Inside The Silicon Valley Race To Live Forever
"500 labs globally with a clear focus in this area – 15 to 20 of which are in the UK – and 25 drugs in various stages of testing. ‘That’s likely five or 10 times greater than it was two decades ago... around 25% of human longevity is inherited... dietary supplements that boost levels of nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD) – a molecule that supports cellular function that your body produces less of as you age"
A jump through time – new technique rewinds the age of skin cells by 30 years
New intranasal and injectable gene therapy for healthy life extension
Anti-aging breakthrough dials up fatty acid signaling to boost longevity
Reverse aging for humans? Scientists come one step closer with mice trials
We helped track 77 species for up to 60 years to try to reveal the secrets of long life. Some don't seem to age at all
Calming the destructive cells of ALS by two independent approaches
‘Miracle molecules’ discovered? Scientists find compound that reverses aging, develop ‘longevity drug’
Hypertension drug could be repurposed to delay aging, study finds
Anti-aging gene shown to rewind heart age by ten years
Ultimate anti-aging remedy is ultrasound therapy? Sound waves show ‘fountain of youth’ effect on cells
Scientists identify drug that could extend lifespan
Loss of Epigenetic Information Can Drive Aging, Restoration Can Reverse It
Anti-inflammatory drug turns back time, makes aging blood young again
IIT Guwahati Developed a Special Protein that Converts Human Skin Cells to Heart Cells
Ultrasound Therapy Can Awaken 'Zombie' Cells And Reverse Aging, Study Finds
Donor motor neurons could restore muscle function in ALS
Transposable elements study reveals potential methods to stop aging
New drug-like molecule extends lifespan, ameliorates pathology in worms and boosts function in mammalian muscle cells
Immunotherapy research shows potential to extend healthy lifespan of humans
Chinese scientists unleash age-reversing hydrogen therapy
Japanese researchers identify protein with potential to prevent aging
Scientists Extend Life Span in Mice by Restoring This Brain-Body Connection
With modification, CAR T cells can attack senescent cells, leading to slower aging in mice
A 50% reversal of rat aging through young porcine plasma nanoparticles study: Reversal of Biological Age in Multiple Rat Organs by Young Porcine Plasma Fraction 2nd prize winner
Mouse study finds small extracellular vesicles from young blood extend lifespan and restore physiological functions
Young Plasma Rejuvenates Blood DNA Methylation Profile, Extends Mean Lifespan, and Improves Physical Appearance in Old Rats
Harvard professor Dr David Sinclair accused of 'selling snake oil' after pushing 'unscientific' pill said to reverse aging in dogs - and resigns from prestigious academy over backlash
Frozen human brain tissue works perfectly when thawed 18 months later
Consumption of Olive Oil and Diet Quality and Risk of Dementia-Related Death
Scientists discover switching off inflammatory protein leads to longer, healthier lifespans in mice see also: Scientists identify interleukin-11 as key driver of aging Scientists Develop Breakthrough Anti-Ageing Drug That Extends Lifespan by 25%
Commonly used drug may extend women's fertility, claim scientists—what you need to know about rapamycin [improve the lifespan of older mice by 10%.]
Implanting aged oocytes in young follicles can produce rejuvenated eggs, researchers find
Metformin found to reduce organ aging in male monkeys
Key Enzyme Found to Drive Inflammation in Aging Cells
Protein subunit AP2A1, might be partly responsible for the peculiar structural arrangement of senescent cells
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