Investigating an innovative solution for thermal energy storage

"What our method does is it completely decouples the two," i.e., the energy density and power density... Their insight was that application of slight pressure to a melting PCM can solve the problem simply by keeping the PCM right next to the heat source that is melting it"


Bill Gates, Chris Sacca Invest in tech for Net Zero Emissions in Heavy Industries (Antora Energy) See also: Antora Energy Begins Production of Highly-Efficient Thermophotovoltaic (TPV) Cells in New 2MW Manufacturing Facility Ultra-hot carbon batteries promise super-cheap heat and energy storage

Heat storage: Scientists develop material that is stable, efficient and eco-friendly

UK startup develops Brayton pumped thermal tech for renewables storage

MIT alumni's thermal battery enables 24/7 renewable energy (Antora)

Bill Gates-Backed Startup Pilots Unique Battery to Help Heavy Industry

Can Antora Energy Solve Green Energy Challenge For Industry?
