
Showing posts from October, 2022

New approach to ‘cosmic magnet’ manufacturing could reduce reliance on rare earths in low-carbon technologies "diffraction pattern tetrataenite looks like that of structure expected for iron-nickel alloys... disordered crystal not of interest as a high-performance magnet... phosphorus allows iron and nickel atoms move faster, enabling to form necessary ordered stacking without waiting millions years... mixing iron, nickel and phosphorus... speed up tetrataenite formation 11 to 15 orders magnitude... forms few seconds in simple casting... melted alloy, poured into mould, and we had tetrataenite"

Engineers draw inspiration from geometrical frustration to create programmable surfaces "phenomenon that physicists call frustration. In geometry, frustration is a feature that stops a pattern from propagating across a wide space—like a jagged rock in a snowfield. With the adjustable cells, the researchers can introduce frustration into structures. They use this to change the properties of the surface. They can do so over wide areas and small spots... frustration is defect by design... can use it in way that is interesting... medical devices, architecture, robotics and aerospace"

The answer is in the sheets: 2D nanosheets as anodes in Li-ion batteries "oxidizing TiB2 powder with hydrogen peroxide, centrifuging and freeze-drying... scalability... stirring... dissolution and recrystallization behavior exhibited by TiB2... anodic Li-ion half-cell... THNS... anode... high discharge capacity 380 mAh/g... current density 0.025 A/g... discharge capacity 174 mAh/g could be obtained for a... high current density 1 A/g... charge time 10 min capacity retention 89.7% after 1,000 cycles... current rates... 15 to 20 A/g... 9 to 14 seconds. Under... capacity retention greater than 80%"

All solid-state LiDAR sensor that sees 360 degrees "The study is significant in that the technology that allows cell phones, augmented and virtual reality (AR/VR) glasses, and unmanned robots to recognize the 3D information of the surrounding environment is fabricated with nano-optical elements. By utilizing nanoimprint technology, it is easy to print the new device on various curved surfaces, such as glasses or flexible substrates, which enables applications to AR glasses, known as the core technology of future displays" Related: Optical phased array transforms LiDAR Metasurfaces for ultrasmall solid-state LiDAR sensors? Glasses use sonar, AI to interpret upper body poses in 3D

Ling Li looks to sea urchins for stronger ceramic foams "structure of sea urchin spines...  interconnected short branches... damage tolerance... balance between number of nodes and branches... nodes with too many connected branches cause structure to become brittle... connected to three branches... bending-induced fracture instead of catastrophic stretching-induced fracture...  gaps slightly smaller than size of branches... once fracture, can be locked in place immediately by smaller openings. Broken branches stack on top of one another creating dense region sustain load"

Are in-wheel motors the future of electric cars? "delivering power directly to where it’s needed most... packing everything into wheels there’s no need for other components like gearbox or drive shaft... car lighter... saves energy by reducing distance power has to travel... frees up space in vehicle and... car more aerodynamic... vehicle in turn needs less power... smaller batteries and lighter vehicles" Related: Enabling the Future of Power Electronics: Yes, We GaN! In-wheel motors: BMW’s new engine experiment can boost EVs’ range Bad news for America and an unexpected fuel: Canada unveils engine that beats hydrogen

Researchers compress light 12 times below the diffraction limit in a dielectric material "bowtie structure squeezing photons together due to shape... silicon, dielectric material on which most advanced modern technology based... Important breakthrough for energy-efficient technology... The discovery could be decisive for developing revolutionary new technologies that may reduce the amount of energy-guzzling components in data centers, computers, telephones"

Scientists discover material that can be made like a plastic but conducts like a metal "strung nickel atoms like pearls into a string of of molecular beads made of carbon and sulfur... easily and strongly conducted electricity... very stable... heated it, chilled it, exposed it to air and humidity, dripped acid and base on it, nothing happened... molecular structure disordered... forms layers... electrons move horizontally or vertically as long as pieces touch... unprecedented for a conductive material... can smush it into place and it conducts electricity... can be made at room temperatures"

New entanglement hesults Hint at better quantum codes "Besides cryptography, multiparty entanglement... a quantum internet, which link quantum computers... bring together computing power many quantum devices connecting millions of particles varying levels of entanglement across varying distances... entangling three particles in a network spanning two separate labs — though unlike Gu’s team, they weren’t focused on demonstrating nonlocality"

Singapore first to approve protein ‘made from air’ "micro-organisms grow react with gases in bioreactors to make Solein... dried into powder 65 per cent to 70 per cent protein, contains nine essential amino acids... fibre, fats and other nutrientsSolein is produced using a process where a micro-organism is grown using carbon dioxide and renewable electricity. This allows its production to be unaffected by weather and climate conditions... protein powder grown in harsh environments such as deserts, spacecraft feed astronauts" Related:   Solar Foods receives novel food regulatory approval for a protein grown with CO2 and electricity Embrace what may be the most important green technology ever. It could save us all Solar Foods: Scientists of today, farmers of...

2D graphdiyne a potential key element for future generations of energy storage and conversion technologies "interface between building blocks batteries, such as magnesium, lithium, sodium, and potassium... graphdiyne is a highly effective conductor of electricity that allows current to pass along a path with little resistance... stable over time... Stability and controllability are two unprecedented advantages of a graphdiyne interface, and it has the potential to revolutionize the interfacial stability and functions in real scenarios"

Simple machine may pave the way for more powerful cell phones and WiFi "move objects by changing the cross-section trapping channels... attached microscopic fibers to floats... fibers twisted around each other.... crossed two fibers using plastic, a water tank, and stage moves up and down... added third float wit fiber and channels to move floats in braiding pattern... like three-strand hair braid, except each fiber 10X smaller than human hair... floats microscopic.... trap and move colloidal particles 10 micrometers in size... forces gentle grab tiny objects, even with machine big to fit in hand"

Researcher investigate batteries without critical raw materials "The scientists could observe changes in the material during charging and discharging via operando measurements performed in the X-Ray Core Lab at HZB on the LIMAX 160. This helped them to assign the co-intercalation mechanism inside the battery. They could then use this new knowledge to realize a battery with two electrodes that both rely on reversible co-intercalation of solvent molecules"

Researchers design next-generation electrolytes for lithium metal batteries "oxidation-reduction lithium metal in 74 types of electrolytes... ferrocene into all the electrolytes as an IUPAC (International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry) recommended internal standard for electrode potentials. The team proved that there is a correlation between the oxidation-reduction potential of lithium metal and the Coulombic efficiency. They obtained the high Coulombic efficiency with the upshifted oxidation-reduction potential of lithium metal" Related: A first for ferrocene: Organometallic capsule with unusual charge-transfer interactions

Printable circuits that can work on fabric, plastic and even fruit "heat-transferrable thermal paper... ordinary laser printer.... hydrophobic gap air between carbon and liquid metal... prevented sticking when brushed on top... only adhered exposed parts of surface... stuck directly to smooth surface, such as a plastic soda bottle. If uneven placed on a piece of flexible plastic, then onto rougher surface... displaying images, RFID tagging, sensing temperature and sound. The researchers say that this protocol should greatly expand the applications of liquid metal circuits"

Dye-sensitized solar cells achieve a new power conversion efficiency record "With this approach, the team was able to develop DSCs with a power conversion efficiency of 15.2% for the first time under standard global simulated sunlight, with long-term operational stability tested over 500 hours. By increasing the active area to 2.8 cm2, the power conversion efficiency spanned 28.4%—30.2% over a wide range of ambient light intensities along with outstanding stability" Related: Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells: A Breakthrough in Renewable Energy Technology Astronergy’s TOPCon cells achieve 26.9% efficiency Study explores ice-based electricity generation

Record-breaking transparent solar panels pave way for electricity-generating windows "flexible, relatively low-cost and can be made using conventional roll-printing techniques... The latest development pushes the power conversion efficiency to between 28.4-30.2 per cent, while still maintaining long-term operational stability over 500 hours of testing" Related: Breakthrough: Transparent solar cells become more efficient Electricity-generating windows? Swiss scientists design more efficient transparent solar panels Your windows may soon produce wireless Internet connections powered by sunlight See-Through, Energy Efficient Windows Made From Paper

Scaling up the production of vertically aligned, single-walled carbon nanotubes "bulk diffusion gaseous carbon precursor invariant over range process conditions... vertically oriented SWCNTs retained quality when increasing precursor concentration up to 30-fold, catalyst substrate area from 1 cm2 to 180 cm2, growth pressure from 20 to 790 Mbar and gas flowrates eight-fold... growth kinetics accelerated using lighter bath gas aid precursor diffusion... CNT growth recipe and fluid dynamics conditions increase production throughput 6-fold and carbon conversion efficiency 90%"

Increased spacing of solar panels comes with benefits "Increasing spacing could enable more varieties of crops and more types of agricultural equipment to be utilized in agrivoltaic systems... cost-effective and compatible with larger-scale agriculture. By distancing the panels further, the amount of ground-reflected irradiance on a solar module increases and the incidence of modules casting shade on each other decreases. The increased spacing also allows greater wind flow, which can result in lower module temperatures and higher energy output" Related: A green roof or rooftop solar? These can be combined in a biosolar roof, boosting both biodiversity and power output BEC-Energie Consult releases self-supporting PV mounting system Uniting agriculture and solar energy with a payback u...

Functional carbon materials for addressing dendrite problems in metal batteries "multi-dimensional carbon material engineering with a focus on methodologies of regulating/ redistributing ion flux, homogenizing electric field, and alleviating volume expansion. This review has tried to clarify the long-standing debate about the impacts of the defects in FCMs to metal dendrite protection. Finally, the authors have outlined the challenges and perspectives regarding the design and fabrication of smart FCMs for practical applications in metal batteries"

New technology enables the manufacture of materials that mimic the structure of living blood vessels "concentric elastin rings develop naturally within walls implanted tubes... new manufacturing process swift and well-defined... elegant because they are manufactured from just two naturally occurring materials that are well-tolerated by the body... Tropoelastin (the natural building block for elastin) is packaged in an elastic sheath which dissipates gradually and promotes the formation of highly organized, natural mimics of functioning blood vessels... sterile plastic bag until transplantation"

Researchers develop laser that could 'reshape the landscape of integrated photonics' "Fast frequency chirping... LiDAR sensor systems... Frequency conversion capabilities overcome spectral bandwidth limitations of traditional integrated semiconductor lasers... significantly relieve difficulties in developing new wavelength lasers. Narrow wavelength and fast reconfigurability, providing a "fully on-chip laser solution" to probe and manipulate atoms and ions in atomic physics, and benefit AR/VR and other applications at short wavelengths"

Meta-lens offers superior off-axis focus "TiO2 nanopillars atop Distributed Bragg Reflector... sandwich of alternating layers SiO2 and TiO2... 300μm diameter... aperture 0.6 and focal length 200μm... nano-unit cells interface DBR... reshape reflected light wavefront... negligible intrinsic loss and easy fabricate... focus red light with wavelength 633nm, to high-quality point for incident beam with normal angle... focusing quality... does not degrade even when angle of incident beam reaches 30 degrees... optical tweezers to imaging" Related: Wavefront shaping: From telescopes to biological tissue Spiral-shaped lens provides clear vision at a range of distances and lighting conditions

New data transmission record set using a single laser and a single optical chip "single chip could easily carry 1.8 Pbit/s, which—with contemporary state-of-the-art commercial equipment—would otherwise require more than 1,000 lasers... produces a frequency comb with ideal characteristics for fiber-optical communications—it has high optical power and covers a broad bandwidth within the spectral region that is interesting for advanced optical communications"

Sensing food temperature and freshness using laser-induced graphene on eco-friendly and biodegradable commercial paper "synthesizing graphene through local thermal reaction by irradiating laser on carbon-based eco-friendly paper substrate... sensor produced directly on substrate made of cellulose used for food packaging without additional processing... platform that can detect the state of food in continuous real time. Laser-induced graphene... allotropes of carbon like carbon nanotubes, fullerenes, and diamonds... electron mobility enables LIG to sense temperature and high specific surface area allows LIG to detect gas molecules" Related: Tiny pH sensor could be next-gen freshness predictor for packaged food Researchers develop portable color-changing food spoilage sensor Natural-waste pads developed to keep packaged meat fresh

Lithium extraction and geothermal energy, a dynamic duo "co-locating lithium extraction at geothermal power plants potentially change industry... techno-economic analysis to project plant profitability over time in the Salton Sea. Looking at different timelines, financing options, and technologies, the researchers projected that incorporating lithium extraction would result in the biggest potential impacts for geothermal plants: decreasing the cost of electricity generation, shortening the time to plant profitability, and increasing net profits" Related: Costa Rica's 'urban mine' for planet-friendlier lithium Game changer in lithium extraction: Rice researchers develop novel electrochemical reactor Eco-friendly lithium extraction method developed for electric vehicle batteries https://techxplor...

Fully functional TinyTV 2 takes "smaller is better" to a crazy extreme "sports Raspberry Pi RP2040 microprocessor... measures 1.9 x 1.4 x 1.0 in). 1-in IPS-boosted TFT color display resolution 216 x 135 pixels... sits above 0.6 x 0.4-in front-facing speaker. Power by 3.7V/150-mAh lithium-polymer battery... two hours video playback... even smaller TinyTV Mini 1.0 x 0.94 x 0.86 in... 64 x 64-pixel 0.6-in color OLED screen. It's reportedly good for one hour of playback per charge, but can store up to 40 hours of video on its 8GB card... start at US$49" Related: Researchers demonstrate second-generation digital display with perovskite light-emitting diodes

Single-phonon readout and ground-state cooling with trapped electron brings quantum computing one step closer "electron trapped in vacuum interacting with superconducting circuits and trapped ion... able to control temperature electron using microwave fields and optical lasers... oscillation trapped electron... single-phonon readout and ground-state cooling... two hybrid systems they analyzed. "Highly efficient and high-fidelity quantum operations are available in the trapped-electron system," said Osada. "This novel system manifests itself as a new playground for the development of quantum technologies" Related: Theoretical study: Cooling particles with laser light fields

The world’s largest single-phase battery is now online in California "350 MW / 1400 MWh of standalone battery energy storage, delivering flexible power to California’s grid... electricity to power more than 47,000 homes each year... developed by Axium Infrastructure and Canadian Solar"

Sending 1.84 petabits of data per second via a fiber-optic cable over a distance of 7.9 km "This, the researchers noted, allowed for the creation of a frequency comb, by which data was transmitted in different colors through the fiber cable. In addition to transferring huge amounts of data quickly, it also prevents the data streams from interfering with each other. The researchers then put their chip into an optical processing device, which they describe as about the size of a matchbox—they describe the result as a "massively parallel space-and-wavelength multiplexed data transmission" system" See also: Chip can transmit all of the internet's traffic every second Related: The optical fibre that keeps data safe even after being twisted or bent

Team develops a powerful Bragg reflector with ultrahigh refractive index metamaterial "metamaterial that is uniformly arranged with the 1-nanometer-level gaps by assembling spherical gold nanoparticles. This material, which maximizes light-matter interaction, recorded the highest refractive index in the visible and near-infrared regions. The 2D superstructures exhibited the highest-ever refractive index of 7.8. The distributed Bragg reflector (DBR), which is made by stacking these metamaterials and polymer layers with a low refractive index, strongly reflected specific wavelengths" Related: Researchers fabricate mechanical metamaterials with ultra-high energy absorption capacity New technology to assemble three-dimensional structures using gold nanoparticles confined in nanocapsules Fine-tuning gold nanopartic...

New, efficient phase change microcapsules for storing solar energy "suspension polymerization... microcapsules using scanning electron microscopy, energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy, and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy... microcapsules spherical and nano-SiC particles embedded in CLPS shells, aiding heat transfer and photothermal conversion efficiency... superior photothermal conversion and thermal conductivity... 1.25 wt% nano-SiC doping demonstrated best performance 54.9% photothermal conversion efficiency... multifunctional phase change microcapsules"

Breakthrough in optical information transmission: A one-way street for optical vortices "sound waves propagate one direction break light transmission reciprocity... topology-selective Brillouin-Mandelstam scattering in chiral photonic crystal fiber allows for a unidirectional interaction of vortex-carrying light waves with traveling sound waves... optical vortex can be strongly suppressed or amplified with a well-designed control light... significant vortex isolation rate, preventing random backscattering and signal degradation in the system... first nonreciprocal vortex modes...happen on higher-order modes" Related: Picking up the statistics of good vibrations in Brillouin-Mandelstam scattering

University of Michigan fires up ultrafast, ultrapowerful ZEUS laser "multi-laser beam capability... intensity million times higher than single laser... colliding vacuum multi-GeV electron beam produced by one beam with tightly focused laser... enable exploring structure of quantum vacuum and produce matter and antimatter—electron and positron pairs... pump-probe experiments using femtosecond x-rays... probe plasma processes or to explore broader applications such as material science, medical imaging, etc" Related: World's most powerful laser to be built in UK and will be 'million, billion, billion' times brighter than the sun

The End of Moore’s Law "connection speeds are an issue... solution is edge computing, where devices access storage and processing power located near user... handle all processing and data storage, or function as gateway process data before sent to storage... 5G used mainly by IoT devices... cloud and edge computing, devices only need processing power to handle most common everyday tasks, with peaks of processing outsourced greater reliance on connection stability, and security weaker when data leaves building"

Skeleton Technologies launches its SuperBattery and unveils Shell as partner "ultrafast charging < 90 seconds... help mining companies reduce emissions without compromising efficiency... patented Curved Graphene material allows 100x faster charging... can be charged in less than a minute, therefore requiring much less charging time spent per day: less than an hour... 50,000 life cycles, and is free from cobalt, copper, nickel, and graphite. It is also much safer than a lithium-ion battery, even when crushed, overheated, or pierced" Related: Semi-solid flow battery tech promises to lower production costs by up to 40% Leclanché reports breakthrough in environmentally-friendly battery production It's your...

Thinnest ferroelectric material ever paves the way for new energy-efficient devices "stable ferroelectricity in ultrathin layer of zirconium dioxide half nanometer thick... 200,000 times thinner than a human hair. The team grew this material directly on silicon. They found ferroelectricity emerges in zirconium dioxide—normally a nonferroelectric material—when it is grown extremely thin, approximately 1-2 nanometers in thickness... ferroelectric behavior continues to its near-atomic-scale thickness limit half nanometer... switc polarization with small voltage" Related: A theoretical approach to ferroelectricity in hafnia-related materials

An efficient and highly performing memristor-based reservoir computing system "fully analog signal processing in real-time using an RC hardware system. This demonstration ultimately allowed them to reliably evaluate their system's overall power consumption... relationship between electrical characteristics of physical nodes and system performance... threshold and extracted from characteristics of dynamic memristor nodes... impact on reservoir quality... ranges and other findings guide for the future design and optimization... low power consumption and affordable hardware costs"

Scientists find novel way to optimize thermoelectric properties of bismuth telluride alloys "thermoelectric properties BTS-xvol % Ag9AlSe6 (x= 0, 0.15, 0.25, 0.35, 0.50 and 0.70)... introducing N-type nanoparticles Ag9AlSe6 into BTS.... Ag9AlSe6 nanoparticles added to BTS, the phonon scattering and phase boundary were enhanced, the Seebeck coefficient was enhanced and the thermal conductivity was reduced... thermoelectric performance... improved by 40% compared with the original BTS, and the ZTmax value reaches 1.2 (423K).... ZTave of BTS-0.50vol% Ag9AlSe6 was 1.1 (300K-473K)" Related: Mg3(Sb,Bi)2-based materials and devices rivaling bismuth telluride for thermoelectric power generation and cooling A strategy to design better materials for thermoelectric power generation Researchers realize multi-heterojunctioned plastics with hig...

The successful integration of a sub-0.5nm dielectric with 2D semiconductors "integration sub-0.5-nm-EOT dielectrics in top-gated 2D transistors...integration with sub-0.5-nm-EOT ultrathin high-κ dielectric, has been overcome... integrating 2D semiconductors with high-k dielectrics. In the future, the material that they created and the method introduced in their paper could be used to create smaller and highly-performing FETs that are not adversely impacted by short-channel effects"

Improved cathode material for electric vehicle batteries packs up to 25% more energy for longer drives "adding lithium compound, mix in inert salt, melt mixture anneal at high temperature... wash away salt and anneal again... particle geometry will change. With conventional synthesis, on the other hand, there's really not much you can do to affect morphology," study co-author and Skoltech MSc student Alina Pavlova explained... same energy storage capacity per unit mass as the commercial analogs but had greater energy density, enabling more power to be packed into the same limited space" Related: New electrode wastes no space to offer EV batteries a 25% density boost

Generate renewable energy with balcony solar panels "attach to balcony or fence... reduce energy bills up to 25%... The panels come with mounting straps, a micro-inverter, and a plug. They can be attached to a balcony railing or privacy screen. Once installed, connected, and plugged in, you immediately start generating energy during the daytwo to three-kilowatt hours... app view energy generated ... panels retail for €1299"

Researchers develop efficient oxygen catalysts for lithium-oxygen batteries "Mn3O4 NS/G with the (101) facets and enriched oxygen vacancies offered lower charge overpotential 0.86 V than Mn3O4 nanoparticles on graphene (1.15 V)... long-term stability 1,300 hours and ultrahigh specific capacity 35,583 mAh/g at 200 mA/g, outperforming Mn-based oxides... lower adsorption energy of Mn3O4 (101) for the discharge product Li2O2 in comparison with Mn3O4 (211), manifesting the easier decomposition of Li2O2 during the charging process" Related: Chemical crossover accelerates degradation of electrode in high energy density rechargeable lithium–oxygen batteries A new benchmark for high-performance carbon cathodes in lithium-oxygen batteries

Water pipes hold flood of untapped electricity potential "1.41GW, enough to power around one million homes... through pipes, irrigation channels, and aqueducts... conduit hydroelectric generators plugged into grids: the 1.41GW figure is probably way lower than the actual potential" Related:  Natel Energy MyHydro fish friendly turbine power generator

MetPeel manufacturing process for making steel sheet and strip using a unique low-temperature, single-step process in place of conventional fossil-fired hot rolling "More than 99 percent world’s steel rolled after casting... requires repeated fossil-fired heating... 1 percent all greenhouse gas emissions... replaces with low-temperature, single-step mechanical process... machining or peeling a continuous, thin metal strip directly from a solid metal feedstock surface in one single step without the need for external heating. MetPeel’s one-step process has the potential to eliminate 1.4 billion tons of CO₂ emissions annually by 2050" Related: A new way to recycle steel could reduce the industry's carbon footprint Innovative Biochar Breakthrough to Decarbonise Steel Industry China’s breakthrough transforms iron production efficiency

A universe of sensors on an all-in-one wireless platform "time-of-flight tracker, light intensity sensor, gas sensor, noise-measuring microphone, pressure sensor... modular design... choice of interfaces, chemical sensors... select sensor... automatic tests platform when a Swarmy system connected to PC.. sensor-actuator platform allows for a multitude of uses and is a good candidate for distributed systems in many scenarios. Our list includes only a few selected uses out of the many possible applications... integrating swarm robotics capabilities" Related: New nanowire sensors are the next step in the Internet of Things

Discovery of exciton pairs could enable next-gen technology "small, lightweight and versatile nature of this new semiconductor structure, which isn't visible to the naked eye, means it can be incorporated into a range of miniature technologies, with promising implications for the space sector, quantum lasers and other quantum light sources... Professor Lu said the next challenge is to figure out a way to make the exciton super highway function at room temperature—an essential next step to integrating the technology into our smart devices"

Fast-as-lightning 3D microprinting with two lasers "blue laser diodes project images into liquid resin using high-resolution display... high frame rate... red laser formed into thin light sheet beam and crosses blue beam vertically... micrometer-sized parts in hundred milliseconds... With more sensitive resins, we could even use LEDs instead of lasers in our 3D printer," says Professor Martin Wegener of APH. "Ultimately, we want to print 3D structures that are centimeters in size, while maintaining micrometer resolution and high printing speeds"

A catalyst alloying platinum with a rare earth element could slash fuel cell costs "readily available lanthanum salts and trimesic acid, self-assembled themselves into nano-scale "rods." These nanorods were then impregnated with platinum at 900°C. This very high temperature is necessary to ensure a smooth process of alloying the two metals. The resultant platinum-lanthanum nanoparticles were then stress-tested for their performance in a fuel cell. The alloy electrocatalyst surpassed the researchers' expectations, delivering superior stability and activity even after 30,000 fuel-cell cycles" Related: New study reveals remarkable impact of intrinsic spin shielding in platinum-rare earth alloys on electrocatalysis Researchers develop fast and energy-saving synthesis method for new electrocatalysts

Rooftop wind energy innovation claims 50% more energy than solar at same cost "bladeless... leverages aerodynamics... capture and amplify building’s airflow... 10% space required by solar panels and generates round-the-clock... 20 to 40 units on edge of building facing predominant wind...  testing the Aeromine system at a manufacturing plant in Wyandotte, Michigan " See also: Aeromine motionless wind unit These Mini Wind Generators With No Spinning Blades Can Power Homes and Buildings Related:   Next-Generation Wind Technology How The Liam F1 Wind Turbine Will Destroy Every Home Renewable Energy Source  see also: A Silent Wind Turb...

Physicists have developed a new photonic system with electrically tuned topological features "perovskites information processing high energy efficiency... excitons... two-dimensional perovskite... coupled with photons trapped in two-dimensional optical cavity filled with liquid crystal... phase transition to non-equilibrium Bose-Einstein condensate... superfluid room temperature... strong light... photonic energy bands with non-zero Berry curvature... optical spin-orbit effects... twist liquid crystal molecules at surface of mirrors... topological energy bands in ultracold atomic gasses and photonics" Related: Predictably synthesizing a library of white-light-emitting perovskites Tailoring quantum oscillations of a Bose-Einstein condensate of excitons as qubits First evidence of quantum superchemistry observed in lab h...

Analyzing a new material that promises faster, higher resolution displays " indium, tin, zinc and oxygen seven times faster...  higher electron mobility... in ITZO films sufficient thickness free charges accumulate at interface with carrier material enable passing-through electrons travel through unhindered...  electron mobility proportional to free travel time of charge carriers divided by effective mass...   effective mass  significantly smaller... free travel time higher " Related:  A new material to help improve displays on smartphones, computers, and televisions

Improving battery safety and efficiency for electric vehicles "3D scaffold and infused molten lithium... nanosheets magnesium-aluminum double oxide... lithiophilic,... attracts lithium generate alloy medium... molten lithium drawn toward nanosheets... capillary action... brought through 3D scaffold... facilitates transient infiltration of molten lithium into 3D host... stable 3D composite lithium anode... formed tubular dendrites... small thickness fluctuation 3%... 100 charging cycles efficiency 98.6%" Related: Engineers solve a mystery on the path to smaller, lighter batteries Study defines a crucial parameter for the suppression of lithium dendrites in all-solid-state LiBs Team develops organic redox polymer for aluminum-ion batteries with improved storage capacity

Research team develops a theory to improve the energy efficiency of electronic devices "electronic correlation that occurs strongly in this type of molecules studied, by which it is possible to take advantage of 100% of the energy that is emitted in the form of visible light on any screen... each pixels screen... mobile phones, tablets... made up of molecules emit red, green, and blue... battery activates these molecules to emit light (electroluminescence) so that they first reach their maximum level of excitation and then decay, and it is this loss of energy that results in the emission of color" Related: A primary battery system for efficient remediation of cadmium pollution and electricity generation

Boosting eco-friendly battery performance using catalysts with unconventional phase nanostructures "combination experiments and theoretical calculations... 4H/fcc Ir nanostructures created through phase engineering favorable for reversible formation amorphous/low-crystalline discharge products lowering overpotential and promoting cycling stability electrochemical redox reactions... phase 4H/fcc Ir nanostructures performed better than common fcc Ir, and achieved outstanding charge potential and energy efficiency compared to other metal-based catalysts used in aprotic Li-CO2 batteries" Related: Breakthrough in Z-alkene synthesis: Scientists develop efficient and sustainable method

UVA materials science engineers work on new material for computer chips "ferroelectric phase... higher number oxygen vacancies... X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy... calculate oxygen vacancy concentrations... undercount oxygen vacancies... one parameters stabilize ferroelectric phase... overturns conventional wisdom suggested size of crystal stabilizes hafnium oxide... three samples with equal grain sizes and different oxygen vacancy concentrations.... phases present varied... oxygen vacancy concentration more important than grain size"

NASA invents ‘incredible’ battery for electric planes "increase the battery’s discharge rate by a factor of 10 using innovative new materials that have yet to be used in batteries... eliminate 30 to 40 per cent of the battery’s weight, it also allows us to double or even triple the energy it can store, far exceeding the capabilities of lithium-ion batteries that are considered to be state of the art... experimental X-57 aircraft, nicknamed Maxwell, which replaces fuel-powered propellers with an all-electric propulsion system" Related: NASA CEO: "This New Battery Will Destroy The Entire EV Industry!" EnerVenue NASA grid-scale nickel-hydrogen battery: 30,000 charge cycles, 90% round-trip efficiency, 30 year lifetime and 3 kWh energy capacity NASA's Breakthrough In Battery Tech Paves Way For Electric Aviation

Scientists demonstrate that electricity may be obtainable from water with a high salt concentration "Using a single 20-nm-sized nanopore, the device reached a peak power efficiency of 400 kW/m2. However, the researchers found that adding too many nanopores to the membrane actually reduced the power that could be extracted. The optimal configuration of pores, 100-nm-sized nanopores arranged in a grid with a spacing of one micrometer, yielded an osmotic power density of 100 W/m2" Related: Producing Renewable Energy with Osmotic Power Nanofluidic device generates power with saltwater Nanotech Breakthrough Converts Seawater into Renewable Energy

Battery tech breakthrough paves way for mass adoption of affordable electric car   "internal thermal modulation, active method of temperature control demand best performance from battery... ultrathin nickel foil as fourth component besides anode, electrolyte and cathode... nickel foil self-regulates battery's temperature and reactivity... 10-minute fast charging... not enough raw minerals for every internal combustion engine car to be replaced by a 150 kWh-equipped EV, fast charging is imperative for EVs to go mainstream"

Sleep mode makes Energy Internet more energy efficient "sparse control, where the terminal’s actuators are active part of the time and are in sleep mode for the rest of the time. In sleep mode, they do not consume fuel or electricity, leading to efficient energy saving and reducing environmental and noise pollution.  Although sparse control has been used with a single actuator, it does not necessarily provide good performance when multiple actuators are used. The problem of determining how to do this for multiple actuators is called the ‘maximum turn-off control problem’

Heat-proof chaotic carbides could revolutionize aerospace technology "14 different high-entropy recipes demonstrate plasmonic properties across the near-infrared and visible spectrum of light, making them good candidates for optical and telecommunication applications. They also worked with Douglas Wolfe, professor of materials science and engineering and the metals, ceramics, coating processing department head for the applied research laboratory at Penn State, to prove their theory experimentally" Related: A fiber-tapering technique that combines plasmonic heaters and deformed optical fibers

Important breakthrough in quantum computing could lead to more efficient batteries and solar cells "low-energy properties correlated electronic systems cannot solved by classical computers... scalable algorithm observing ground-state properties of Fermi-Hubbard model... design materials... more effective solar cells and batteries, high-temperature superconductors... simplest materials system includes non-trivial correlations beyond captured classical methods... lowest-energy (ground) state of the Fermi-Hubbard model enables the user to calculate key physical properties of the model" Related: Universal parity quantum computing, a new architecture that overcomes performance limitations New form of uni­ver­sal quan­tum com­put­ers

Charging cars at home at night is not the way to go, study finds "less home charging and more daytime charging... Western U.S. need less generating capacity and storage... not waste as much solar and wind power... rethink electricity pricing structures as their EV charging needs increase and grid changes... Once 50 percent cars powered electricity western U.S.... 5.4 gigawatts energy storage needed if charging habits follow current course... capacity equivalent 5 nuclear reactors... shift to charging at work instead home reduce storage needed EVs to 4.2 gigawatts"

New technique to trap soundwaves and light on a chip in large-scale circuits "low-loss multilayer silicon nitride nanophotonic circuits confine optical and acoustic waves... 50 cm spiral waveguides... traps soundwave prevents acoustic leakage... RF cancelation notch filter... integration stimulated Brillouin scattering large circuits... integrated with other emerging technologies such as tunable lasers, frequency combs, and programmable photonic circuits, potentially giving them a part in the future development of fields ranging from telecommunications to quantum computing" Related: Topological acoustic waveguide to help reduce unwanted energy consumption in electronics Researchers realize complete family of logic gates using silicon-on-silica waveguides at 1.55 μm Quantum plasmonics with dressing EM fields: ...

Extending the range of battery electric vehicles using better models and cell balancing "increasing accuracy prediction models, predictions apply for longer periods time... reduction complex computations... active balancing... mitigate negative influence weak cells... supporting with energy from stronger cells... larger range... extend effective lifespan battery 10%... more efficient modeling, facilitates accurate and efficient state estimation, more effective use available energy battery pack through active cell balancing... lowers initial cost, and extends effective lifespan"

Computational shortcut for neural networks "derived mathematical expressions phase transitions discovered faster... .... Neural networks have already become quite good at detecting phase transitions”, says Arnold, “but how exactly they do it usually remains completely obscure.” To change that situation and shine some light into the “black box” of a neural network, Arnold and Schäfer looked at the special case of networks with an infinite number of parameters... time to calculate... as long as single training round of small network"

World's whitest paint now thinner than ever, ideal for vehicles "nanoporous paint incorporating hexagonal boron nitride... solar reflectance (97.9%)... single 150-micron layer paint... radiant cooling cars, trains and airplanes... Hexagonal boron nitride high refractive index, strong scattering of sunlight... effective bouncing back solar radiation... incorporates voids air... porous on nanoscale... weighs 80% less than barium sulfate paint... cool airplanes, cars or trains... airplane sitting on tarmac won't run air conditioning as hard... Spacecraft" Related: Temperature-sensing building material changes color to save energy UCF develops super light paint without pigments Researchers create world's first energy-saving paint—inspired by butterflies

Brick toaster aims to cut global CO2 output by 15% in 15 years "pull heat out 98% efficiency... cheap industrial heat storage... costs one fifth... optimized for low cost, super-fast deployment and scale, and capable holding heat 1,500 °C... cover approximately 80% of industrial heat requirements globally. Down the track, using more expensive heaters and brick materials chosen for the purpose, he says it's possible to hit 1,800 °C (3,272 °F) or so, which brings steelmaking into range, and would cover somewhere around 92% of industrial use cases" Related: Saudi oil giant Aramco and thermal energy storage firm Rondo in GW-scale deployment MOU Decarbonizing heavy industry with thermal batteries

Breakthrough zero-energy Enertia® Homes heat and cool without electric or fossil energy "thermal inertia instead of air tightness and super "R" value... Fumes from new vinyl, particle board... were outgassing in tight energy-efficient houses affecting air quality... if the energy could be stored in the structure itself, not the insulated-tight "Icebox" concept of trapping the air, everyone would be much healthier... design life 100X solar panels, electric cars, and windmills, which replaced periodically... sustainability and economy, safety, thick mass timber walls fire resistant and survive hurricane winds" Related: Breakthrough Heating System that Generates Free Electricity Debuts in New Simsbury, CT Apartment Building Eco-friendly foam can in...