet fuel

Taiwan develops breakthrough steel for safer hydrogen fuel storage

Stainless steel tubing show 10X faster chill down, fuel flow in 2 seconds and less boil-off for significantly faster fueling and refueling of liquid H2-powered space vehicles, aircraft and trucks
