High-frequency pulsed current charging with square-wave current doubles lithium battery cycle life, with 80% capacity retention


"service life up to eight years when charged with constant current flow, with solid electrolyte interface at anode significantly thicker, and more cracks in NMC532 cathode and graphite electrode structure, impairing capacity... pulsed current charging led to homogeneous distribution of lithium ions in graphite, thinner solid electrolyte interface with fewer structural changes, reducing mechanical stress, improving graphite anode structural stability with less Ni-O bond length variation"

See also: Improving sodium ion batteries with mechanically robust nanocellular graphene https://phys.org/news/2024-04-sodium-ion-batteries-mechanically-robust.html and: Researchers use self-organized crack-free nanocellular graphene film to enhance sodium ion batteries https://www.graphene-info.com/researchers-use-self-organized-crack-free-nanocellular-graphene-film-enhance


KAIST’s Breakthrough: New Sodium Battery Charges in Seconds

Fast-charging sodium-ion battery uses anodes made from trees
