Syzygy Plasmonics and RTI develop low-carbon fuels from captured carbon dioxide and methane

"can be used in existing engines... utilizes light-driven reactors converting captured exhaust into syngas fed into Fischer-Tropsch unit, refining into aviation fuel, diesel, gasoline, methanol... scalable large-scale CO2-to-Fuel plants"


Carbon dioxide, the main culprit of global warming, reborn as an antioxidant substance

New study offers a cleaner path for controlling water, transforming greenhouse gases

New sulfur-free catalyst enables efficient green diesel production

Researchers develop photocatalyst with irregular surface characteristics to convert carbon dioxide into fuel

A better model for converting carbon dioxide into fuels and products

Ionic liquid electrolyte enables efficient CO₂ conversion to fuels and chemicals

Altered carbon points toward sustainable manufacturing

Chemists design novel method for generating sustainable fuel

Car makers innovate with LPG technology to meet green energy demands

Discovery unveils new path to ethanol production from CO₂

Novel electro-biodiesel a more efficient, cleaner alternative to existing alternatives

World First: Scientists Make High-Grade Jet Fuel from Wood Waste

Turning carbon emissions into methane fuel

Improved catalyst turns harmful greenhouse gases into cleaner fuels, chemical feedstocks

Extracting water from air, using solar energy to convert it into hydrogen, then transformed into methanol

Researchers have developed a breakthrough carbon capture material, COF-999, reducing costs and energy demands.
