Creating 3D objects with sound

"multiple acoustic shaped high-frequency ultrasound holograms generate pressure fields with which solid particles, glass or gel (or hydrogel) beads and biological cells printed... 3D object from smaller building blocks in single step... acoustic holograms—3D-printed plates, encode specific sound field which assemble materials into 2D patterns... cell cultures and tissues in 3D... gentle enough for biological cells... can travel deep into tissue... remotely manipulate and push cells without harm"


Lensless complex amplitude demodulation based on deep learning in holographic data storage

Technology advance paves way to more realistic 3D holograms for virtual reality and more

Researchers have developed an incredible new method of producing realistic holograms

New light sheet holography overcomes the depth perception challenge in 3D holograms

Breaking barriers: Advancements in meta-holographic display enable ultraviolet domain holograms

Researchers devise new quantum photonics technique to create better holograms

Why a hologram revolution could be on the way

Study presents a paradigm for achieving desirable holographic 3D display
