Capturing non-transparent ultrafast scenes

"ssub-picosecond patial and temporal resolution ultrashort dynamic evolution... capture a movie of irreversible ultrafast phenomena with an inter-frame time interval of less than 1 picosecond... ultrafast lasers, high-speed cameras, and computational imaging >1 trillion fps... bypasses need for any THz high-speed devices... investigation of non-repeatable or destructive dynamics advanced materials and structures such as 2D materials, and biological matter, like skin and corneas which typically optically opaque"


Physics informed supervised learning framework could make computational imaging faster

Researchers achieve high-speed super-resolution imaging with a large field of view

Technology using all-optical mechanisms has potential to record actions that last a femtosecond

Realizing ultrafast imaging from 2D to quasi 3D

Pushing back the limits of optical imaging by processing trillions of frames per second
