Innovation in solar panels generates 1,000x more power
"Ferroelectric... spatially separated positive and negative charges... SiLi-nano. The charge separation leads to an asymmetric structure that enables electricity to be generated from light. Unlike silicon, ferroelectric crystals do not require a so-called pn junction to create the photovoltaic effect, in other words, no positively and negatively doped layers. This makes it much easier to produce the solar panels"
See also:
Crystal arrangement results in 1,000x more power from ferroelectric solar cells
Development of Ferroelectric Solar Cells of Barium Strontium Titanate (BaxSr1-xTiO3) for Subtituting Conventional Battery in LAPAN-IPB Satellite (LISAT)
Revolutionary Solar Panels: New Ferroelectric Crystals Boost Photovoltaic Effect by 1000x
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Molecular ferroelectrics drive two-dimensional thin film solar cells
Near-invisible solar cells generate power 1000x more efficiently
Elon Musk Just LAUNCHED A Revolutionary New Solar Panel Made of Ferroelectric Crystals
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