Electron-bending effect could boost computer memory


"new magnetic material boost computer memory storage by enabling higher memory density and faster memory writing speeds... better than ferromagnets whose neighboring areas can interfere, causing corrupting spontaneous magnetization preventing high memory density, and where slow switching magnetization patterns... anomalous Hall effect in antiferromagnetic metal containing ruthenium, oxygen and small amount chromium, with no magnetic field, and simple co-linear structure easy to fabricate in thin film"


Study unveils a new family of quantum anomalous Hall insulators

Researchers develop mechanism of electrical 180° switching of NĂ©el vector in spin-splitting antiferromagnet

A balanced quantum Hall resistor provides a new measurement method

Discovering a 'rule-breaking' quantum material

Tunable quantum anomalous Hall effects in van der Waals heterostructures

Physicists Discover “Topological Hall Effect” in Two-Dimensional Quantum Magnets
