Team uses hot water to form photocatalyst

"jointly forming and combining organic and inorganic substances in the same reaction vessel—specifically, an inorganic solid that encloses organic dye molecules. When exposed to light, which is by and large the most environmentally friendly energy resource, the hybrid material functions like a catalyst, i.e., a photocatalyst. Since the photocatalyst is a solid, it can be used multiple times"


Advancing our mastery of stereoselective photoredox reactions to produce mirror-image molecules

First visible-light induced simultaneous cleavage of C-C and C-N bonds with polyoxometalate photocatalyst

An improved, visible light-harvesting catalyst to speed up reactions

New type of visible-light responsive photocatalyst is efficient, stable and very economical

Heterogeneous catalysis via light-heat dual activation: A path to the breakthrough in C1 chemistry
