US firm sets record with plasma fusion temperature of 392 million degrees F for 24 hrs
Comment by Simon Derricutt via email: "Though it's talking about 24 hours, there's a concentration on talking about the first and second minute. Seems like the temperature is estimated from the photon energy of the X-rays produced, and in any case temperature isn't actually defined in this situation so it's pretty meaningless. What would be useful is the combined collision energy in eV. How far is that above the trigger energy for fusion? Thus what proportion of collisions result in fusion? Remediation of nuclear waste is converting it to non-radioactive isotopes. It really ought to deliver a lot of energy in the process because used nuclear fuel still has around 95% of the original energy content. Assuming this is fission fuel, you should end up with non-radioactive Lead if you take the fission process as far as it goes"
See also:
New world record: QKC reaches 200 Million°C fusion temp
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