Bionic Eyes Give Sheep Sight, Heading to Humans Next

"wirelessly relaying a camera feed from a small camera attached to a pair of sunglasses in the form of electric signals directly to the wearer’s retinas, according to the BBC‘s reporting. These signals then get processed by the optical nerve and sent into the brain... Phoenix 99 could become commonplace in a matter of years"


Their bionic eyes are now obsolete and supported

Google teases smart glasses prototype that translates languages in real time

A step closer to treatment for the most common form of blindness

Lab-grown retinal eye cells make successful connections, open door for clinical trials to treat blindness

Researchers take key step toward new treatment for hereditary blindness

Lab-Grown Retinas to Restore Vision Are a Step Closer to Human Trials

A thin-film optogenetic visual prosthesis

New gene-editing technique reverses vision loss in mice

Bio-inspired device captures images by mimicking human eye

Research team develops the prosthesis of the future, the first in the world with magnetic control
