Team develops new way to extract thermal energy from waste heat sources and reuse it via pressure control

"barocaloric thermal battery cycle: (1) thermal charging upon pressurization, (2) storage with pressure, and (3) thermal discharging upon depressurization... ammonium thiocyanate... Discharge heat 43 J g-1 or temperature rise of 15 K... 11X greater than mechanical energy input... crystal structural phase transition from monoclinic to orthorhombic phase at 363 K... low-temperature industrial waste heat harvesting and reuse, solid-state refrigeration heat transfer systems, smart grids, and residential heat management"


Novel model helps analyze phase transition heat transfer in heat pipes

Heata is transforming the UK's household energy costs with waste heat reuse

Framo Unveils Groundbreaking Turbine, Revolutionizing Cost and Energy Efficiency
