HB11 Energy's radiationless hydrogen-boron fusion looks simple but requires extreme lasers
A large empty metal sphere with a hydrogen-boron pellet at the center. Laser 1 sends a pulse to turn the pellet into a plasma. This pulse also creates a magnetic containment field for the plasma. Laser 2 then sends a pulse to trigger an “avalanche” fusion chain reaction. Almost no neutrons emitted and temperatures far lower than other approaches (no steam turbines). High speed alpha particles emerge in a tight beam and pass through coils of wire, moving electrons and producing electricity.
Update: HB11 Energy raised $A 4.6M in an over-subscribed pre-seed financing round
HB11: the Australian start-up pursuing a new form of fusion
Advances in the Study of Laser-Driven Proton-Boron Fusion’ Special Issue – Call for Papers
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Switch Current Up, Negative Pulse Down
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https://mailchi.mp/lppfusion/report-december-30-2022-4x5k81qdu5-8747057?e=e77967329b see also: Is the Proton a Plasmoid? https://mailchi.mp/lppfusion/part-2-of-march-16-2023-report-8754157?e=e77967329b
Group Touts Milestone for Hydrogen-Boron Fusion Power
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