Scientists push the boundaries of manipulating light at the submicroscopic level

"light moved within distance 50X smaller than own wavelength at point where the light is confined... determines limits for observability of nanoparticles and intensity and precision of light-based devices such as optical tweezers... actively control confined electromagnetic fields... manipulation micro and nanometer-sized objects, including biological particles... sizeable enhancement of sensitivity resolution of microscopic sensors... sorting and rational assembly of bio-, chem-, and soft nanoparticles"


A surprising way to trap a microparticle

In the world's smallest ball game, scientists throw and catch single atoms using light

Imaging technique reveals electronic charges with single-atom resolution

X-ray magnetic circular dichroism: Looking at magnets in the right light

CRONT: Empowering optical tweezers with 'biometric eyes'

CRISPR-powered optothermal nanotweezers
