Researchers design molecule that boosts performance of lithium-oxygen car batteries

"an Li-O2 battery operated via a new quenching/mediating mechanism that relies on the direct chemical reactions between a versatile molecule and superoxide radical/Li2O2. The battery exhibits a 46-fold increase in discharge capacity, a low charge overpotential of 0.7 V, and an ultralong cycle life greater than 1400 cycles. "PDI-TEMPO molecule opens a new avenue"


It’s in the air – battery research takes up the charge

"aimed to deliver maximum energy density through breathing air to generate electricity... capacity of next-generation lithium-oxygen batteries to extend the driving range between charges... created the possibility of developing a long-life, energy-dense lithium-oxygen battery that was highly efficient"

Researchers design molecule that boosts performance of lithium-oxygen car batteries

Lithium-Air Batteries: The next big step in the world of batteries

The novel chemistry behind ultra-high power density batteries

Practical lithium-air battery shows 3x the energy density of today's best electric-vehicle batteries

New design for lithium-air battery could offer much longer driving range compared with the lithium-ion battery

Redox mediator improves performance and lifespan of Li-O2 batteries
