More powerful, longer-lasting, efficient and stable perovskite solar cells using hydrogen-bonding additives

"additive forms hydrogen bonds with organic parts, protecting key components/ preventing rapid changes... power conversion efficiency increased from 22.61 to 24.31% thanks to fewer material defects... solution stored for 140 days performed almost as well, 96.7% efficiency, as those made from freshly prepared solution... withstood high temperatures (85°C) for 72.5 days retaining >98% of initial performance... may soon be widely available"


AI for Better and Faster Photovoltaic Materials

Chinese Researchers Claim Higher Efficiency With Perovskite Cells

Ultrathin polymer layer boosts perovskite solar cell efficiency to 26.39%

Perovskite solar cells achieve 24% efficiency with novel iodine technique

Perovskite solar cells: Thermal stresses are the key to long-term stability

Nano-enhanced perovskite solar cells achieve 10x durability in extreme environments
