Real-life 'quantum molycircuits' using exotic nanotubes

"tubes grown clean and straight... small structure diameters down to 20nm... remain electrically transparent even in low temperature quantum computation which leave molybdenum disulfide intact... for practical reasons we used rather large nanotubes and nanoribbons... for temperatures below 0.1K in many quantum computing approaches, current passes through discrete quantum states enabling controllable charge, spin, or valley qubits in MoS2"


An innovative twist on quantum bits: Tubular nanomaterial of carbon makes ideal home for spinning quantum bits

Nanotubes as optical stopwatch for the detection of neurotransmitters

Valley-transistor in two-dimensional materials: An ingredient for all-optical quantum technologies

Researchers demonstrate scaling of aligned carbon nanotube transistors to below sub-10 nm nodes

Study explores mechanical properties of molybdenum disulfide nanoribbons with armchair edges

Chance twists ordered carbon nanotubes into ‘tornado films’
