Phoenix99 Bionic Eye Ready For Human Trials
Two Articles
"retinitis pigmentosa, and those living with severe vision impairment... small video camera attached to a pair of glasses and captures the visual scene in front of the user... converted into a wireless signal... decoded... transmitted to the communication module... bypass the malfunctioning cells that have lost their ability to respond to light... stimulates the still functioning retinal ganglion cells... transmitting it to the brain"
A retina-inspired device that can detect and recognize movements in the environment
"(2D) device inspired by the human retina that can detect movements, store motion data and analyze it. This all-in-one device... far less bulky than existing devices for motion recognition, yet it can recognize moving objects with high accuracy... can produce a positive/negative antagonistic non-volatile output under illumination. The integration of sensing, memory and computing... motion and edge detection... recognize moving objects with significantly greater accuracy"
Related: Tiny device mimics human vision and memory abilities
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